The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

Li Xuan stood by the river and murmured, "Where is Tanjiro..."

He recalled Tanjiro's smell in his mind for a moment, and his nose twitched, triggering his sensitive sense of smell.

The smell of tens of thousands of creatures on the whole mountain seemed to rush into Li Xuan's nose in an instant.

The smell of ghosts he had never smelled before...the smell of people he had never smelled before...the smell of small animals...the smell of Shinobu Kocho...the smell of Nezuko...and...the smell of Tanjiro.

"Found it."

It seems that the state is not right.

Li Xuan felt that Tanjiro's breath was a little bit wrong, a little weak.

It seems that even if the strength is much deeper than in the plot, it is still not as good as the fifth lower string!

His breathing became heavier.

"All in."

Li Xuan's figure gradually became illusory and disappeared on the spot.


"Water Breathing, Form 3: Flowing Dance!"

Tanjiro waved the Sun Blade, bringing up a stream of water, and approached the demon in the distance with clever steps.

The demon had white hair and skin, bright red in the eye frame, white pupils and black eyes, and several red dots on the cheeks. He was a child, and the words "lower five" were engraved in his eyes.

This is the fifth lower string, Lei.

Lei's hand bloomed with several white spider silk threads attacking Tanjiro, and Tanjiro relied on his steps to avoid the cutting of the silk threads again and again. The silk threads that could not be avoided were cut by his slashes as he stepped.

It was obviously much better than the situation in the original plot where the silk threads could not be cut and the knife was broken in an instant.


Lei curled his lips, his hand turned bright red, blood flowed down and injected into the blooming silk threads, and the white silk threads suddenly turned red.

Tanjiro's Nichirin sword cut into the bright red silk thread, but suddenly a gap was made.

"The sword was cut... can't be cut! This silk thread is so hard!"

He leaned down in an instant, narrowly avoiding the sweep of the silk thread, but the Nichirin sword also broke with a sound.

"It's broken..." Tanjiro's face was full of surprise.

"What should I do..."

Tanjiro stepped back and stood in front of Nezuko who was cut by the silk thread just now.

Nichirin sword is an extremely important weapon for killing demons. If Nichirin sword is broken, it means that the combat effectiveness will be greatly affected.

Ryu-ryuu consumes a lot of physical strength. Tanjiro wanted to approach the demon at high speed so that his silk thread had no space to release, but he failed, and the Nichirin sword was cut instead.

His haori and Demon Slayer Corps uniform had been cut into tatters by the silk thread, and his physical strength was gradually running out.


Tanjiro held the broken sword in his hand, his mind constantly turning, looking for a way out.

"Think of a way quickly!"

"Let your sister be my sister!" Lei suddenly stretched out his arm to Tanjiro.

"Impossible!" Tanjiro responded excitedly.

"Then go to hell." Lei said indifferently.

He stretched out his ten fingers, like a spider, and suddenly shot out many red threads from his ten fingers at high speed, attacking Tanjiro and Nezuko.

The countless silk threads weaved into a large net in the air to cover Tanjiro and Nezuko. Once covered, they would definitely be cut into pieces of blood and flesh.

"Blood Demon Art· Cut Silk Prison."

Is he going to die...

Tanjiro suddenly panicked. The Sun Wheel Sword was intact and couldn't cut these red threads, let alone the broken Sun Wheel Sword.

Is he going to die...

All the memories of the past flashed in Tanjiro's mind like a slide show.

It's a revolving lantern...


Memories of his father emerged in Tanjiro's mind.

On a snowy day, his father was wearing a ritual costume and dancing to worship the God of Fire...

"Our family works with fire. In order to avoid injuries and disasters, we dance and pray for the God of Fire at the beginning of the year."

The conversation with his mother emerged.

"There is a way to breathe. There is a way to breathe that will not make you tired no matter how you move..."

The conversation with his father lying on the cotton mat emerged.

These memories...are clearly forgotten.

"Breathe, Tanjiro."

The heavy voice of his father sounded in his mind again.

"The God of Fire Kagura!"

Tanjiro's water breathing suddenly stopped and turned into the breathing method his father taught him in his memory.

Suction method.

On the broken sword, fierce flames instantly emerged, which were more brilliant and gentle than the breath of fire.

"Round dance!"

The flames instantly cut through the shrinking red silk prison.

Tanjiro rushed towards Rui in an instant.

Can't stop, otherwise there will be sequelae from the transition from the water breathing method to the fire god Kagura, he must be killed immediately! Can't stop!

His heart was full of prayers to kill the demon in front of him.

"What?" Rui was frightened by Tanjiro's explosion for a moment, and retreated quickly, and halfway through, he used his hands to weave a flower rope with red silk and released it to Tanjiro.

"Blood Demon Art·Killing Eye Cage."

But the red silk was as fragile as ordinary silk thread, and it was burned and cut off in an instant when it touched Tanjiro's flame.

"Damn it!" A panicked look appeared on Lei's face. When he was about to make the next move, Tanjiro had already approached Lei with the broken sword carrying flames.

It's going to succeed!

Tanjiro gripped the handle of the sword tightly, and the remaining blade was about to chop Lei's neck.


Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded for Tanjiro.

Li Xuan's figure suddenly appeared beside Tanjiro, grabbed his arm, and stopped Tanjiro from swinging down.

But even so, Lei's head still flew up.


Tanjiro was about to ask Li Xuan's meaning when he saw that Lei's flying head was tied with several silk threads.

He immediately understood that it would be useless even if he chopped it down...

But Li Xuan is here... should be...

With trust in Li Xuan, Tanjiro slowly fell down.

The sequelae of the breathing method conversion left him with no strength to move.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Li Xuan raised his foot to catch Tanjiro, said something casually, and then threw Inosuke and Tanjiro to Nezuko who had recovered.

In fact, Li Xuan had arrived a long time ago, but did not make a move.

He knew that this plot was an important plot for Tanjiro's explosiveness to stimulate the breathing method of the God of Fire Kagura, and it could not be interrupted casually.

So he did not make a move at the first time, but secretly prepared to save Tanjiro when his life was really in danger.

As for why he blocked Tanjiro's last knife, it was simply because Li Xuan was greedy for Rui's blood demon art.

Although Rui cut off his head in advance in the original plot, so Tanjiro's knife did not hit, but Li Xuan could not guarantee that everything was as described in the plot. After all, Rui did not react to Tanjiro before being hit, which was different from the original plot.

Moreover, the power of Tanjiro's knife was indeed quite bluffing. Li Xuan was afraid that he would kill Rui with this knife, so he blocked Tanjiro's knife in advance.

"Who are you?" The silk thread retracted, and Lei's head returned to his broken neck, "Why did you block his knife?"

Lei sensed the breath of the person in front of him. It was indeed a person. Moreover, why was there a ghost breath around his waist?

"It may be a bit shameful to say it out loud." Li Xuan didn't know how to answer.

Should I say that I did it for your blood demon art?

"Then go to hell!" Lei's face showed an angry look. The panic of being almost chopped to death just now made him feel uncomfortable when he recalled it.

The silk thread flowed out from his fingertips again.

But the next moment, Lei found that the person in front of him had disappeared.

"Behind." Li Xuan patted Lei's shoulder from behind.

[Sign in]

[Sign in successfully]

[Get "Lower String Five Lei's Blood Demon Art": It can be used in the demon state, and all Lei's blood demon arts will be usable. 】

Seeing the prompt, Li Xuan was a little surprised. When signing in for the Jade Pot, the blood demon arts were given one by one, and sometimes some inexplicable things could be signed in. This time, Lei was lucky and got all of them at once.

Hearing the voice from behind, Lei's expression froze and his body rushed forward.

What a fast speed!

He couldn't help but be surprised and suspicious. His angry mood seemed to be poured with a basin of cold water, and he calmed down all of a sudden.

"Since it's all, you are not needed."

When Lei was about to turn around and attack the silk thread backwards, a cold voice suddenly came from the side.

"Water Breathing, I don't know what type it is... Anyway, it's just a knife."

Immediately afterwards, Lei heard the sound of the Sun Wheel Sword being unsheathed and a sentence that was extremely insulting to ghosts.

Then Lei felt his consciousness fall into darkness.

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