Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 351: Defeat the former enemy with one move

A few lights and shadows flashed in the air, followed by Lu Chenfei's laughter.

Soon, came to a no-man's land.

Xiao Huohuo's woman was humiliated by him in every possible way, and she planted a slave mark. This feeling is - wonderful!

The first thing is to let Lingting revoke the pursuit of himself.

The second thing is to arrange Yao Zi to seduce a man named Wang Hongpeng.

This man is a sacred son of a certain power, a high position, and the sect behind him intervened in the Nanzhou war to prevent the Tianyunzong from invading.

For the rest of the time, Lu Chenfei supervised his daughter's practice every day.

I also inquired about the next sign-in location, which seemed to be in Lizhou.

In three years, the soul power has become stronger and stronger, and the divided soul on the lotus platform has also reached the state of being equal to the main soul.

Also in these three years, Tai Wenwei has become his personal plaything.

And you still want to play as you want.

As for Yao Zi...

He wanted to be pampered, but Lu Chenfei was disgusted. This dirty plate should be left to Wang Hongpeng.

Her daughter, Xian Linglong, has become a charming girl. She has made rapid progress in martial arts, and she has cultivated eight dishes. The final eight in one, but has not made any progress.

According to Lu Chenfei, she wanted her to choose a matter of course.

Three years have passed.

Great turbulence occurred in the outside world.

New era, new system.

People guess that the biggest beneficiary of this system will be Lu Chenfei's illegitimate son, the body of the soul!

Lingyuan's body began to practice in the mother's womb, and is now a well-known little evildoer.

Even Xian Linglong would ask Lu Chenfei if he heard some rumors and scandals if it was his younger brother.

In response, Lu Chenfei laughed and responded, if he met him later, he would just kill him.


Time passed quickly, and the Tianzhou Secret Realm opened again.

As before, Lu Chenfei let his daughter leave first, while he sat crouched by the door of the secret realm alone.

The more sensible guy didn't need him to speak, took the initiative to hand in the baby, and left safely.

There are also some guys who refuse to hand in their hard work, and they will inevitably suffer some hardships.

The opening and closing time of the secret realm is limited. On the seventh day, Lu Chenfei unexpectedly saw the body of nirvana.

After three years of absence, the body of Nirvana has become more and more powerful.

The moment the two met, they all knew that today, the old and new hatreds are settled together.

"What about the founders of martial arts in the new era? Today is more dead than you!"

Cai Yushen shouted, the snake spear appeared in his hand and swept towards Lu Chenfei.

"Nowadays, I'm just killing you in one thought."

Lu Chenfei's face was full of wind and cloud, and he pointed at his hand. He only heard a ‘pump’, and a blood hole appeared in Cai Yushen’s throat.

this moment.

Cai Yushen was struck by lightning and couldn't even make a scream, his mouth was full of blood foam, and he sobbed for a long time.

However, Lu Chenfei did not kill him, but planted a slave mark on this person.

Recalling that three years ago, he also accepted several female slaves. It is a pity that these female slaves all died in the secret realm to fight for the treasure.

After conquering Cai Yushen, Lu Chen flew up, stepped on his long sword, and left here.

This newly-acquired slave stayed here to search for treasures. When the Secret Realm is opened next time, it is estimated that all the treasures are about to be searched.

Lu Chenfei only needs to sit back and enjoy his achievements.

Also because of the strength of the soul, his control of the slave is more satisfactory.

Even if you are separated by endless areas, you can achieve sound transmission.

Leaving the Tianzhou Secret Realm, Lu Chenfei intends to go directly to the next sign-in location-Tianshen Palace!

This palace stands in the middle of Lizhou.

It is said that it was built on the commanding heights of Lizhou and was a relic of the prehistoric times. It was once the palace of the emperor.

It's just that since endless years, there is no way to enter it.

Although the emperor has fallen, the emperor's prestige is still there, and it has not been wiped out for hundreds of millions of years.

Even the powerhouse of the fairy monarch level rushed closer and felt the endless emperor's might, and couldn't help kneeling down.

Also in these three years.

The outside world is in chaos, and wars and beacons are everywhere.

Even the relatively quiet and peaceful Tianzhou is pushed by a black hand behind it, and the friction between the forces intensifies.

In the remote Nanzhou battlefield, the level of casualties is even more unimaginable.

As soon as Lu Chenfei left the secret realm, he received information saying that it was a family of immortals under the command of Tianyunzong. More than half of it was damaged. The endless mountains and rivers and territories were full of blood and ruins.

On the battlefield of Nanzhou, not only the native creatures of Nanzhou resist the invasion, but the black hands of other states are all blocking the advance of the Tianyunzong.

A large amount of materials are thrown into the battlefield every day, and if this continues, the Sky Cloud Sect will sooner or later be unable to resist.

"It's been more than ten years since I got started. It's time to contribute to the sect."

Lu Chenfei raised his head to look at the sky, and said to himself.

After that, she took her daughter to the Imperial Temple, Xian Linglong stayed here, and let her master Su Xianrou take care of her for a while.

As for him, he set off for Nanzhou directly.

"Goodbye, daddy!"

Before parting, Xian Linglong reluctantly waved her little hand and said: "I will definitely work hard, and when my father comes to pick me up, I will already be a Taoist martial artist."


Lu Chenfei was silent, but smiled and nodded.

When the teleportation array flickered, he appeared in the snake **** tribe, he did not go directly to Lizhou.

Because the latest intelligence shows that on the battlefield of Nanzhou, there are many warriors from Lizhou who are fighting against Tianyunzong.

"You came……"

As soon as Lu Chenfei appeared, Huang Yuan's words sounded in his mind.

An existence of that level can perceive any vegetation within a state as long as one's mind is moved.

"The trip to the secret realm is over, I'm here to open up the territory for the sect."

Lu Chenfei nodded heavily and stepped away from the teleportation formation.

Compared with the years when he was young and frivolous, he now has deep eyes, like a galaxy, he works more calmly, and his xinxing has accumulated to a certain extent.

"Why didn't Linglong follow?" Huang Yuan asked again.

"The ninth level of the Golden Pan Realm requires a lot of time to accumulate and is in retreat." Lu Chenfei answered.

"You are at the forefront of martial arts, and you can teach her the path to the strongest. The master is old and can teach the younger generations, it seems that I can't get a handle.

Huang Yuan sighed slightly, then moved his fingers, and the void tunnel appeared in front of Lu Chenfei.

Crossing the tunnel, there is a battlefield in front of you. The earth and Cangxiong are in a line, full of blood, and there are appalling energy fluctuations in the air.

This is the Xiongguan where the Emperor Yuan is seated. A large number of troops are stationed in the city made of copper and iron.

"I'm waiting to see Master Shengzi."

As soon as Lu Chenfei's figure appeared in midair, someone cast their eyes, and countless warriors spoke in unison, their voices pierced the sky.

This is the saint son of the sect, and at the same time the backbone of the sect.

What people admire is the name of the founder of the new system, and some people even call him Lu Tianshen!

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