The two of them were lying on the ground with deathly faces. Wang Liuzhi's body was cut into two parts, and Wu Qing's body was covered with wolf-like fur and stained with bright red blood. It was really unexpected. Li Xuan raised his eyebrows and sighed in his heart. At the same time, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the veteran's luck was bad, and he actually met Muzan. Seeing that the other party did not respond, Muzan frowned, but did not act rashly. The knife on the other party's waist indicated the identity of the other party as a member of the Demon Slayer Corps. The experience of being seriously injured and even nearly killed by Tsugikoku Yoshiichi hundreds of years ago has made Muzan much more cautious and grown a lot. He will not easily attack before he knows the opponent's details.

He will hide if he can, and will never attack easily. If he wants to attack, he will let his subordinates do it.

Suddenly, Muzan felt a familiar breath.

Coming from the sack held by the opponent

Muzan's brows were almost twisted together.

"Jade pot!"

He suddenly called with a cold face.

In an instant, the sack held by Li Xuan suddenly twisted violently, and the things inside were constantly struggling and making passionate and angry sounds.

"Master Muzan, save me! Save me!!!"

"Shut up."

This cold and restraining word was not said by Li Xuan, but by Muzan.

The jade pot in the sack was suddenly silent.

For Muzan, the only value of the jade pot is that the pot he made can be sold for money.

"What do you want to do?" Wuzan asked Li Xuan again.

But Li Xuan still did not respond, and it was unknown what he was thinking.

The next moment, a thick and oppressive breath suddenly burst out from Wuzan, pointing at Li Xuan and crushing him.

In an instant, Li Xuan felt like a lone boat in the vast ocean, swaying and capsizing on the sea.

Is the gap too big...

Even under the heavy momentum, Li Xuan's mind was still so clear, and he devoted himself to feeling the gap between his strength and Wuzan.

[Ghost Transformation]

After roughly understanding the gap, Li Xuan started the ghost transformation without hesitation.

His hair gradually grew longer, and the color in his eyes turned into a rich black, as deep as the abyss, and even the brilliance could not escape.

Strange narrow lines as red as blood gradually appeared on his cheeks, like strange patterns painted by sacrifices.

The flesh of the neck turned up, and greedy and evil eyes shot out from it, as if spying on everything in the world.

An extremely ominous and strange aura spread from the body of the ghost-transformed Li Xuan, offsetting the aura that Muzan was targeting.


Muzan was surprised and puzzled.

It was a ghost, but it was not under his control.

He found that there was no trace of his blood in the other party's body.

You know, even the transformed ghosts such as Tamayo and Yushiro who were not under Muzan's control would have some traces of Muzan's blood in their bodies.

Because no matter what, Muzan is the first ghost, and all ghosts are born because of him.

But now, Li Xuan is completely out of Muzan's cognition.

What's going on?

Muzan said he didn't understand.

His face became even colder, as if frost was about to form.

There were too many unexpected things today. First, there was the ghost hunter wearing the earrings of Jiguo Yuanyi, and then there were three guys who attacked him without knowing whether to live or die. One of them could also turn into a species similar to a wolf! Another person escaped by an unknown method! Now I have encountered a ghost who can turn into a ghost and has nothing to do with me!

Wuzan felt that there were too many strange things today.

But the next moment, Wuzan's face suddenly showed an excited look.

"Can you switch between humans and ghosts?"

His voice was trembling with excitement.

As we all know, the biggest enemy of ghosts is the sun, and being able to switch between humans and ghosts means that you will no longer be afraid of the sun and can enjoy the sun.

Wuzan, who calls himself a "perfect creature", always feels uncomfortable when he thinks that he can only stay in the dark forever. This is also the reason why he has been obsessed with finding the blue flower for thousands of years.

But now, there is an opportunity to bask in the sun again, how can he not be excited! How can he not be excited!

"How did you do it! How did you do it!" Wuzan shouted excitedly, eager to get an answer from Li Xuan.

"I won't tell you~" A hoarse and weird voice came out of Li Xuan's mouth


"Eat you! If I eat you, I might become like you!" The blood vessels on Muzan's body swelled, his dress burst, and several ferocious whips suddenly emerged from his body.

They whipped towards Li Xuan at a terrifying speed.

The narrow alley was completely covered by the whip's attack range.

There was no way to avoid it.

Li Xuan didn't want to hide.

"Mist Breathing, Second Form..."

This was a new sword form he had experimented with on the way to Kyoto after defeating Yu Hu.

He urged the breathing method and kept swinging the Sun Wheel Sword, and the extremely dense fog gathered on the blade.

Swinging again and again, slashing again and again, as the number of swings and slashes increased, the fog continued to stack and compress on the blade.

At the moment when the fastest whip reached Li Xuan, Li Xuan swung the Sun Wheel Sword to slash at the whip, and they collided.

"Big Fog Blaze!"

The concentrated fog burst out in an instant, and the violently rushing fog forced all the whips back.


Before Muzan could react, the fog had already covered the entire alley.

"No harm?"

Muzan found that the fog was not harmful at all.

But the next moment, he felt something was wrong.

The fog in the entire alley actually began to burn, and the speed was very fast! The temperature suddenly rose, and all the fog instantly turned into a surging black flame that swept and burned everything in the alley.

The black flame was shocking and breathtaking.

It didn't stop until everything in the alley turned into black coal and there was nothing left to burn.

Black flame?

At this time, Li Xuan was also a little surprised.

The "Big Fog Blaze" he experimented with when he discovered that the fog breath could be converted in the water flame characteristics was not black flame, nor did it have this characteristic of burning everything.

It should be the benefit brought by the ghost transformation, Li Xuan thought so.

The alley was now full of traces of the fire, with only a few charred humanoids left, emitting an unpleasant burning smell.

Even Muzan was burned to charcoal.


Muzan's charred body suddenly made a cracking sound, and pieces of charred skin fell off, revealing the white and tender body of Muzan inside.

A cold look appeared on his pale, bloodless face.

He realized that the other party seemed to be a bit difficult to deal with, and he couldn't kill him easily.

Slip away.

Li Xuan thought.

The impact of the whip and the Nichirin Sword on his hand just now made Li Xuan realize that even after he turned into a demon, he was still no match for Muzan, so he planned to run away.

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