Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 106: Tiger Roar Fist

Seeing a group of people who came to be unkind, Long Wanyi snorted in her heart and her face instantly paled.

The festival between the Iron Bone Sect and the Tianyuan Sect was not a day or two, and they fought for resources all the year round.

If it falls into the hands of this group of people, the end will be extremely miserable.

"A true disciple from a big power, he has a lot of pockets, and I have already enjoyed it for you." The old man with magical powers smiled.

Lu Chenfei has too many treasures, and this group of people didn't want to offend the Tianyun Sect at the beginning, but after snatching away Lu Chenfei's waist card, they saw money.

Now that they and Zhi Tao are grasshoppers on the same rope, it is naturally impossible to let Lu Chenfei leave alive, only to kill people.

"This little girl has a nice look, so the disciples take turns to have a refreshing."

"The saint of the Iron Bone Sect, becoming a plaything of my sect's disciple, I am excited just thinking about it."


The lustful laughter sounded continuously, and then released their breath one after another, and fought in the dungeon.

"Everyone, start gently, don't kill this kid, or you will lose the fun." Zhi Tao stood behind and pointed.


As soon as a Qi Refining Quadruple Warrior approached, Lu Chenfei raised his hand and killed him.

With a full punch, his head burst.

The shot was fierce and decisive, without any muddle, scarlet blood gushing out, shocking many people present.

"This kid is very skilled, with the top Meditation Sutra, don't act carelessly!" someone said loudly.

"Capture him alive, torture him severely, and be sure to ask him out of the Meditation Sutra."

The dungeon is very small, dark and humid, and the lights are flickering.

"Do you know that the person you offend will soon become the Son of Heavenly Cloud Sect?"

Lu Chenfei shouted in a cold voice, hot blood was flowing in his feet, and the ground was muddy.

"What can the Son of Heavenly Cloud Sect? In this remote place, you die and you die. As long as you handle the funeral, no one will find a clue."

This group of people became greedy and blinded by wealth.

In addition to Zhi Tao's instigation and bewitching, it is bound to kill Lu Chenfei.


The sound of fighting continued.

Soon, it was another warrior who was shattered by Lu Chenfei's head with a punch, and his whole body hit the wall, shaking to pieces.

Under the supernatural powers, even unarmed, it is more than enough to deal with this group.

When he was jealous, it was just two elders in the supernatural power realm.

Facing the **** killing, the two magical warriors finally couldn't stand it anymore. One of them took out the black pot he had captured and attacked Lu Chenfei.

The other is holding Chaos Ruyi and guarding the exit.

"Wishful wish, follow my heart, and show up quickly!"

Lu Chenfei's mind moved, and the chaos and wishful thinking turned into a stream of light, which quickly appeared in his hands.

This is his treasure, and if others want to get involved, it is simply a dream.

"Be careful! This kid's wish can be transformed into any weapon." Zhi Tao exclaimed.


In the next second, Lu Chenfei held a long sword in his hand and swept continuously.

The reason why supernatural powers are called supernatural powers is that they can master more advanced and surprisingly powerful techniques.

Without using the exercises, and even when the meditation scriptures are suppressed, the skin and bones can't hold the offensive of Chaos Ruyi even hard.

"Tiger Roar God Fist!"

The black pot old man burst out, and a phantom appeared on his fists.

With every punch, you could see a white tiger rushing towards Lu Chenfei frantically.

In an instant, the chaos and wishful thinking turned into a shield, blocking the front.

Facing the tyrannical offensive, Lu Chenfei retreated again and again, and was soon forced into the corner.

"Lu Gongzi, you find a way to escape, don't worry about me."

At this time, Long Wanyi's words sounded, and Qiao's face showed a determined color.

With her strength, she couldn't escape this dungeon at all. She only hoped that Lu Chenfei could leave and go to the Iron Bone Sect to rescue soldiers.

If they don't leave, both of them may hate this place.

"Don't be silly, in the Sky Cloud Sect, there is no one who flees."

Lu Chenfei smiled softly and said, "Besides, how can I bear to see you being abused?"

When the words fell, Long Wanyi was startled, and when she looked at Lu Chenfei again, her expression in her eyes seemed to change a lot.

"In that case, if we die together!"

At this moment, she lay down her heart and was bound to fight the enemy to the death.


Suddenly, shouts of killing sounded outside.

After listening carefully, it was Jikan, Du Jing and others, as if a dawn of hope had ignited.

After discovering that Lu Chenfei had always been inexplicably, Du Jing quickly assembled his manpower, followed the coordinates of the waist card and directly killed the Tian Yuanzong, pushing all the way horizontally, no one could stop him.

"I'll stay here to take him, you guys go out and see the situation."

The black pot old man was surprised and attacked frantically, trying to break through the hard shield in front of him.

But before the Tianyuanzong master left the dungeon, the men and horses had already been killed, blood gurgling all the way, and floating corpses everywhere.

"Zhi Tao, I didn't expect you to instigate everything behind your back and take a shot from Lao Tzu!"

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the journal rode a white horse, shot out like a dragon, and broke into the dungeon first.

There were many elders around, but unfortunately they were not opponents, and the blood was constantly splashing, embarrassing the enemy of One.

"Fuck! What a trash."

Facing the killing, Zhi Tao's shoulder was pierced by a silver spear, enduring the severe pain, and yelling: "I want you to kill Lu Chenfei as soon as possible, but I don't listen. I have to ask the Meditation Sutra. Is something serious now?"

"Fuck! Don't be jerky here." Someone was furious, and overthrew Zhitao.

Seeing their own disciples being mercilessly slaughtered, the high-level members of Tian Yuanzong were all angered and faced the enemy with all their strength.

Taking advantage of the chaos of the crowd, Zhi Tao escaped by chance and ran straight to the tomb of Tianyuan Saint.

The two sects are shopping together, and there is no one on the head of the grave. With his ill-fated luck, he will be able to profit.

"Go, let's rush out together."

Lu Chenfei put away the shield, and the chaos was turned into armor. It was not a good fit, but it did not affect his actions.

"Want to escape? Haha..."

The black pot old man sneered, stopped in front, and shouted loudly: "Today you are going to die. Let my disciple be buried with you!"

"Old guy, are you addicted to the danger?"

Lu Chenfei sneered, relying on his armor superiority to resist a few offensives, and retreat several steps continuously until he leaned against the wall to stabilize his figure.

Not only that, but he still felt his internal organs churning.

The gap between supernatural powers and Qi refining is really too big, just like a chasm that ordinary people can't bridge.

In the next moment, billions of golden runes bloomed and rushed away again.

"Negative Yu stubbornly resisted, in front of absolute strength, you are nothing!"

The old man in the black pot attacked again, knowing that there was no way out, and he would not be reconciled if he didn't pull back.

The tiger's fist attacked continuously.

Lu Chenfei discovered that the old guy was nothing but this technique.

"From the beginning to the end, in addition to the Tiger Howling Fist, it is the Tiger Howling Fist, aren't you tired?" Lu Chenfei showed contempt.

Among the big sects, after the supernatural powers, you have to learn five or six exercises.

And true disciples learn more exercises, not only to learn the master's famous skills, but also dozens of low-end exercises as a foil.

"Death to the old man!"

Faced with being ridiculed, the black pot old man was furious, and he attacked with a few successive tigers and fists.

He estimated that even if Lu Chenfei had armor on his body, it would be alive and well in the long run.

However, he underestimated the Primordial Divine Body, its powerful self-healing ability.

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