Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 415: Inspector Junyang

Recently, Yao Zi taught Wang Yanxi very well. .

Needless to say, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, especially bed kung fu, which originally had some foundation, now it is even more impressive.

Lu Chenfei was not a stingy person, and from time to time he took out some cosmetics.

"Well, I want a frosty grass."

A little white fox got into Lu Chenfei's shirt. It was a greasy one. No matter how he pushed it, his little paw was unwilling to let go.

This little guy, sometimes turned into a beauty, and sometimes turned into the appearance of a little fox.

"Take it." Lu Chenfei took it out without hesitation.

He will not reject beautiful women, and he is still a tyrannical beauty, more likable.

However, the way small animals like people is also very simple, that is, they rush to stick.

During this period of time, Lu Chenfei seemed to be supporting her, Xianzhen medicine, etc., responsive to requests, Yao Zi looked greedy.

Lu Chenfei explained with a smile: "Don't look at it, the white fox is going to break through the repair base recently, and there is a huge demand for resources."


Yao Zi gave a white glance and said, "You haven't said just now, what business should I take over."

"The brothels under the Tianyunzong industry are scattered all over Qingzhou, and their daily income is a string of astronomical figures." Lu Chenfei said.

"I won't go. When I have enough with you, I will go back and inherit the Hehuan Sect."

Yao Zi shook her head and refused. It was not that the Tianyun Sect's industry was not big enough, but the Hehuan Sect could not do without her.

In any case, Hehuan Sect is a first-class power. As a saint, she must return to her life and become the helm of the sect in the future.

That being the case, Lu Chenfei didn't force it to stay.

Now 90,000 orders have been completed, a full 90,000!

With such a result, it is not difficult to become the king of the nine-time killer, but it is a pity that the headquarters review speed is too slow.

Of course, without the help of Baihu and Yao Zi, he alone would not be enough to accomplish such a feat in a month.

Because of the 90,000 orders, the Lingting executives were shocked.

It feels that a new star in the assassin world is rising, and can't wait to send an inspector to meet this ruthless man who has just joined the job.

"There are two inspectors in total, both of whom are Tai Wenwei's apologists. Who is it that will introduce this seat?"

Lu Chenfei sat on the bank and thought.

Behind him, the white fox was helping him tidy up his hair, stretched out his small head, and said, "Aren't you familiar with the Lingting Saint? Why don't you even know about the inspector?"

"Taiwan Wenwei's power is limited, and she is not in charge of many transfer issues."

Lu Chenfei shook his head and smiled. No matter what, soldiers came to cover the water.

But it is said that inspectors are generally not easy to provoke. No matter how awesome the killer is, he must show a respectful attitude when he sees inspectors.

After all, these two guardians, but the right arm of the saint woman, will preside over the existence of Lingting in the future.

The guardian is not from Tai Wenwei's line, but a genius selected from other factions.

"The inspector will be here tomorrow. If it doesn't work, kill them." The white fox said, killing intent flashed in his eyes.


Tonight will be spent by this small river.

The next day, the sky was dim, and the sun was rising, shed a ray of golden light, shining warmly on people.

Upon receiving the news, the inspector had arrived in the nearby city.

Ombudsman, a superb existence.

All the assassins in Lingting are in awe of him. This is a top martial artist trained by the high-level core.

"The inspector's name is Chunyang. He has a high level of cultivation in the Shenfu. He is moody and his assassination methods are deep in the essence. At only sixteen, he was awarded the title of King of Killers. Now he has been immersed in Lingting headquarters for many years. Can't figure it out."

Tai Wenwei also just sent a message, and she also told Lu Chenfei not to conflict with Chunyang easily when it was not necessary.

Because the faction from Chunyang is the strongest branch of Lingting.

It is said that he had a good relationship with Xiao Huohuo in private, and he was considered to be a brother.

"Xiao Huohuo finally learned to form a gang, and the ruts can be taught!" Lu Chenfei sighed, and then led the white fox towards the city.

Yao Zi and Wang Yanxi stay here.

The saint of the Albizia sect has a lot of fame among all states and regions.

When the Lingting incident is over, Yao Zi will take Wang Yanxi back to the Hehuan Sect.

The white fox did not become a human beauty, but a little beast, lying on Lu Chenfei's shoulders, revealing a listless appearance.

Looking everywhere with smart eyes, the city is still quite prosperous.

In the early morning, there was a steady stream of traffic and cries.

"The meat buns, the newly cooked meat buns..."

"Broiled dragon meat, ten copper plates one or two, fresh and delicious."

"Bingtang haws, from Jiao Island in the South China Sea, the precious fruit nurtured by the spirit of heaven and earth."

The cries are exaggerated, and these unscrupulous merchants continue to put money on their own brands in order to increase their profits.

If it wasn't for the shopkeeper's cultivation base fart, some people would really believe it.

Soon, came to the sub-rudder in the city.

The man named Chunyang seemed to have been waiting for a long time, his face was full of qualitative expressions, and he was still grumbling.

"Damn it! Send me to a place where birds don't shit."

Sitting in the spacious living room, Chunyang muttered, "What's so great about 90,000 orders a month? It's worth my personal trip? I really don't know what the high-level thinkers are, and I think it's too high to look at this killer. "

Soon, Lu Chen flew over.

Standing outside the door, the moment he saw Chun Yang, he was slightly startled.

Because he felt a devastating breath in this Lingting high-level body.

This kind of aura does not come from the cultivation base, but the unique temperament on the body, which is more like the result of killing countless enemies.


Chunyang heard the footsteps and looked up, but was also suddenly startled, shouting: "Heaven... Tianyun Sect, Saint Child!? Why are you here?"

"This young man, are you afraid that you have admitted the wrong person?"

Lu Chenfei smiled slightly, disapproving, the breath released from his body was billowing devilish energy, not golden runes.

"I have long heard that the great elder of the Sky Cloud Sect is an orthodox demon cultivator, and I saw it today!"

Chunyang suddenly stood up and quickly assumed a posture to meet the enemy.

Originally, when I came to this small border town, I still had a lot of dissatisfaction in my heart.

But after seeing Lu Chenfei, he immediately became a bit more energetic.

"It seems that you know this seat well."

That being the case, Lu Chenfei didn't pretend, raising his hand, he attacked with an endless finger.


Almost in the blink of an eye, the house collapsed and shattered.

With the power of Infinite Fingers, it is impossible to hurt Pure Yang. It is also a fast body technique that Pure Yang dodges while exposing oneself.

He is only a warrior in the Shenfu, but his speed is not weaker than that of the white fox.

Even in the realm of supernatural powers, it is difficult to find someone who is as fast as thunderous.

"It deserves to be the core cultivated by the senior leaders of Lingting. This speed is beyond the reach of this seat." Lu Chenfei sighed from the bottom of his heart.

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