Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 119: Great Wilderness

Until the evening.

Lu Chenfei returned home.

Sure enough, there is another dry meal at home. Looking at this scene, a group of people get along fairly well, at least there is no contradiction.

Feng Guyun belongs to that kind of gentle personality, her speech and demeanor have the temperament of everybody's lady.

"I'm going to the Great Wilderness tomorrow, take a rest early, don't bother me."

Lu Chenfei fell down, and then went back to sleep.

In the middle of the night, I only heard loud noises coming from outside, and the ground shook and the mountains shook so that people couldn't sleep at all.

Looking out the window, Haotian Divine Body took Qingfengzi and Qingchenzi, and got into trouble again, and was chased and killed frantically by a big demon.

The three little guys, hugging the beast eggs, scurrying around.

"Haha... after cooking it, it must be fragrant."

The leading child, with a disgraced face, was still laughing constantly.

"Dregs, no spirit stone is delicious at first glance." Feng Qingzi looked at it and said with disdain.

"Don't you have time to stop?"

Lu Chenfei was not used to the temper of a child. He walked out of the house and all shot away. He returned the beast egg by the way.

Here are all spirit beasts raised by the sect, and the value of each beast egg is incalculable.

With some second-rate and third-rate forces, one beast egg can be exchanged for several cities.

"Big Brother, I heard that you are going to the Great Wilderness tomorrow, so bring me along."

Haotian Divine Body crawled and ran back again, full of curiosity about the things outside the sect, and determined to go to Lu Chenfei to take an adventure.

"No, you can never leave the sect before you have refining the body,"

Lu Chenfei gave a cold snort, turned and left.

"Big brother is the most handsome, just take me, I promise I will never get into trouble..."

Haotian Divine Body was not reconciled, and kept begging from behind, still showing a harmless expression on his small face.

It seems so innocent as jade, but in fact, this child is too capable of getting into trouble.

Since arriving at Tianjian Peak, there has been no time for peace of mind.

"It's useless to say more, unless the seventh elder nodded and agreed." Lu Chenfei glared.

"Forget it..."

Xiaowa's face turned pale, with a trace of fear evidently.


The next day, early in the morning, Lu Chenfei drove off.

The Great Wilderness, located at the junction of Qingzhou and Nanzhou, is the nearest power of the Nanming Empire.

The teleportation array flickered and came to the border city of the Nanming Empire.

Before he set off, he got news from Feng Guyun that the prince of the Canglong Kingdom was still alive, but his cultivation base plummeted and he became a ruin.

"This guy is really fate."

Lu Chenfei murmured, disapproving, and if he encountered it in the future, he would just kill him again.

Leaving the city, driving all the way south, the shadow of Dahuang came into view.

In this land of 100,000 miles, there are mountains and mountains, and virgin forests are everywhere, there are so many people, big monsters and beasts are everywhere, and it is a primitive land that has been preserved intact.

Even walking in it, one can still feel a predominant aura spreading over it.

"In this age of flames and chaos, after hearing that many forces in the south have been defeated, they all fled to Nanzhou along the great wilderness."

Arriving at the edge of the great wilderness, Lu Chenfei stopped the car and began to prepare lunch.


"It's one kilometer away from arriving at the sign-in destination!"

"Host, please speed up..."

The sign-in system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Well, do you have to go into the mountain?" Lu Chenfei said in confusion, driving the hearse towards the mountain, ramming all the way, sawdust flying all over the sky.

When he was about to arrive at the sign-in place, Lu Chenfei took out his waist card and glanced at the coordinates.

This place is very close to the hometown of the chronicle, less than ten miles away.

At the same time.

In the deep mountains and old forests, a figure shuttled quickly, holding a bronze ruler, and was fighting fiercely with the big demon.

"Haha, with my own strength, I have crossed a hundred thousand miles of the wilderness, and finally I am going out of here."

After slaying the big demon, there was a continuous loud laughter: "After I am born, I will move for nine days, and ask who in the world will rise and fall, and who will I do!?"

The woman was dressed in animal skins, covered in blood, and laughed extremely proudly.

On her shoulder, there was a little beast lying on her shoulders, showing a listless appearance.

Crossing the Great Wilderness is definitely a feat in this world for the local indigenous people!

"After breaking through the endless mountain range, you can see the human city, which is relatively safer." The little beast said, lazily.

For the local natives, those empires are really too vast.

Any empire has to rule hundreds of thousands of miles, the fief of princes and generals, there are hundreds of millions of people, to say nothing, its territory is vast, and there are countless rare treasures.

"Qingzhou has a vast land and abundant resources, and the group of heroes is separatist. It is said that there has been a lot of fire recently. When I get out of the mountain, I must break out of the sky, and I must not live up to the high expectations of the tribe and the grandfather of the patriarch."

The rough woman named Sha Qing, holding a bronze ruler handed down from his ancestors, moved forward quickly.

Among the tribes, she is the strongest among the younger generation, born with a natural treasure, and her future achievements will be limitless.

Soon after, I saw a dilapidated, dead tribe, ready to take a short break.

However, as soon as Sha Qing walked into the tribe with his front feet, a hearse drove up quickly, blurryly fast behind him.

"What kind of monster is this!?"

Sha Qing was taken aback. She grew up so big that she had never seen such a strange thing.

"Damn, you are to blame!"

Lu Chenfei sat in the car and smiled contemptuously: "Little native, this is a taxi call. I think you haven't seen it before. Today is an eye-opener for you. Remember, this thing cannot be stopped by humans, and it didn't kill you. , It’s all because of me."

I don't know why, I can't help but want to laugh when I see some people who have never seen the world.

When I think back in the mountains, I knew what a car was when I followed my father to herding cattle.

Without showing off, there are still two bullock carts at home.


Sha Qing was taken aback, stepped forward, wanting to see clearly.

The tribe she lives in is hunting for a living, and still maintains the life of primitive people. Some bronzes in the tribe are passed down from which age.

"Dodge, be careful to kill you."

Lu Chenfei glared, stepped on the accelerator, and drove straight to the tribe.

This is the ancestral land of Jikan. It has been dilapidated for more than ten years. Thatched cottages, mud-tiled houses, etc., have collapsed in disarray, and the dust can be as thick as the palm of your hand.

Here, looking around, there are weathered broken bones everywhere.

None of the members of the Chronicles were able to survive the catastrophe that year.

The death of my sister and mother was extremely miserable, and it is also a scene that Jikan has not dared to recall.

What made Lu Chenfei feel inhuman was that there were still human skeletons in some rusty cauldrons.

"It's utterly conscience to feed on people."

Lu Chenfei clenched his fists, quickly approached, and began to gather the remaining bones, dig a large hole, and bury it again.

However, when he was looking for the cemetery, he saw a grave head erected more than ten years ago.

This is the nineteenth elders who brought the young chronicle back to the tribe, and the meager efforts he did, the tomb is the family member of the chronicle.

"The journal is now devoted to practicing in the Tianyun Sect. To worship my elder brother, I have come to worship before and hope that the dead will rest in peace."

Lu Chenfei bowed and saluted, took out the yellow paper from the waist card, and lit it in front of the grave.

At this moment, cyan ghost fires ignited around the tomb.

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