There are continuous afterimages flashing in the air, which is dazzling.

After each collision, the roar of steady footsteps made the mountains tremble violently.

There was dead silence in the mountains, ferocious birds and beasts were dormant, afraid to make a sound.


There is no extra long-winded sound, all they are focused on, catching the flaws, and defeating the enemy with one move.

The exercises are all out, and the moves are constantly changing.

Lu Chenfei's combat power is unquestionable. After reaching the supernatural power, his own strength has doubled and skyrocketed.

However, the Xuanhuang Ding in Jiang Daoyuan's hand is an agile weapon. It is extremely powerful and can be of any size. Every time the suppression falls, two lines of Xuanhuang Qi fall down from the mouth of the Ding. If you are not careful, your whole body will be shredded. .

Facing the spirit soldier, Lu Chenfei had a terrible headache, bound his hands and feet, and was unable to exert his full strength.


It was another collision, and the two separated briefly.

"Brother see it, this is the true value of mother gold!"

Jiang Daoyuan smiled and said, "How about changing your bronze car for this tripod? You will make money for your blood!"

"Relying on the superiority of the weapon to reluctantly draw a tie, when I take out the super-chaotic golden slabs, it is the moment when you lose!"

At the end of the speech, there was an extra gray brick in Lu Chenfei's hand. This object was not considered a spirit soldier, it was just a pure mother of gold, and it was a bit difficult for the hard and powerful Xuan Huang Ding.

However, this brick can't stand hard!

If this is shot on Jiang Daoyuan, it is guaranteed that he will fracture in one second.

"What is this?"

Jiang Daoyuan was stunned for a moment, although he didn't know the Chaos Mother Gold.

But it can be seen that this thing is not bad, it seems very remarkable.

"Golden bricks, give me a punch!"

Lu Chenfei let out a loud shout, and the gold bricks let go, zooming in mid-air, and headed straight for the far body of the river.


Jiang Daoyuan exclaimed, Xuan Huang Ding instantly became more than half a person tall, grabbing Ding's leg and squeezing away.

In this collision, if you want to be barbaric, both of them are fighting brute force.

Just between the sparks and flints, Lu Chenfei seized the opportunity, and the chaos like jade turned into a brick again, smashing it down from above.

However, with these two things, it was far from enough to officially defeat Jiang Daoyuan.

The last Taiyinquan is merciless.


The ground trembles and dust splashes, spreading like ripples.

"I... don't... take it!"

Jiang Daoyuan roared and was buried in the ground by dust, with chaotic gold bricks above his head, which was difficult to shake.

It is not that he is not strong enough, but that the weight of the gold bricks is unimaginable after they are enlarged.

Without the user, it is difficult to control the size change.

"Xuan Huang Ding is really good, but unfortunately, you lose in number."

Lu Chenfei said with a smile, and finally put away the gold bricks, pulling Jiang Dao far out of the mud.

"When you get it, it is an unowned thing, with a spirit inside. Although it is weak, it also saves a lot of time for sacrifice." Jiang Daoyuan said.

The fighting in the south is urgent and brooks no delay, and jihad may happen at any time.

After Jiang Daoyuan and his apprentice came back, they threw him here and went to the battlefield alone.

In the southern region, the major forces have gathered together to establish two Great Passes, the first is the Nethershadow Valley, and the second is the Chuanjiangkou.

"You kid, during this period of time outside the region, the gains must be more than this, right?" Lu Chenfei said with envy.

To give birth to a spirit from the mother gold, it cannot be done overnight, and there is no shortcut.

Once you have the spirit, your combat power will be greatly increased, but you will be able to wield it freely.

There are even some powerful tools, with autonomous thinking, and able to communicate with their masters.

"There are plenty of trophies."

Jiang Daoyuan smiled mysteriously, without revealing the details.

Then, with a serious face, he said: "But I heard one thing outside the territory. The sage of the Heavenly Demon Sect once appeared in Hanzhou. She wears a veil and no one knows her true face. Her hot body has caused countless princes to be crazy. The suitors and the people who have met are treated with courtesy and are called Ling girls. But it is said that the elixir is very accomplished..."

"Sage of the Sky Demon Sect, Miss Ling?"

Lu Chenfei whispered, when he was in Concealer City, he appeared to be a strong man from the Sky Demon Sect and came to him quietly.

At that time, he invited him to join the Sky Demon Sect and become a demon of a generation, bringing disaster to the world...

However, Lu Chenfei tactfully refused.

The latter also said that in the Qingzhou area of ​​Qingzhou, sooner or later they will learn about the Heavenly Demon Sect.


Recently, in the Decision Mountain Range.

The traces of mercenary groups can often be seen, both strong and weak. Among some top mercenary groups, there are many supernatural powers, and this is also the strongest known mercenary group.

Not only that, but also the Royal Family of the Canglong Empire, and the leader is said to be a prince.

Once the Saint's Cave Mansion is born, it will surely cause all parties to **** it.



"Treading through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it. It takes all the time!"

In the lava layer, Ji Shoucheng laughed loudly and said: "The treasure map that the master left me is really correct!"

"It's a pity that these spirit artifacts have been buried for many years, and the spirit has already dissipated, but it doesn't matter. Melt these rare metals to recast a magic weapon."

Others are lingering in the mountains, afraid of the power of the lava behemoth, and dare not take a chance.

But Ji Shoucheng followed the treasure map and entered the Saint's Cave Mansion through the secret road. He had already occupied the nest and looted the treasures.

Among them, there are seven martial arts and martial arts, a saint-level meditation heart sutra, plus the meridian mysterious gold, the star mysterious gold, and the remains of the saint.

"As long as the sacred bones are integrated, the strength will definitely skyrocket."

This is an unprecedented big gain!

Ji Shoucheng clenched his fists, with a cold light in his eyes, and said, "Lu Chenfei, one day, I will kill the Sky Cloud Sect and kill you!"


Among the mountains.

Lu Chenfei raised his head and glanced at the sky, dark clouds were densely covered, and the air was dull and cold.

"Aye... is it going to snow heavily?"

After supernatural powers, the six senses of Shenjue are far beyond ordinary people, and the senses are extremely keen.

Think about it carefully in your heart, the situation is not right, it seems that someone is scolding yourself!

"I have no grudges in the past and no hatreds in the past, why do you scold me?" Lu Chenfei muttered without embarrassment.

Not far away, Jiang Daoyuan walked back and whispered: "I have already inquired clearly. That giant lava beast should be the soul of a great demon after death. It was made into an evil spirit by the saint and guarded the tomb for it."


Lu Chenfei was surprised, can this thing be refined?

He didn't understand, it was the first time he had heard of it.

"If it's just an ordinary soul, it's not too powerful, but this giant lava beast has been sacrificed into a weapon that can absorb the heat of magma and transform it into physical energy, and its combat power is amazing."

Jiang Daoyuan looked serious and continued: "There were a few supernatural five-strength warriors before, who went to take a risk and all of them were seriously injured and dying."

"This is difficult..."

Lu Chenfei whispered, revealing the color of thinking.

With the strength of the two of them, they would just give away their heads.

It's not that I don't like treasures, I'm afraid that I have fate to take it, but it's useless!

"Wait a minute, I heard that the royal family member sent by the Canglong Empire is a martial artist in the Daotai realm. If this one can't hold the lava behemoth, we can only say that our luck hasn't arrived yet." Jiang Daoyuan said.

"Just now, I felt a burst of strong hostility, and there was a sense of uncertainty in my heart."

Lu Chenfei said in a low voice, "Everyone says that good and bad are accompanied, I feel that a big surprise will come!"

Whether there are any surprises, he can't say for sure.

But the feeling of bad heart is really strong.

As for retreating, it is even more impossible. He has the task of signing in, knowing that there is no life for ten years, and he has to spare his life.

"Then I will wait and see." Jiang Daoyuan laughed.

[On the last day of the end of the month, burst out with all my strength! 】

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