Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 110: Canonization ceremony (middle)

Under the leadership of Lu Chenfei, several true disciples behind him lit incense and bowed their heads to worship.


I don't know who it is, but there is a subtle cry.

The Ninth Elder stood behind and paid attention, but at this moment, his teeth were almost broken, and he stared at Wen Qinliang fiercely.

He wasn't dead yet, this apprentice actually cried at his spiritual position.

If the occasion weren't too solemn, he could now bloom Wen Qinliang's **** and hang it on the beam of the house! Hit with a mace!

"End of ceremony!"

The old man said in a deep voice, this old man is Lu Chenfei's real master.

He is dressed in dusty linen, his eyes are muddy, his back is hunched, he is old, and his breath is restrained.

It was such a seemingly ordinary old man, whose combat power was absolutely at the apex. It was not a matter of grabbing the moon and picking the stars. In his hands, even an inconspicuous grass stick could cut down the stars outside the sky.

I think back then, the prestige of this great majesty shook an era, and even the Sect Master of Tianyun at that time was less than 50% in combat power.

And the seventh-generation suzerain was the old woman who decided who Lu Chenfei would inherit from last time.

"Master, come, I will help your old man go down the mountain."

Lu Chenfei's face was full of smiles, and he ran over.

"With this disciple and grandson inheriting the clothes, even if the master is dead, he will be able to stare at him."

The old lady smiled kindly, and patted Lu Chenfei's arm lightly with her wrinkled and rough palm.

But that's it...

He almost shot Lu Chenfei and broke it.

Once you step into the martial arts, it is even more difficult to have children.

Moreover, as the realm of the martial artist increases, the life span continues to increase.

The elders present here are at least several thousand years old. Even if they have children, they may not live in the world.

Treat one's own disciples and grandchildren as if they were a son or grandson.


When everyone left, at the top of Qianchuan Peak.

In the hall, the holy soul and the fairy soul have emerged one after another.

"Haha, the sacred body, God bless me Tianyunzong." A fairy soul laughed.

"Master of the fourth generation, you died early! Five hundred years ago, the Tianyun Sect appeared with an extremely terrifying physique. He is not talented in the next generation. It is my disciple and grandson."

Another fairy soul smugly smiled and said, he is the sixth generation of Tianyun Sect.

"Terror, how terrifying can it be? Can it be more horrible than the old man? The old man was a thunder tribulation divine body back then." The second generation fairy soul came forward.

"It's too early to die... I'm too embarrassed, and soon after I arrived at the saint, I fell..." A holy soul of the fifth generation said with regret.


"End baby!"

"Trash, the shame of the sect..."

A large group of fairy souls ran out with contempt.

"When I was in the realm of a sage, when I encountered a strong enemy outside, it was a special physique, so I changed one for another!" The fifth generation of the holy soul refused to accept it.

"Small achievements are complacent, but hard to become powerful." Many fairy souls sighed.

Such a great achievement, but in the mouths of these immortal souls, it was utterly disreputable, and the rest of the holy souls were embarrassed to show up.

"Yeah, do you think Master Patriarch is dead? I have lived here for tens of thousands of years, why haven't I seen it?"

At this time, a fairy soul suddenly raised doubts.

"Second-generation ancestor, you should know the truth best, is our ancestor alive?"

"Go and go, don't talk about my wife here, go and practice quickly, and strive to get rid of exhaustion and return to the world as soon as possible."

The second generation was obviously avoiding, and then disappeared without a trace.


In Yinshi and Maoshi, Lu Chenfei closed his eyes and rested at home. To put it bluntly, he would go to sleep.

"Husband, I am about to become the ninth generation head wife, so nervous..." Lu Xianzi said nervously, lying on the side.

Although she is a human body, she still likes to rest on her stomach.

Regarding the lady of the head teacher, many elders have discussed.

And Qingling didn't fight for it. When she mentioned the matter, she avoided it as much as she could.

She is a fierce spirit body, she must be careful even when going out, not dare to expose any aura, if the title of Madam Headmaster falls on her, it will be a disaster.

"What's so nervous? It's just multiple titles, and there are not many substantial changes in life." Lu Chenfei frowned.

On the side, Qingling was sitting on the bed, unpacking presents constantly.

"Hey, the elixir of nourishing the kidney!? It will be boiled into a decoction tomorrow morning..." Qing Ling whispered, and by the way, she also gave out a small book and wrote down the congratulatory person one by one.

This kidney-tonifying elixir was just a gift that Li Qing sent back from outside the domain.

"There are still a lot of things that haven't been delivered. When we come back in the evening, we will dismantle them together." Lu Chenfei smiled.


When the hour came, the bell rang as promised.

Lu Chenfei left the residence and went to Jitian Temple to worship heaven and earth.

Before the departure, I was inexplicably excited, and the sign-in location was available, but the conditions for completing the sign-in were not activated for a long time.

It seems that he was waiting for the moment when he worshipped heaven and earth.

Lu Xianzi and Qingling did not follow, and behind him were two guardians whose hairs did not grow together...


The canonization ceremony officially opened.

Millions of spirit swords flew from the sky to attract Lu Chenfei.

He is wearing a black and gold Tianyun robe, with gold dragon embroidery on the left cuff, Luan and Phoenix embroidery on the right cuff, and auspicious clouds on the back.

Accompanied by two guardians, set foot on Cambridge and walked slowly to the Temple of Heaven.

He was handsome and handsome, with aloof temperament, and instantly became the focus of attention.

Of the hundreds of thousands of people present, the disciples of this sect were only a few, and most of them were guests from all over the world.

At this moment, countless lights were cast, all with shocking colors.

Perhaps many people have never seen Lu Chenfei, but when they saw it today, they were shocked!

There are many rumors in the outside world. Some people say that this is a peerless arrogant who has continuously broken through several realms in one day.

It was also said that he was a rare and unreliable divine body that was destined to suppress this era.

"Canonization ceremony, I am the sage son of Tianyunzong, as a friend of Wuhui, anyone with supernatural powers can enter the hall for a try!"

As soon as he walked off Cambridge, he stayed in the Temple of Heaven, turning around, his robe hunted in the wind.

At this moment, Lu Chenfei's eyes were sharp, his words blurted out, the aura of the primordial divine body exploded, and billions of golden runes stood in the air.


At this moment, there was an uproar outside the hall, and many people couldn't help being surprised.

The reason why everyone was shocked was simple, the Heavenly Cloud Sect Saint Son, as true as rumors, was a primordial divine body.

Not only that, Lu Chenfei managed to suppress an era from his aura.

"Me, Luo Hongzong Jiangqi, please Ying!"

"I, Heavenly Demon Sect is proud, please Ying!"

"I, Li Tianhu, the Qizong of Sichuan, please Ying!"


One after another shouts sounded.

A closer look reveals that there are as many as a thousand people, all of whom are around twenty years old.

Even many people are half-step magical powers, as long as they are willing, they can break through the realm at any time.


Lu Chenfei pretended to be surprised, and then quickly said: "The Great Hall of Sacrifice is too small, so let's do it outside the main hall."

"You wait for the humble ants, let's all go together. Fighting one by one is a waste of time."

He stepped forward and retreated outside the hall.

"Extremely arrogant!"

Someone screamed and rushed first.

"What are you waiting for, let's go together! To teach Tianyunzong the rise and rise is too deceptive. Today, I will hit him on his knees and begging for mercy, yelling'Daddy, I am wrong'.

Jiang Qi yelled, followed closely, and also drove the atmosphere of the crowd.

"Damn, Tianyun Zong insulted my master's hatred, today I will finally hate it."

"The canonization ceremony, the Tianyunzong saint son killed alive, just thinking about it, can make people tremble!"


The crowd rushed to scream, and all their weapons came out.

There are even some sinister and vicious people with hidden weapons hidden in their cuffs.

[PS: Code word is not easy, Guiqiu a wave of subscription, Guiqiu a wave of five-star praise! 】

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