
In the study of Xiaoyao Palace, a heavy voice suddenly sounded, and a Qilin case inkstone carved from the top Duanxi inkstone was smashed to pieces.

Li Jue, the son of Xiaoyao Wang, has scarlet eyes and a face like a ferocious beast. He has a strong killing intent and furiously said: "The rice bucket, all are rice buckets! Chase, let the little king continue chasing, no matter the ends of the world, you will catch that bitch. Come back. Remember, if you want to live, Xiao Wang will let that bitch taste what life is better than death!"

"Yes, the subordinates will immediately send additional staff to do it!"

Outside the door, the confidant took the order and hurriedly went down to make arrangements.

a long time.

Li Jue, who was sitting on the desk, exhaled a foul breath. He rubbed the violent temples with one hand, and he held a letter with the other hand. The corner of his mouth was stern, and he said to himself: "Yulu, Yulu, Xiao Wang really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to betray Xiao Wang for a savage man. Well, your wings are stiff, don't you blame Xiao Wang for being ruthless."

You can't describe Yulu with long hair and short knowledge. It can only be said that she is not tall enough and the pattern is not big enough. This is a little taken for granted.

Her little tricks can fool Li Jue for a while, but how can she fool Li Jue for a while?

After changing outfits with the maid orioli and fled to the east gate, the master and servant joined the caravan in Mafang and headed to Yangzhou together. But when it was sunset, the men Li Jue sent to stalk naturally noticed something strange.

The magnificent carriage was hired, and the coachman was just an ordinary old man, and naturally gave up everything under pressure.

Soon, even the uncle Cao who sells sugar Calabash near Qunfang Pavilion was also found, and the letter to be given to Li Zian fell into Li Jue's hand without waiting for tomorrow.

His plan for Li Zian was almost destroyed by Yulu, how could he not be angry? Naturally, he immediately sent his confidant to catch Yulu.

But Yulu still had some luck.

Although she left the Chang'an realm with the caravan in Mafang, she still felt a little uneasy, so she separated from the caravan in Mafang on the second day, planning to take the waterway, via Luoyang, Bianzhou, Sizhou and then to Yangzhou. .

After four or five days of trembling boat trips, the master and servant finally arrived in Luoyang, about twenty days away from Yangzhou.

What Yulu didn't know was that the letter she left to Li Xiao had already fallen into Li Jue's hands, and the killer sent by Li Jue pretended to be a thief, intercepted the Mafang caravan, and ransacked the property after asking the result. , And killed a group of twenty-seven people clean, pretending to be robbers to rob money.

Afterwards, they sent someone to report to Shizi, while on the other side they headed forward separately by land and water, chasing Yulu.


Two flowers bloom, one on each table.


It took less than an hour for Monk Li Xiao to enter Changping County and came to the small house where Zhang Zilin's little concubine Linglong lived.

After Linglong's death, this house became an unknown house, even if it was sold cheaply, no one cared about it.

Fortunately, Zhang Zilin's family fortune was 100,000, and he didn't lack these little money, so he was free.

It has been more than a month since the incident, the wind and snow were blowing, the house was left unattended, and soon fell into disuse.

"Master, this is the house, you think there is..."

Li Xiao pointed his finger at the house in front of him and just wanted to ask, but when he saw that Huixin looked strange, he knew that he had an answer.

Huixin rubbed her eyebrows, and said, "Li Shizhu, it is exactly the same. The owner of this house also died in a violent death? The cause of death is the same as Sanniang?"

"The owner of this house is named Linglong, the concubine of Zhang Zilin in the south of the city. His death was terrible and his body was covered with scars. The guard who died in the Royal Lin Yuan was named Zhang San, and the same was true of his death. In addition, the death of Nie Sanniang... This is a serial murder case!"

Li Xiao explained the common points of the three cases.

All three of them died under brutal torture.

"Who is the murderer? The methods are so cruel!"

Huixin Vajra glared, and the Buddha's heart trembled.

Although Buddhism also has a motto of "put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha", such a brutal and inhumane mob is always immortalized in The Underworld.

Even good old people like Huixin were so angry that the Buddha's mind was unstable, which shows how tragic this matter is.

"Master calms down..."

Li Xiao continued, "The master and the emperor talked about Buddhism and Taoism, but have you found anything unusual about the emperor recently?"

"Li Shizhu...is it related to the emperor?"

Huixin's forehead was cold.

Li Xiao sold it off and said: "Please also ask the master to answer my question first, and I will explain it later."

Huixin immediately dispelled the idea that the emperor sent someone to kill Nie Sanniang, and replied: "A few days ago, upstairs, I faintly felt that your majesty was in poor condition and his body seemed to be ill. By the way, your majesty's eyes were a little scattered. Yes, your Majesty’s right hand is ill, and it trembles from time to time."

The two crippled dolls dug from the torso of the banyan tree, one eye was poked blind and the other right hand was severed, all seemed to reflect Emperor Ming's body.

Among the major systems, only the Witch Gu technique can achieve this point.

"What about ten years ago, um, just after Nie Sanniang died, how was Emperor Ming's body abnormal?"

Li Xiao asked.

"Ten years ago... After I set up a tombstone for Sanniang, I stayed at Xiangguo Temple and never went out again. I remember that it didn't take long for your Majesty to come to the poor monk to discuss the Buddha, but the poor monk felt guilty at that time. I can't stay still, I didn't pay much attention to your majesty's physical condition..."

Huixin fell into the memory, working hard to splice the messy memory fragments in his mind, but after a long time, how did he remember those minor details.

ten years.

It's really too long.

No matter how powerful Huixin is, it is impossible to remember the details of ten years ago.

But overall, things are already very clear.

Someone used the mysterious witchcraft technique to mutilate Emperor Ming.

I just don't know when the next living sacrifice will be.

How many of those crippled puppets are there?

After all the living people have sacrificed, Emperor Ming will die silently, and even the imperial doctor will not be able to find out the cause of the disease.


Suddenly another thought came to Li Xiao's heart.

The art of Witch Gu is not that simple, it can't be easily performed by a Witch Clan cultivator. Sacrificial offerings, site selection, and the like are very particular, and even a little bit will fail.

Regarding living sacrifices, Li Xiao couldn't think of a reason.

Nie Sanniang and Linglong can be regarded as women of the wind, but that Zhang San is a guard, and they seem to have nothing in common.

So where to cast the witch gu?

Why did you choose these points?

Changping County, located seventy to eighty miles west of Chang'an City, is a small and medium-sized county under the jurisdiction of Chang'an City.

The Royal Forest Garden, located near the Ziyun River fifty miles south of Chang'an City, was the place where the emperor hunted in autumn.

But the house of Nie Sanniang was in the east of Chang'an City.

These locations may seem chaotic, but are there any connections?

Li Xiao fell into deep thought...

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