Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 408: Friends of Women

The rhyme is tens of thousands of miles in the mountains.

This mountain range is a place where the five forces are in contact with each other, and most of the warriors in the mountain are disciples of the sect.

And in this mountain range, there is still a family of immortals.

"Everyone, have you heard that the annual championship battle will begin in seven days."

"This is an experience event jointly organized by the five major forces, even more than a dozen immortal families."

"If you can win the first prize in this experience, the reward will be very rich."

In the mountains, many warriors are discussing the battle to win the championship.

They come from various forces and are all participants. They hope that they can achieve excellent results in the battle.

Only in this way, sect resources will lean on them.


I don't dare to dream about winning the championship or something.

Because among the five sects and immortal families, there are countless top geniuses.

This experience is also a ranking of the various forces.

Whoever has the stronger heir will have more say in the future.

After all, one cannot live for the present and consider it for a long time, and the heir is the hope for the development of a power.

After Lu Chen flew here.

Experience is impossible. He just wants to promote the system of the new era. By the way, if there is a way to get rich, that's even better.

Even though these disciples are very young, their cultivation bases are not very high, but their pockets are very bulging.

In this way, sitting at the entrance of the place of experience, waiting for seven days.

After seven days, the old line began to play again.

Lu Chen flew to the entrance for one stop.

"who are you?"

"Why are you stopping me waiting?"

"If you don't want to die, get out of the way. This time, you have gathered five sects, plus more than a dozen immortal families."

Many young disciples showed aura of atmosphere on their faces.

"This seat is from a far away area."

Lu Chenfei slowly stood up, and then revealed his cultivation base, demon energy billowing, at this moment very pure demon energy.

Without him speaking, everyone felt that this was a big evil demon.

"This seat has always taken great grace, great virtue, and great compassion as virtue."

Lu Chenfei spoke again, saying: "So, in order to temper you, etc., before entering the land of experience, hand over all the treasures on his body."

I'm **** you!

This is also called great mercy?

It was the first time I saw that robbery could be so grand-sounding.

It's nothing more than worrying about their wealth.

However, the young people here are the highest cultivation level at the Golden Plate realm. Facing this indestructible demon, without even the opportunity to resist, they have to be killed in seconds.

"This action of this seat is all for your good!"

Lu Chenfei talked hard and said as if it were true, and said, "Everyone, please cooperate."

After all, let Yao Zi take out a big sack, walk straight over, then open the mouth of the bag, and everyone actually put the treasures in.

"I'm the saint son of the cloud sect, please give me a face from seniors!"

A man in his early twenties, proudly reported his identity.

"Cloud sucker?"

Lu Chenfei said in surprise, touching his chin and thinking, "If I remember correctly, in the land of Mingzhou, it should be ranked seventh, right?"


The young man was very arrogant. He raised his head and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, wishing to stretch his neck for half a meter.

"I'm going, this guy turned out to be the Saint Child of the Cloud Sucking Sect!"


"Really people are not to be seen."

Everyone was shocked.

This man looked ordinary, hiding in the crowd, unexpectedly he turned out to be the Son of God.

For this group of ordinary disciples, being able to become inner disciples is a great thing. The core disciples and true disciples are simply beyond the reach.

And this young saint son, this is definitely the existence they look up to.


Suddenly, blood spattered, and the sound of tearing sounded.

Lu Chenfei didn't know when to shoot, a sharp dagger pierced the young man's chest, and smiled sinisterly: "Shengzi, I don't have enough to see in front of this seat."

"you you……"

The sage of the suction cloud sent his head tilted and died instantly.

Revealing the identity, not only was not valued, but died directly, I am afraid that I did not expect to die.


Everyone present took a breath.

Then, some people handed over the treasures one after another, all frightened.


Lu Chenfei sighed, and said: "Who is used to it if you don't go to survive, but you are guilty of being cheap?"

As soon as this remark came out, not only did it not arouse public outrage, on the contrary, it became more behaving.

The death of the Saint Child of the Sucking Cloud School is the best shock.

If someone takes the lead and pays for the treasure, someone will follow suit.

After a short while, a large pile of spiritual stones, pills, herbs, etc., filled a bag full.

Of course, there are also non-cooperation.

"Don't think that you are handsome and you can do whatever you want!" The Saint of Bliss couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to stand up for justice.

This is a good opportunity to perform, and to take this opportunity to establish prestige for yourself.


The knife light slashed, blood splashed.

After that, the headless body fell to the ground with only a ‘pump’.

"Sister Xiaoxi!"

Seeing the tragic death of her fellow sister, everyone at the Gate of Heaven was furious.


Lu Chenfei was not polite, stepped out, rolled to the head under his feet, and stepped hard, bursting into a cloud of blood on the spot.

The scene was **** and oozing!

At this moment, everyone's faces turned pale, and the disciple of the Gate of Bliss immediately fainted, daring not to speak.

"Give you a chance to live, pay the treasure and not kill, this is the minimum for this seat."

After Lu Chenfei finished speaking, he took out a brand new big sack, and the warriors who passed by here all began to pay their treasures.

They didn't dare to fail, and they were completely frightened.

"Very good, great, very good!"

Lu Chenfei laughed and praised: "You are all people who are aware of the current affairs and will become great in the future. The reason why this seat seizes your property is to prevent you from cheating during your experience."

Cheating a hammer.

It is easy to hand it in, but it is probably difficult to ask for it back.

This is a ruthless character. It doesn't matter if you kill someone without blinking. No matter what he is, he will kill him without mercy.

"Master, there are not a few things we have harvested, do you continue to stay?"

After paying the treasure, Yao Zi stepped forward and made an inquiring sound.

What are you waiting for?

Waiting to be retaliated back?

The idea of ​​running off came spontaneously.


The situation on his side was naturally noticed by several forces, and they immediately dispatched masters.

It is not uncommon to block roads and robbery in Mingzhou.

However, robbing five forces at the same time, plus more than a dozen immortal families, this is big news.

And there were still three people, robbing more than a hundred people.

When the news spreads, these forces are afraid that they will be laughed out of their teeth.

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