Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 394: This seat is really not frantic

Lu Chenfei admitted personally that he was an insider.

However, Li Yanrou would not believe it completely, but wanted to investigate through his own means, and was ready to find out.

However, she thought of Ye Ji too simple.

A visitor from outside the territory, possessing an ancient sacrament, does not need to practice, and will grow rapidly as time goes by.

Such existence is more terrible than opening and hanging.

After a few days of tracing, there is no clue at all, but at the same time, he also locked a target, that is, the Lingting killer-beautiful man!

However, there are really too few deeds about beautiful men.

Before they found the Lingting Assassin in the upper city, Lao Liu erased all the memories of the assassin but about the beautiful man.

Moreover, as the rudder master, Lao Liu was under threat.

Zeng personally admitted that the breath remaining in Li Yanlan's room came from the killer handsome man.

However, the trace of this person is currently unknown, and there is no news.

It seems that Lu Chenfei can only change a code name when he goes to the next city to take up his post.

But at the same time, Lao Liu was also in a hurry, claiming that Lu Chenfei grew up in the city and was lucky enough to have the opportunity to become a warrior.

But it's a pity that he was fascinated by the enchanted body, and his life was precarious.


Li Yanrou crushed the cup, gritted her teeth and said: "My sister likes him so much, and even willing to pay the price for him. If she learns the information, she doesn't take the initiative to hand it in, but she is still waiting for this girl. Compromise, dream!"

"Do you want us to ask him a bit?" Someone suggested.

"It is said that the second lady and that Lu Feng are a match-making couple, and they were pierced by the charm to break up this marriage."

"But this guy is still a bit conscientious, and he secretly investigated the ins and outs of the real murderer. It's not in vain that the second lady is infatuated..."

The five followers stood aside, talking babbledly.

"Go! Send Lu Feng over. If you cooperate, you don't have to make things difficult. After all, it's a brother-in-law and a family."

Li Yanrou waved her hand, and suddenly said indifferently: "If you resist, it will be okay even if you break your arms or legs. I hate to negotiate terms with the tough guys the most."


"I'll wait to obey!"

No one bowed, and then quickly walked towards Lu Chenfei's home.

However, just in front of the house, they suddenly saw a white shadow shuttle, and when they looked at it, it was the white fox.

"Hey! This little fox won't be jumping for long. When things subsided, I decided to take it myself and take her as a mount." A young man laughed lustfully.

Someone cast a blank look and said, "Mountain? From my point of view, the housekeeper, right?"

"Just plaything, what do you care about so much? Give her a title, it's worthy of her."

The few people are not good stubborn, and the gazes that look at the white fox are full of evil.

The distance is not very far, so the white fox can also hear clearly.

She wanted to fight back, but she was not an opponent at all. Not only that, but she would also give these people a chance to bully her in advance.

Then the figure flashed and appeared in Lu Chenfei's yard. This was the only shelter she could think of.

But then, the five people outside kicked open the door and followed in.

After entering the door, they all had ferocious expressions.

"Uncultivated guy, wouldn't he even knock on the door?"

In the room, Lu Chenfei's cold words sounded, he woke up from his practice, and suddenly opened his eyes.

Since the other party is not kind, he is not very polite.

Just a few dogs, if it weren't for the fear of Li Yanrou, they would have wiped it out.

"Education? It's not your turn to comment on the subject."

"Master Saint sent you to go there, but depending on your unwillingness to cooperate, don't blame me for waiting to be ruthless!"

"Go together, interrupt this kid and talk nonsense with him."

The five figures violently rise quickly, and there is no reason to blame them.

They definitely wanted to make Lu Chen fly.

However, in the next second, the door suddenly opened, and a sword light swept out.

Five people were instantly cut in half.

In the same realm, these guys are nothing.

There was also a cultivator at the realm of God's Palace, and because he did not have time to react, he was also attacked, but the situation was much better than the other four.

"Yao Zi, I heard that your cultivation technique can pick up yang to replenish yin, and these guys will leave it to you." Lu Chenfei's indifferent words sounded.

However, Yao Zi didn't move, she was afraid of the Shenfu martial artist.

The gap between the realms is really too big.

She did not dare to rush to test, for fear that the other party would violently cut her here.


Lu Chenfei let out a low voice, and Xuan Huang Ding flew out.

In an instant, the mother spirit descended, suppressing the martial artist of Shenfu.

In the eyes of others, the gap between realms is like a chasm, but in Lu Chenfei's eyes, it is not invincible.

Moreover, the one in front of him, in the same realm of God's Palace, is only the middle and lower reaches of the existence.

"We are followers of the saint, dare to be rude to me, the saint will never spare you lightly."

Seeing their companions being suppressed, the other four exclaimed anxiously.

"Let Li Yanrou come over and discuss the terms with this forum, you are not worthy." Lu Chenfei sneered.

These guys are used to being domineering.

Now that life and death are controlled by people, he even dared to speak without shame. For a while, Lu Chenfei secretly admired the courage of several people, he was really not afraid of death!

Of course, if Lu Chenfei was willing, he could kill him at will, without any scruples.

What about the Saintess of Dayan Temple?

What if strength overwhelms him.

If it is really torn, I don't know who lives and sleeps.

Besides, Lu Chenfei still has the touch of Dakong in his hand, even if he couldn't beat him, he would definitely be able to run away.

"Master Saint will never let you go!"

Several people yelled and struggled desperately, but when they saw Yao Zi's money coming, their heart fell for a moment.

"Thank you for the reward, Master."

Yao Zi bowed and saluted, this scene stunned all four of them.

The prestige of the Albizia Sect is well known to everyone on the mainland.

The fame of the contemporary saint Yao Zi is even among the younger generation of monks.

Beauty is one aspect, and the means and the degree of insidiousness are the most outstanding.

Yao Zi even called Lu Chenfei his master, and everyone couldn't turn their heads for a while. Even the white fox standing not far away was surprised.

However, Lu Chenfei didn't take it seriously.

Instead, he smiled and waved, and said, "Little fox, come here."

"What are you going to do?"

The white fox woke up instantly, his face was full of vigilance, and even, he couldn't help but take a half step back subconsciously.

She naturally knew how terrifying Lu Chenfei was.

Not only was it the Primordial Divine Body, but it also defeated the even more terrifying Wild Ancient Eucharist. If it faced the enemy head-on and didn't use the exercise technique, the white fox still had some chance of winning.

However, Lu Chenfei's methods are endless, with strong and weak techniques, and most of the insidious moves.

The white fox had to be fully vigilant and take precautions.

"Don't worry, I will teach you something, this blessing, whether you remember it or not." Lu Chenfei smiled slightly, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

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