Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 428: Hot Recruitment for Chasing Hegemony

The gold suits were all gathered, and Lu Chenfei gave it a first try, the physical body was not unusual for a martial artist in the palace.

Especially these two big kidneys.


Ten Shenfu martial artists added together, I am afraid that he is not as fierce as he is alone.

"If everyone is like this seat, the kidney function is very powerful, and the guy who sells kidney tablets will cry to death!"

Using the touch of the sky to leave here, Lu Chenfei let out a frantic laughter.

At the same time, the strange matter in the iceberg is also very surprised.

He is between the virtual and the real, is a product created by human forces, and has an independent sense of self-consciousness and thinking.

Responsible for guarding the ruins in the Taikoo Glacier.

There was a huge amount of wealth in the Ice Palace, this kid didn't get anything, just left?

Are you stupid?

Shouldn't your head be kicked by the donkey?

If Lu Chenfei were here, knowing the idea of ​​this bald iceberg, he would definitely not be able to get up all at once, and he would just suffocate to death.

It's not that he didn't want to take it, but that Mao didn't even see it when he entered the Ice Palace.

Then he took out the hearse and galloped through the glacier.

After the upgrade, the speed of the hearse is so fast, even if the sword of the peak warrior of the gods flies, it can only eat ashes behind.

It turns out that wherever the hearse passes, there will be a series of ghosts.

But now, after the hearse has passed a cup of tea, the phantom barely keeps up, so it can be seen that the speed has increased greatly.

"The skill of this car is truly the best in the world, and those who dissatisfied will come to Taikoo Glacier for a battle!"

Lu Chenfei spoke directly, spreading the voice of the words to the Sky Cloud Sect, and then sent it to all parts of the world from the Sky Cloud Sect.

"The Car God Race is held in Mingzhou!"

"The registration fee is one thousand spiritual spirits, or one hundred thousand spiritual stones. It is said that the top three get one million spiritual stones, 800 thousand spiritual stones, and 500,000 spiritual stones."

"In this competition, the cheerleading team is composed of top beauties from all states and regions."

"Oh! The pomp is so big? It is estimated that the pride of heaven from all over the world will gather in Mingzhou."

The day the news was sent, it caused quite a stir.

For the proud of the big powers, the registration fee is nothing, just like drag racing.

Of course, while racing, you can also see beautiful women...

That's so cool!

In almost a day, the teleportation formation in Mingzhou was about to be blown up by this group of people.

Groups of people arrived, with the goal of heading towards Taikoo Glacier.

In this race of car gods, there is no rule to compete with cars.

At the same time, you can use any means to catch up with your opponents, as long as they are strong and fast enough, they will stand out from the crowd.

With a bonus of one million spirit stones, the little sects are all ready to move.

For a time, the word ‘car’ was popular in all states and the price ranged from tens of thousands to tens of millions.

"This car is designed by a famous master and uses dexterity as the driving source. It is suitable for all men, women and children, and the interior is extremely luxurious!"

In the Wanchu auction house, the maid is introducing vehicles to customers.

Here are all top luxury cars, just point out one, the price is too expensive.

Feng Guyun was sitting in the lobby, sipping fragrant tea. After a long time, she has become the proprietress here.

The graceful and luxurious temperament is more conspicuous than many luxury items.

On the other side, Ji Xin's figure is busy in the sect.

Ever since I tried to take care of the affairs of the sect, I got up early every day and was so busy.

It is not only necessary to calculate the cost of the war, but also to manage the large medical fields planted by the sect, import and export business, and so on.

It seems simple, but in fact, even the expenses or income of a piece of spiritual stone must be recorded in a precise manner.

From morning to night every day, check accounts and settle accounts, deal with working capital and so on.

Since Ji Xin came, Shao Geng has been a lot easier.


Busy too...

As the head of the Tianyun sect, the pressure on his shoulders is unimaginable.

"Damn it! I ran to Mingzhou to eat, drink and have fun, and what kind of car **** competition was held, and I was thrown into the sect and suffered."

Geng Shao sighed to the sky, complaining constantly, and said, "Is this something humans do? Can humans do such things?"

The brothers all have a family and a career.

Even if they are homeless and have no career, they have achieved great achievements in cultivation, and they have a lot of fame among all states and regions.

"A lifelong mistake after entering the sect!" Geng Shao sighed again and again.

He is nothing!


Among the distant Taikoo Glaciers.

As the organizer of the event, Lu Chenfei hired a nine-liu sect to maintain discipline, charge fees and organize manpower.

In just one day, hundreds of Tianjiao came to Taikoo Glacier.

Most of the people are very honest, and there are a few people who behave very actively, with their nostrils facing the sky, so arrogant that people want to beat them up.

"What about the beauties? Didn't it mean that all the beauties from all over the state are gathered here? Why didn't I see any of them?"

"The organizer must have exaggerated in order to attract popularity and scattered..."

"Are we here to drive?"

"How many serious people are driving?"

"Who drives a serious person? Despicable!"

The noise was extremely fierce, not only did not pay the registration fee, but also clamored for Lu Chenfei to hand over the beauty.

During the promotion, it was said that it was this car race. The top beauties from all states came to cheer for the young talents.

But when I arrived, I found out.

Not to mention the cold climate of Taikoo Glacier, you can see some bare mountains from time to time when you look at the ice and snow.


There can be no beauties, and there are all big gentlemen present.

A large group of perverts, big eyes and small eyes, you look at me, I look at you.

"Everyone, stay safe and restless."

As the fallacy escalated, more and more people expressed dissatisfaction, and Lu Chenfei had to come forward to solve it.

"This seat has always said nothing, saying that there are beautiful women, so you will definitely not deceive people. They are all on the way."

"On the day of the game, there will definitely be beautiful women on stage!"

Standing on a high place, Lu Chenfei shouted loudly.

However, everyone did not buy it. A man surnamed Xi retorted: "I think you just want to make money, you can't see beautiful women, and you don't pay for death!"


In the next second, a forty-meter-long knife split the man named Xi into two.

The shattered internal organs, and hot blood, splashed everywhere.

The scene was extremely bloody, everyone's face twitched, and they didn't dare to speak more, for fear of stepping in the footsteps.

"The game is the game, there is so much shit!"

Lu Chenfei retracted the fairy weapon and said coldly, "Isn't it costless to invite beautiful women to come? If you don't pay, what kind of invitation will this seat take?"

With a strong shot and killing, for a while, yelling about beautiful women, it all disappeared.

Of the hundreds of talents present, most of them came for the game. Beauty or not, in fact, is not particularly important.

"The registration fee is one thousand spiritual spirits, or one hundred thousand spiritual stones, and the winner will get ten times the reward!"

The propaganda slogan is very loud. Some people want to make friends by car, some are to get rich overnight, and some are to see beautiful women. Their reactions vary.

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