I got a lot of things from the medicine garden, and there were some elixir and elixir for refining elixir.

After collecting the things this time by category, Xu Cheng stretched out his hand and clicked on the "Hunyuan Danjing" that he got after he left.

The Hunyuan Danjing records one of the top methods in alchemy—the fusion of alchemy.

By combining medicines and medicines with mutual generation or mutual restraint pills, we can get pills with higher quality and higher grades.

This melting alchemy technique is not even limited by the original quality of the elixir, and can be infinitely fused.

This is simply a magic skill!

After comprehending the alchemy fusion technique, a trace of excitement flashed across Xu Cheng's face.

The potency contained in low-level pills is limited, and if taken in large quantities, the potency that can be absorbed will decrease.

With this fusion of alchemy, it is completely different.

Fusion of low-level elixirs into higher-level or higher-quality elixirs can absorb more medicinal power.

Through this method, even the Ninth Grade Spirit Pill can be fused.

Looking at the pills given by Yao Lao in the palm of his hand, Xu Cheng's true essence turned into an illusory palm elixir furnace, and contained all these elixirs in it.

The pill furnace started to rotate, and the pills visible to the naked eye turned into liquid medicine and then fused together.

But with a hundred breaths, there was only a round marble and a large pale red pill left in his palm.

Second grade elixir, middle grade in appearance.

It was originally just a handful of pills that contained some body refining power, but they were fused into a second-grade pill.

The difference in this can be described as thousands of miles away.

That handful of pills can only replenish some real energy, so that people who have never practiced martial arts can feel the power of real energy.

But a second-grade elixir, at a critical moment, can make a martial artist with a seventh or eighth level of acquired cultivation break through.

With this magical technique, Xu Cheng no longer has to worry about pills.

Early the next morning, he rolled up his sleeves and went to the medicine garden.

Along the way, he got a lot of elixir and medicinal materials as rewards by checking in, which made him bite his lip and couldn't help laughing out loud.

When he arrived at the medicine garden, he didn't see Yao Lao, so he looked around at all kinds of elixir planted in the garden.

White jade scrophulariaceae, this is a good thing that can be refined into a fourth-grade panacea.

Those white jade scrophulariaceae have at least a hundred years of medicinal power, but their growth is not very luxuriant, it seems that they have not been taken care of well.

Purple jade locust tree, more than 100 years old, can detoxify and is the best medicine for high-grade detoxification pill.

There are two purple jade locust trees in the garden, and they also have hundred-year medicinal power, but like the white jade crocus, they seem to have no energy.

"The bloodthirsty flower is planted next to the purple jade locust tree. It's pretty good if it doesn't die." After looking carefully, Xu Cheng shook his head slightly and muttered in a low voice.

This bloodthirsty flower has a habit of being yin-loving, and it will absorb the moisture from the surrounding elixir every day.

Unless it is watered with mountain spring water every day, those elixirs that are closer to the bloodthirsty flower will have to be sucked dry.

These are all what he learned from the cheat book "Detailed Explanation of the Way of Medicine" yesterday.

"How do you know that bloodthirsty flowers cannot be planted together with Ziyuhuai?" Yao Lao appeared at the door of the medicine garden at some time.

Holding the wooden barrel in his hand, he looked at Xu Cheng curiously and asked.

"Grandpa said."

Xu Cheng replied naturally.

He is an honest man who can't lie, and if there is anything, it is natural that the ancestor said it.

This answer made Yao Lao a little speechless. He stepped forward to look at the purple jade locust tree and the white jade crocus, and poured the mountain spring water in the wooden barrel.

After the potion was poured on several plants, he looked at the bloodthirsty flower, shook his head and said, "Come with me."

Coming to the thatched hut with the old medicine, Xu Cheng saw that there were various medicinal materials in the small thatched hut, some were dried, some were sliced, and they were all processed well.

In the middle of the thatched hut, a bronze alchemy stove half a person's height stood there, the remaining smoke curled up under the alchemy stove, it could be seen that Yao Lao had just used this alchemy stove to make alchemy.

"The elixir is in the box on the desk, go and get it yourself." Yao Lao said as he went to the elixir stove,

Lift off the furnace cover.

Immediately, a tangy aroma of pills filled the whole thatched cottage.

Qingyang Huayuan Pill, a elixir that integrates true essence and improves cultivation, is a fifth-grade pill.

This Yao Lao's alchemy is really not low.

You must know that one who can refine fifth-grade alchemy is already a well-known alchemist in the world.

The fifth-grade pill is the most useful pill in the Grandmaster Realm.

No wonder he was able to live in seclusion in the back mountain of Tianshi Palace.

This kind of alchemist, which sect is not rushing to get it?

Xu Cheng sniffed while reaching for the small wooden box on the desk.

"Qingshenyuan Baifei turned around, and a spirit was born in Chengshao..."

The desk is full of papers with handwriting on it.

These words seem to be so chaotic that people can't figure it out.

But Xu Cheng understood what it was at a glance.

"Have you read the text?"

Hearing Xu Cheng muttering in a low voice, Yao Lao was taken aback for a moment, received Dan's hand, and hurriedly asked.

Yao Lao is also studying the "Baiyun Dao Jing"?

Xu Cheng, who was worried that he would not be able to come to the medicine garden often to check in, reached out and took the small wooden box containing the pills in his hand, and then said unhurriedly: "Grandpa asked me to take the "Baiyun Daojing" from Taoist Red Sandalwood a while ago. go."

Hearing the name of "Baiyun Dao Jing", Yao Lao was shocked, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

"Then just now, have you heard your grandfather say what it means?"

Yao Lao looked at Xu Cheng with a soft voice, as if he was just asking casually.

But the intrusion of the soul that is unique to the semi-holy rank and the undetectable trembling of his fingertips revealed many secrets.

Yao Lao cared a lot about "Baiyun Dao Jing".

This scripture is about the understanding of the divine consciousness and the method of practice, and the secret of developing the divine treasure.

There are so many notes in the Liuyun thatched cottage, but none of them have records about the cultivation of spiritual consciousness.

It can be seen that this scripture is really precious.

"I said it, it seems to be some kind of secret of spiritual consciousness." Xu Cheng only said these two sentences, and then left the thatched cottage sideways, leaving some medicines standing there to hang.

When the word "spiritual consciousness" is mentioned, there is no fear that Yao Lao will not be tempted!


two steps.

three steps.

"Xu Cheng."

Xu Cheng turned around and looked at Yao Lao.

"Xu Cheng, come to my medicine garden often to play in the future."

Veteran Yao handed a few warm fifth-grade pills to Xu Cheng's hands.

"This elixir is not something you can eat now, you can give it to others, and you can give it to whoever is pleasing to the eye." Yao Lao lowered his voice and said softly: "Whoever you give the elixir to, he will listen to you. "

Xu Cheng nodded, grabbed the pill and walked a few steps, then turned around and said, "Then I'll come back tomorrow."

"Okay, okay, come tomorrow and I'll refine a batch of sweet pills for you." With a smile on his face, Yao Lao watched Xu Cheng leave the medicine garden step by step.

"Divine consciousness..."

When Xu Cheng arrived at the Lingxiao Hall of the Tianshi Palace, the young disciples who participated in the Daomen Grand Competition had already lined up outside the hall.

"Meet the little celestial master."

Seeing Xu Chenglai, everyone bowed and clasped their fists.

"The ancestor asked me to give each of you a pill to help you improve your cultivation."

Xu Cheng held the wooden box with both hands, and said with a straight face.

"Thank you ancestor for the reward, thank you little heavenly master."

Hearing Xu Cheng's words, everyone hurriedly bowed.

In previous years, such rewards were only given to those who got a good ranking after the big competition. I didn't expect the ancestors to reward them directly before the big competition this year, which is really a surprise.

"Do you know why the ancestor rewarded the pill for?"

Holding the wooden box, Xu Cheng raised his head and asked in an orderly manner.

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