Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 354: Nothing hurts more than kidney pain

The moment the white powder fell, Lu Chenfei only felt his eyelids heavy.

It's not that he is too weak, but the number one drug in the world, he is really too strong.

Even the pinnacle of martial arts will be in a coma for a short period of time, not to mention that he is still a small exquisite fairyland.

"I bet he can survive ten breaths of time. During this period of time, he will fight back desperately. Be careful, everyone!"

"You are a bit too exaggerated, he is now in a coma."

"What if it's pretended? Wait for us to get closer, and then we'll catch it all at once. I have to guard against."

Some people are shrewd and always stay on guard.

There were also people who were silly and about to move forward and were finally stopped by someone.

Take a breath.

Two interest.

Three breaths.


Without warning, Lu Chenfei was directly paralyzed to the ground with powerlessness.

After closing his eyes, he still kept his face full of anger and incredible.

Once a woman goes crazy, it is really terrible!

Lu Chenfei has been around for many years, and his reputation has become so great. Unexpectedly, today he overturned a car in the hands of a group of women.

At this moment, he only hoped that these women would act lightly.


The golden belt can't hold it either!

After waiting for a while, it was determined that Lu Chenfei had really fainted, and then someone tentatively moved forward.

When they found that he had no power to resist, everyone undressed and rushed forward.

There were many male monks around, and after seeing this scene, they all felt black in front of them and couldn't help but faint.

Because among this group of women, there is no shortage of seniors who include them.


During the period when Lu Chenfei threatened to cross Nanzhou, a masterful battle broke out in Yuzhou.

During this period, the saint Jacques returned to Nandouzong.

However, it is not to contribute to the sect, but to take a look at relatives.

Due to the war, the immortal saint level powerhouse among the sects suffered numerous casualties.

Yujing covers half of the sky with his hands, dominating the battlefield and the life and death of countless creatures.

I don't know when it started, Yujing became very crazy, and in order to become the overlord of a state, he did not hesitate to use any means.

Of course, he also has a hole card, that is...

The son of Beihongmen is born with his own flesh and blood!

This child was born good, and he was also vigorously nurtured by Nan Douzong.

Waiting for the peak battle in the future, I don't know if it is the white-haired person giving away the black-haired person, or the child killing his father by himself.



At the other end, in the distant Mingzhou.

The Saintess of Lingting came back, and after three years, she became more mature and moving.

Even a smile is a little charming.

After Tai Wenwei returned to Lingting, the first thing she did was to revoke the assassination order against Lu Chenfei.

Xiao Huohuo came to visit first after hearing the news.

When he saw his sweetheart, he couldn't help but was taken aback, because Tai Wenwei's changes really surprised him.

But in the end, he still resisted his curiosity and issued a concerned voice: "How did the trip to the Tianzhou Mystery Realm be? Have you encountered any bad guys? Did the pill that I gave you before you set off worked?"

"I haven't seen it for three years. My pill refining has already reached a higher level. I can already refine the pill of the realm of the gods."

Xiao Huohuo is all good, it's just showing off, which is really boring.

If it is placed in the past, Tai Wenwei will definitely feel that this is the person in her mind is sharing the achievements with herself and witnessing the growth process between each other.

But now.

Tai Wenwei raised an eyebrow, revealing an unpleasant color.

What's the use of showing off achievements?

When she was abused and treated as a plaything by the villain, why didn't Xiao Huohuo come forward?

Three years.

For three full years.

She was tortured by Lu Chenfei...

Nowadays, seeing Xiao Huohuo makes people feel resentful.

Because in some respects, she knew how powerful Lu Chenfei was, and every time she was out of breath, she kept begging for mercy before she was willing to let it go.

As for Xiao Huohuo.

Ha ha……!

The two had known each other for several years, and they didn't even have the courage to touch her hand.

Not a waste, what else can it be?

Of course, Xiao Huohuo can't be blamed for this, because the power of Lingting is really terrifying.

In the eyes of countless assassins, the saint has always been a goddess of icy, pure, elegant, and non-eating fireworks.

If people know that the goddess in their hearts has been defiled by him, they don't know how many killers will want his life all the time.

"Xiao Huohuo, I think we should keep a distance between us."

Tai Wenwei's tone was indifferent and her voice was cold.

"You... what do you mean?"

Xiao Huohuo was stunned, unable to understand for a short time.

Because in the past, Tai Wenwei was a brother Huo Huo with a sweet voice and a coquettish tone.

This is only three years, only one experience in the secret realm.

I didn't expect that the obedient, well-behaved, and sensible woman would become so strange.

"I think……"

Tai Wenwei frowned and thought about it, and said, "Your cultivation level needs to be improved. The new era is here, so let's practice in retreat."

While she was speaking, she released a little breath of herself.

It turned out to be the five layers of Linglong Wonderland!

what the hell.

Xiao Huohuo was dumbfounded in an instant, and in three years, this woman actually dumped him a lot.

In the past, I didn't dared to do anything to Taiwan Wenwei, because it was afraid of the other party's background, but now, the difference in cultivation level is so obvious.

As a man, it is absolutely false to say that he is not inferior.


Who is he Xiao Huohuo? With the body of the golden core, no one can match the alchemy.

Although he lags behind in cultivation, his achievements in other areas are simply a banner that no one can surpass.

"Sister Weiwei is right, I will go to retreat and practice"

After Xiao Huohuo finished speaking, he turned and left.

At the same time, I was still wondering, why does Taiwan ask Wei to treat herself like this?

Could it be...

Is it because of the gap between cultivation bases?

He was puzzled, but the only answer he could guess was that.


On Lu Chenfei's side, many women were having fun.

One sleep is a full half a month, during which time, being kneaded by many women, the body is extremely empty.

It's not that he doesn't want to stand up and resist, but that the effect of the medicine is too strong.

Half a month later, Lu Chenfei finally showed signs of awakening.

Upon seeing this, many women broke up in a rush, and in fact they were almost playing.


The first thing Lu Chenfei woke up was to cover his waist with one hand, which was not only empty, but also very painful!

At this moment, he was lying alone in the wilderness with no clothes on his body. Fortunately, the baby on his body was not coveted by anyone.

"Count you guys a little bit of ethics."

Lu Chenfei took out his waist card and put on a set of clothes.

During the period, the movements are slow, and if you exert a little force or exercise vigorously, you will feel extremely painful in the back.

He died before leaving the school.

This is considered to have crossed Nanzhou, and has since become famous all over the world.

The world is unpredictable!

There was such a thing on the way, not to mention the damage to his reputation, even his innocence was deprived by a large group of mad women.

But at this moment.

Suddenly he thought of Xiao Huohuo's figure in his heart, and he balanced a lot...

Putting on his clothes again, Lu Chenfei covered his waist with one hand, and continued on the road with crutches with the other.

Was it because of strong winds that made his legs tremble, and he fell to the ground several times with instability.

The emptiness in the body is a small problem.

Kidney pain is terrible!

The most painful thing in the world is kidney pain!

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