at the same time.

Lu Chenfei stood in the air, after watching the Tianzhou Boundary Monument, the sign-in reward arrived as promised.


"Congratulations to the host for completing this check-in."

"Get a two-star award, golden eyelashes."

"Get the nine-star reward, the truth is true!"

Unlike the past, the sign-in prompt sound is very short.

After hearing the sound, Lu Chen opened his eyes sharply, and there were continuous memory fragments that merged into his mind.

The truth is true.

System exercises in the new era!

what the hell……

The rhythm of taking off against the sky can't be achieved?

In a short time, Lu Chenfei fell into a state of ecstasy, and he also had a complete answer to the strangeness of the grinding disc in his body.

When he first broke through the realm of supernatural powers, no divine wheel was born.

The real explanation is that it is infinitely close to the realm of supernatural powers, which can be understood as half-step supernatural powers.

In other words, there are six realms in the cultivation system of the new era.

When the magical power realm is reached, the nine golden grinding discs are the peak, and the gap between the great realms is shortened infinitely, and it is no longer as insurmountable as before.

When the eighth grinding disc appeared in Lu Chenfei's body, it should be called the eighth supernatural power.

By the time of the ninth stage, the grinding discs were no longer born, but the eight grinding discs were unified. Now the grinding discs are gathered together, which is the beginning of fusion.

Waiting for the millstones to merge into one, can be regarded as a half-travel platform realm.

Even the full attack can rival the Daotai Warriors of the old age.

"In the new era, with more perfect techniques, this seat has become the founder of martial arts?" Lu Chenfei was full of ecstasy, feeling like he wanted to dream.

Immediately afterwards, he pinched his thigh hard, and the pain quickly hit.

"This is real!"

Lu Chenfei looked up to the sky and laughed, his body for a while, seven grinding discs quickly appeared outside his body.

According to the cultivation steps of the Tao Yi Zhen Jie, running the Devil Emperor Meditation Sutra, the grinding discs gathered together rotate at an ultra-fast speed.

Numerous golden runes were ground into fly ash, forming a large swath of light particles visible to the naked eye.

At last.

The light particles regrouped, and the eighth golden grinding disc appeared.

The more powerful rune power spreads all over the body. Among the hundreds of limbs, the number of runes is extremely abundant.

Even Lu Chenfei still faintly felt that those warriors who took drugs and ascended to the realm of Daotai could be killed with bare hands.

If you encounter an ordinary Taoist martial artist, you will also have the power to fight.


It's hard to say whether you will win or lose when you encounter some peerless Tianjiao, but based on the current situation, the situation of losing is even greater.

And the truth of Dao Yi, the understanding of the martial artist, are all at the apex of a certain position.

In other words, the warriors compared are all the strongest in the same realm.

"Nine levels of supernatural powers are comparable to martial artists of the first level of Taoism, and the law of the new era is truly extraordinary!"

Lu Chenfei muttered to himself, then stepped on Changhong, wanting to leave here.

From beginning to end, for more than two months, the clothes were not stained with dust, and I never had the idea of ​​staying on the ground.

this moment.

Tai Wenwei was trembling in the suburbs, and Nima was about to explode!

Following all the way, eating dirt, ash and mud, she was teased like a fool. She is a sage of Lingting, and she has never suffered this kind of grievance when she grows up.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Tai asked Wei Jiao, her body still covered with vines.

Faced with being constantly teased along the way, Shinobu thinks and loses more and more for a while, and he is about to blow his lungs long ago.

"Huh? Someone?"

Lu Chenfei was also taken aback for a moment, and he has been unable to find out.

Take a closer look, the woman was muddy, covered with rattans, leaves, dead branches, weeds, etc., as well as dry and cracked soil.

Even, he can't recognize his appearance anymore, and it is countless times worse than those of refugees and beggars.

"Fuck me! Monsters, take this seat and turn the clouds and rain your hands."

Lu Chenfei waved his big hand, and a gate of **** rolled away.

Since the opponent didn't have the slightest aura, the shot wasn't too fierce, I thought it could be wiped out at will.

"You Blade!"

Unexpectedly, Tai Wen Weijiao gave a shout, and the dagger shot out, shattering the phantom in the sky.

After everything was over, she jumped up, controlled the dagger, and cut straight to Lu Chenfei's neck.

"Youkai, die!"

Lu Chenfei's eyes were fascinated, and he pointed at it casually. There was no thunder light flashing, it was just a simple infinite finger.


The black dagger shattered instantly.

Zhifeng is invincible, combined with great strength, the next moment Tai Wenwei's shoulder penetrated.

Suddenly, the blood spattered, and a blood hole with transparent front and back appeared.


Tai Wenwei's eyes widened, her face full of incredible color.

This dagger is tempered from Xuanwu gold, the forging process is extremely complicated, and the hardness is beyond doubt.

Chopping on a martial artist is no different from chopping melons and vegetables.


It broke with just one finger! ?

Tai Wenwei was shocked, this was definitely not a magical martial artist's method.

"Your sword is too rigid and easy to break."

Lu Chenfei put out his big hand, grabbed it from the air, and said, "Next time you come to kill this seat, remember that the female gold weapon is far from enough to see."

The reason why he didn't move the killer was also wondering how this stinky guy came with him.

"I did it with you."

When Taiwan Wenwei heard the sound, she became angry immediately.

His muddy face was stained with blood, and it looked very hideous.

"Only you?"

Lu Chenfei sneered, and slapped it.

The palm of the wind was terrifying, and he didn't use any cultivation technique, but she suppressed Tai Wenwei.


Following that, there was the sound of clothes tearing.

The origin of the opponent is mysterious, it is unnoticeable to track and follow, and meeting is to attack with all strength.

Lu Chenfei planned to "peel the shell" to see what the **** did this guy come from.

However, when the clothes turned into pieces, he was stunned, because the delicate figure in front of him was so familiar.

"The woman bathing in the lake?"

Lu Chenfei spoke in surprise, while still complaining about the opponent's stinginess.

Isn't it just a look?

There is no less meat, as for hunting across endless areas?

It's too small belly chicken intestines.

"Any thief, I fought with you."

Tai Wenwei's delicate body was trembling, and her face was muddy, surely she couldn't see her face.

But when he saw the body, he recognized it at a glance.

It seems...

It's a bit too much.

"Save the province, you are not an opponent of this seat. Now, I have seen it. You are a little more generous. From now on, you will serve this seat. Power and wealth are indispensable for you."

Lu Chenfei asked himself that there was nothing wrong, a martial artist with supernatural powers, his memory was extremely powerful.

Not to mention that he can remember a few months at a glance, if he wants to, he will never be surprised in his life.

"You are shameless..."

Tai Wen Wei Ya was about to be crushed, but facing him, it was rain falling again.

With Lu Chenfei's current cultivation base, he couldn't change the world.

But gathering dark clouds and a light rain is not too difficult.

The cold rain hit Tai Wenwei Jiao's body, and the mud was quickly washed away. She wanted to struggle to resist.

But it's a pity.

In front of Lu Chenfei, she had no power to fight back.

This woman has a bumpy figure and a good appearance, especially her black and beautiful long hair, which is the most eye-catching.

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