Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 424: Ruins from a long time ago

If Lu Chenfei shook the hair and put it away, it would be a good bond.

In the land of Mingzhou, we pay attention to karma, good and evil, fairy fruit and so on.

This thing is as vague and unpredictable as luck, and all the people believe in feudal superstition, rumors and legends.

The glacier covers millions of miles, and the surface is clouded by heavy snow.

The deeper the airflow, the colder the airflow. This is a rule from heaven and earth, and it cannot be resisted by flesh and blood.

Even Divine Soul has a feeling of being frozen.

"This ghost place is really too cold. If there is a pill to keep you warm, give me one soon. I can't stand it." The white fox showed his small head and yelled for the pill.

"This is bound by the rules of heaven and earth, and it cannot be resisted by foreign objects."

While speaking, Lu Chenfei couldn't help but wrap his shirt tightly, but it was useless.

There are also many explorers in the glacier. It is said that there are great opportunities buried here. Once obtained, people can get rich overnight!

In fact, getting rich is only secondary. If you get weapons and inheritance from a long time ago, it will definitely be the rhythm of the sparrow flying on the branch and turning into a phoenix.

But at the same time, it is also a terrible area.

It's easy to lose your way when you go to some icy and snow-covered places, and you have nowhere to go.

Sometimes there are avalanches erupting, strong energy fluctuations dissipate benefits, once the warrior is swallowed, there is absolutely no life.

The boundless world merged into one, and it was pale in sight.

After Lu Chen flew here, he moved forward cautiously.

"The Wannian Ice Flower that has just been picked is only 998 Lingshi, first come first served!"

Where there are quacks, there are quacks and liars.

"Brother, don't miss the opportunity, will you come with 998?"

Someone leaned in front of Lu Chenfei, took out an ice flower cautiously, and said endlessly: "998 can't be bought at a loss, and can't be bought on the order, only one!"

However, before Lu Chenfei could see clearly, he quickly took it back.

It's like a rare treasure, afraid of being missed.

"Shy in the pocket."

Lu Chenfei laughed dumbly at this.

The black-clothed warrior in front of him was reluctant and hurriedly said: "You are all brothers in all corners of the world, and I think you are familiar at the first meeting, so I will give you a 20% discount."

"Oh? Is this seat so famous? The prestige of Tianyunzong has resounded through Mingzhou?"

Lu Chenfei pretended to be surprised, but in fact he was slanderous in his heart.

This liar is so rampant that he dared to lie to himself, I really don't know how to write dead words.

"Fuck me!"

The dancer in black was taken aback, and his face was very strange, as if something rang out.

A few years ago, in Mingzhou, there were rewards for Lu Chenfei's head everywhere.


Of course it's familiar.

The cultivation of supernatural powers is nothing more than, but the price of a human head is comparable to that of an immortal, but it has caused quite a stir.

"You should be fortunate, just met this seat."

Lu Chenfei smiled sinisterly, and said, "If you meet Jun Sikong, and I heard that you have a Wannian Frozen Flower, you will definitely kill someone and win the treasure on the spot."

After he finished speaking, he also started, with a fierce punch, and the black-clothed warrior stalked his head.

Bang, bang, bang!

A cold wind blew, and the black-clothed warrior had a blue nose and swollen face, lying on his back in the snowdrift.

He felt very uncomfortable, his bones were about to be broken up, and when he met such a villain, he still felt like crying without tears.


The black-clothed warrior faced the sky, the heavy snow fell in his mouth, and said viciously: "I must take revenge!"



For Lu Chenfei, robbing the house was just an episode.

Not only did he **** the opponent's ice flower, he also took away his waist card by the way.

The ice flower is naturally fake, but looking at this kid's waist brand space, it looks like he is very rich, which obviously deceives a lot of people.

In this land of ice and snow, people saw some bare icebergs, and they all chose to take detours.

Lu Chenfei passed by nearby.

In an instant, I felt a suffocating energy fluctuation.

"The iceberg here seems to be amazing." The white fox got out and looked carefully.

Lu Chenfei laughed and said, "A person can only become stronger when he becomes bald, and the same is true for mountains."

While saying this, he couldn't help but think of his master.

Yan Nanfei loves to squeeze his own hair, and if this continues, he will be bald one day without waiting for it to fall off.

Not only that.

When I saw some Lingshi Mountains, they were also bald, with no grass growing.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, or even thousands of miles, all auras are absorbed by the spiritual stones in the mineral veins.

Combined with the iceberg here, the more bald, the stronger the energy fluctuations it emits.

It's hard to say whether there are any treasures in it, because since ancient times, all the tempters have died.

Over time, the bald mountain in the glacier has become one forbidden area after another. Ordinary warriors dare not get involved, and even the immortal saints have to remain a little jealous.

"Boy, the old man may have to retreat for a long time next. As long as the spirit stones and spirit essences are collected, they will all be thrown into the space of Nazi."

Suddenly, there was a voice in Lu Chenfei's mind.

Carefully distinguish it, it is the thought transmission of the third master.

"I try to collect as much as possible." Lu Chenfei nodded heavily.

Breakthrough is an important event, and there should be no sloppy.

Hundreds of millions or even billions of spiritual spirits are just a drop in the bucket for the existence of Santai at this level.

"In this world, something that contains pure spiritual power is nothing more than a spiritual spirit stone. When will there be a currency with a higher quality?"

Lu Chenfei murmured to himself, following the approximate direction of the map provided by the system, he headed deeper into the Taikoo Glacier.

As we continue to deepen, we see fewer and fewer warriors.

Along the way, you can occasionally see some palaces from the primitive era, frozen in the ice.

It's not so much ice, it's more transparent and flawless than crystal.

"Ice Temple, it should be here."

For several days in a row, Lu Chenfei opened the door of the hearse and walked down first.

This car is truly a treasure of the world. Under such a harsh environment, it can still travel like flying. For this, Lu Chenfei is even more looking forward to the upgrade of the hearse.

"There are still 21 days before going to the Southern Fire Region to make the appointment. We have to hurry up." White Fox urged in a low voice.

The Ice Palace, was sealed under the ten thousand feet of ice.

On the left is a bald mountain, and on the right is also a bald mountain. Lu Chenfei is caught in this gap, feeling breathless.

There is the Ice Shrine at the foot, and it is not an easy task to discover it.

"We can make holes!" said the white fox, tilting his head.

Can a fox dig a hole?

It turns out that it will! And still an expert!

Wild foxes live in burrows. They are part of their nature, and they also come from the instinct to protect themselves.

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