It was a big hand that tightly grasped her ankle that stopped the attack.

And who else could the owner of this big hand be other than Ye Luo...

Ye Luo was very unhappy and said: "You actually want to kick my balls, you tomboy, you are really cruel!"

Liu Yushan was completely stunned...

The man had his back to her, how could he suddenly turn around?

He even caught her kick so easily...

This speed and reaction...

It should never be something that someone who is not familiar with water should have!

Just as Liu Yushan was stunned...

With a whoosh!

Her body suddenly moved uncontrollably.

The force that pulled her came from her ankle...

Obviously, it was Ye Luo who did it!

Ye Luo had no intention of showing mercy, and he pulled Liu Yushan over with all his strength, and then raised his foot and stepped on her back.


With a puff!

Bubbles rolled in the pool water...

Ye Luo's kick directly knocked Liu Yushan onto the tiles at the bottom of the pool. She immediately opened her mouth and exhaled in pain...

Bubbles rolled in the pool water again!

At this moment, Liu Yushan had no room to resist, like a chicken waiting to be slaughtered...

Ye Luo didn't stop there, because a simple kick was not enough to relieve the anger in his heart.

"Do you think the world is beautiful and everything will develop as you expected?"


Ye Luo smiled like a devil: "Then I will let you see the cruelty of this world!"

After saying that...

Ye Luo launched a crazy revenge.

He reached down with both hands, and then grabbed Liu Yushan's swimsuit tightly, and then...

With a tearing sound!

The tight swimsuit was torn apart by Ye Luo without hesitation...

In an instant, Liu Yushan was stripped naked!

Liu Yushan's mind went blank...

She had never expected that this man would resort to such a shameless and vulgar trick...

She is a woman!

If she is completely naked, how will she get out of the water later...

Ye Luo had no interest in Liu Yushan's body, so he didn't even look at her for the moment, and grabbed her ankle again and threw her up.

"What would it be like if everyone at the scene saw you like this?"

Ye Luo's mouth corners tilted higher and higher, and his smile became more and more evil.


The muscles in his hand suddenly exerted force, and Liu Yushan was thrown quickly towards the shore of the swimming pool!


Liu Yushan instantly became like a missile, with no resistance in the water. In the blink of an eye, she was thrown out of the water by a huge force...

For a moment...

The scene was full of spring...

Before everyone could react, Liu Yushan began to descend again, and with a splash, she fell heavily on the edge of the swimming pool!


Her innocence was gone!

But at this moment, Liu Yushan did not feel ashamed...

Instead, she endured the pain and responded quickly.

She suddenly stood up and rushed to a girl, snatched the towel from her body, and then turned around quickly, and with a whoosh, she wrapped her body with the towel...

The spring scenery that made people fantasize disappeared again...

Many male compatriots showed regret...

"You bastard..."

At this moment, Liu Yushan's anger spread all over her body. She gritted her teeth and stared at Ye Luo in the water: "One day, I, Liu Yushan, will kill you!"

Although she said extremely arrogant and cruel words...

But after she finished speaking, she turned around and ran away without hesitation!

Liu Yushan was still very afraid of Ye Luo, whether he was underwater or standing on the water.

If she knew that he also had such a strong power underwater, she would never be so stupid as to say such a stupid thing as to compete with him in the water!

"I can definitely become stronger than him, I can!"

But Liu Yushan is also a person with a strong desire to win.

So this matter will definitely not be let go...

She imagined: "If I become a god of war, let alone beat him, even if I beat a hundred of him, it will definitely not be a problem!"


She secretly swore a poisonous oath, that is: I must become a god of war in five years!

In the swimming pool, Ye Luo has surfaced.

He looked at Liu Yushan's back and shouted: "Hey, tomboy, your underwear is still here! If you don't want it, I can give it to someone else!"

Liu Yushan didn't even look back, holding back her shame and said loudly: "Then I'll give it to you, I hope you can keep it well!"


In the eyes of everyoneAfter that, Liu Yushan strode out of the swimming pool.

In the swimming pool, Ye Luo threw the black briefs in his hand aside.

He complained: "What's the point of collecting them? I'm not interested in tomboys."

After a while...

Ye Luo went ashore.

And the black briefs had sunk to the bottom of the water.

No one picked them up at the scene...

In fact, some people wanted to pick them up, but because there were too many people at the scene, they really couldn't bring themselves to do it...

After that, Su Rong and Jin Lan, without Liu Yushan's harassment, all devoted their energy to swimming training.

Ye Luo, Yu Mi, Que'er, and the fifth sister Wu Zehuang sat on the shore and watched them train quietly.

Until five o'clock in the afternoon...

Ye Luo returned to Tianxiu Group with Yu Mi and Que'er.


There were indeed only three of them who came back.

Su Rong didn't come back because she had to undergo high-intensity training for a period of time, so it would be more convenient to live near the gymnasium.

The fifth sister Wu Zehuang did not come back because she wanted to stay with Su Rong to protect her.

Ye Luo did not refute this arrangement.

Yu Mi and Que'er did not either.


It was nine o'clock in the evening again.

At this moment, Ye Luo and Que'er were madly entangled on the big soft bed, and there were indescribable sounds coming out of Que'er's mouth.

The fight lasted until eleven o'clock in the evening before it stopped.

"Brother Ye Luo, Que'er is so sleepy. Que'er wants to sleep first."

Kong Que rubbed his eyes and said tenderly.

But it was a fact that she was very tired, after all, she had been exercising intensively for two hours!

Ye Luo held her tightly in his arms and said gently: "Que'er, go to sleep. Brother Ye Luo will watch you fall asleep and will not let anyone disturb you."

Kong Que's face immediately showed a face full of happiness.


She tucked her little head into Ye Luo's arms, smelled his scent, slowly closed her eyes, and fell asleep peacefully...

A few minutes later, Kong Que fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Luo patted her shoulder and called softly: "Que'er, Que'er..."

Kong Que didn't respond at all...

If there was no response, then Ye Luo would start another task.

Just when he was about to pick up his phone to contact Yu Mi...

She received a message on WeChat...

It happened to be sent by Yu Mi...

The content was just two words: "Are you there?"

Ye Luo replied: "No."

Yu Mi: "????"


Author's words:

Oh, I don't know how to write it anymore

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