Lu Chenfei spent the night unpacking gifts.

As the third master said, counting money and cramping, spirit spirit stones are all low-end goods, and medicines, exercises, spirit soldiers, armor, etc., are good things.

"With so many babies, Xiang Zongmen replaced with a bunch of virtual data, it feels uneasy in my heart."

Lu Chenfei muttered, the so-called virtual data refers to the contribution value.

"Well, is this a gift from Feng Guyun?"

Qingling picked up the gift box and let out a surprised voice, and said, "The little lover you raised outside probably missed you. She hasn't seen you for more than half a month, she must be hungry and thirsty."

She heard the name Feng Guyun from Bai Hong.

As for Bai Hong, I heard it from Qin Ming.

In the beginning, Qin Ming just said mysteriously, that Big Brother Lu has been in love with each other constantly, and in the secret realm, the red sleeves are added to the fragrance, the beautiful woman is accompanied, and it is suspected that he has a leg with the big sister Luo Hongzong.

When Bai Hong spoke, Lu Chenfei was messing around outside.

Said that he not only took care of a number of mistresses, but also sang songs with Master Luo Hongzong every night... Life is a mess!

The rumors killed people, and Lu Chenfei suffered from tea poisoning.

He and Feng Guyun are really just friends, the kind of pure friendship!

"This gift is quite interesting."

After opening the box, Qing Ling smiled contemptuously and put it away quickly, not giving Lu Chenfei a chance to see it at all.


The next day.

Lu Chenfei devoted himself to cultivating at home and finally became a five-strength martial artist.

During this period of time, various areas of Qingzhou ignited wars, shouting to kill the sky, blood flowed into rivers, every inch of the country and every inch of blood.

Countless forces united together to resist the invasion of Tianyun Sect.

More than twenty elders also left the sect one after another.

Contained by figures of the super elder level, Luo Hongzong and the Tianmozong could only stand still and did not dare to attack easily.

"Tell me to abolish the handyman disciple system! Outer disciple, can bring two followers to get started, inner disciple, can bring three followers, core disciple, can bring four followers..."

"Tianyun Sect has no kind of education, no distinction is made between high and low, even if the big demon, spirit ghost, etc., are treated equally."

Lu Chenfei stood on the high platform with his hands on his back, his eyes staring out of the clouds.

Thousands of disciples below quickly spread the news and released the news to all parts of Qingzhou.

When the elder is absent during this period, he is in charge of the sect, and is mainly responsible for the assessment of the next new disciples.

"Big Brother, the Ling Beast Peak area has opened up thousands of miles of wilderness. If there are really countless big monsters, the contribution value expenditure will be astronomical." The journal came riding on a white horse.

"Haha, Brother Ji Kan, don't worry."

Bai Hong sat in the corner of the high platform, holding the ledger in his hand, and laughed: "In the South, tens of billions of spiritual stones have already been accounted for."

"Fuck, I dig a grave for a lifetime, and I can't dig out so much!" Du said in surprise.

"Countless spiritual fetuses are shipped to the south of Qingzhou, and gambling workshops are set up in major cities, faster than the money grabbing." Bai Hong explained with a smile.

It's okay if you don't touch this thing, you can make sure you touch it once.

Many people bankrupt their families for the sake of gambling on rocks, and it is also very rare that they can get rich overnight.

Qin Ming sat aside and said with a smile: "The brothels, post stations, restaurants, auction houses, etc. under my master's control have spread all over the southern part of Qingzhou."


Geng Shao curled his lips and said, "Aren't they all one? If you say it separately, you can look noble?"

In the growth of the ninth generation, the true disciples started from managing the sect and took over all kinds of affairs.

The remaining disciples who have not yet reached the realm of supernatural power are responsible for communication, transportation of supplies, military logistics, and so on.

Compared with the unstructured, unorganized, and undisciplined sect, the Tianyun Sect has become a climate, and wherever the army passes, there is no grass!


As October approaches, the bleak autumn wind is blowing slowly.

Lu Chenfei inquired clearly about the next sign-in location.

The Great Wilderness, located in the south of Qingzhou, is a land of barbarians, covering a hundred thousand miles away. People live in a tribal way.

"After the new disciple gets started, I will set off to the south. Junior Geng Shao, the heavy responsibility can only fall on you."

On the way back to Tianjian Peak, Lu Chenfei said solemnly.

"Just rest assured."

Geng Shao nodded, and then said: "Jiang Dao will return to Qingzhou for a while, and it should pass from the south. If you meet him, beat him up for me!"

"Why did Junior Brother Jiang offend you?" Lu Chenfei asked.

"The guy left the sect, came to my house, and took a new set of clothes along. The most annoying thing is that I didn't leave the bottom of my pants!" Geng Shao gritted his teeth.

Everyone used to eat big white steamed buns and spent three days enjoying the supplies.

A set of clothes is not expensive, not even as good as a spiritual stone.

However, Shao Geng lived frugally, and managed to save up. He was stolen before waiting for his upper body. Can he not be angry?

"I will try to help you out." Lu Chenfei nodded and agreed.

Jiang Dao is far in the realm of supernatural powers, and his strength is unpredictable since he has been submerged outside the territory.

It is said that in a place called ‘Ocangzhou’, the masses lost their voices, Tianjiao closed himself, and was invincible in the same realm!

Of course, this is what Jiang Daoyuan said himself, whether it is true, but it is really hard to tell.

"Master, I want to follow you too."

In front of him, a five- or six-year-old doll ran up.

The child has red lips and white teeth, bright eyes, and his eyelashes flickering and flickering, like two small fans, extremely cute.

And he was the Haotian Divine Body, the disciple of the Seventh Elder, and the youngest of them.

"Go and play."

Qin Ming raised his leg and kicked it flying, unceremoniously using force.

This child is really too skinny. With the two little babies in Lu Chenfei's house, they are about to turn the sky over at Tianjian Peak.

"Qin Ming! Your cultivation base is too late to get up. Is it because you have been drained by Xia You and haven't recovered?" Lu Chenfei smirked.

"My wife has been pregnant for more than a month, knowing that you are envious, jealous, and hate, but what can it do? Envy is useless! When my child is born, I will come with the money." Qin Ming laughed.

Since Xia You became pregnant, she returned to Yinhuan Sect, where someone took care of her diet and daily life.

Unlike ordinary people, warriors have a very long pregnancy.


A few more days passed, and October arrived.

Inside and outside the Tianyun Sect, there are crowds of people, gongs and drums are noisy, and it is very lively.

Under the leadership of the brother-in-law, countless teenagers and girls stepped through the mountain gate and probed their heads all the way, their faces full of novelty.

On the other end, on the side of Spirit Beast Mountain, countless big monsters rushed over.

In the Sky Cloud Sect, there is a legacy of orthodox demon cultivation, and some great demon with rare bloodlines are extremely fanatical.

clang! clang! clang……

The bells rang continuously, and everything was silent.

"The achievement of a warrior is determined by talent, and talent is also the standard by which this sect judges his disciples."

"Regardless of high or low birth, as long as they can join the Sky Cloud Sect, they are treated equally."

Lu Chenfei stood on the palace wall and looked down.

In his eyes, these are young people with vigor and vitality.

Recall that four years ago, he traversed thousands of mountains and rivers, looking forward to the future extremely.

This is the place where dreams are achieved. Joining the Sky Cloud Sect is equivalent to embarking on the starting point of your dreams.

"The test begins!"

Lu Chenfei fell, and countless disciples divided into teams, and under the leadership of the brothers, they walked to each test stone tablet.

In the crowd, Feng Guyun unexpectedly appeared.

Half a year has passed since the secret realm. When we meet again like this, Lu Chenfei has become the unattainable sage son of Tianyun Sect.

Under her eyes, there was a touch of strange color.

"Next, next..."

Before testing the stele, supervisory brothers, urging sounds continued.

"What's the shock over there? It's you!"

"Hurry up, don't waste everyone's time."

"This woman looks pretty good, but she has a problem with her brain..."

A large group of people behind said impatiently.

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