"Fuck, was that a person who just passed by?"

"Hey, this, this, it's indeed a person's shadow, but what he did, this is not something a human can do."

"It's outrageous, a gate two or three meters high, he jumped over it? I suspect he was carrying a bamboo pole."

"Is this not a movie? Is he hanging with a wire?"

"I don't care how he got up there, the key is why he was so fast that I couldn't even see his shadow clearly, who can be his opponent in a 50-meter sprint?"

In the crowd, Su Qingcheng and Avril were also stunned. The skills of the robber just now were enough to make people amazed, but what the hell was that figure behind him?

"Sister Xiaowei, do you feel like you've seen that figure before?"

Suddenly, Su Qingcheng seemed to think of something and looked at Avril.

Avril nodded, and then looked around.

Sure enough, Ye Qing was gone?

Uncle? ? ?

Avril glanced at Su Qingcheng, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Could it be that the one just now was really my uncle?" Su Qingcheng said half-doubtfully.

Here, the young man just now smiled, he was still very clear about his own strength, no one could outrun him in the complex geographical environment.

"Why don't you run?"

Suddenly, a voice came from behind him.

The young man was startled, turned his head and saw Ye Qing was close at hand.

His face changed drastically, who the hell is this? Where did he come from?

No, there is an uninhabited abandoned park behind this, so he can only come in through the gate, but he was distracted for a while, and he came here? Who the hell is this person! This speed is too terrifying, right?

He didn't have time to think about it, and ran forward.

Seeing that there was another dead end ahead with no way out, he gritted his teeth and stepped on the wall again. He clung to the wall like a nimble kitten, and then continued to climb upwards with his legs and feet. He turned around and pounced directly onto the balcony of a two-story building that was still under construction.

Then, he continued to climb along the wall, flipped directly to the third floor, and ran to the rooftop.

He looked at the high wall behind him, and there was no trace of Ye Qing. He breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, there is a gap of more than one meter between the industrial park and this two-story building. If you step on it carelessly, you will definitely break your legs if you fall down. He didn't think Ye Qing would have the courage to follow him.

However, he was still shuttling between the buildings, as if he was not trying to avoid Ye Qing, but simply wanted to experience the excitement of this parkour.

And his series of fancy moves stunned the audience downstairs.

The people chasing the robbers just now came out in a circle, and they saw the young man speeding on the rooftop.

"What the hell, are the robbers so fierce now? They don't take the small roads anymore but the sky roads instead?"

"666, he's making my blood pressure rise, come down quickly, it's just a matter of stealing a bag, there's no need to risk your life like this, right?"

"Hehe, I hope he falls down and dies!"

"Damn, jumping between two buildings, who dares to chase him, the man just now should have given up, let's leave it to the police."

Everyone looked at the young man on the rooftop, all of them were terrified, and some even shouted at him to come down with a loudspeaker. The person whose bag he stole just now also said that he didn't want the bag anymore, and gave it to him, and it was enough for him to be alive.

But the young man smiled, continued to kick his legs, and jumped to the balcony of another building, scaring the girl who was admiring the flowers on the balcony.

As for Ye Qing, he slowly stepped on the ground and flew to the top of the wall of the park. Then he kicked out again, and the whole person soared up, his body showed a parabolic flight trajectory, and finally landed accurately on the balcony on the second floor, and then jumped to the third floor.

He walked a few steps on the third floor and saw the young man in the next building. He even pouted at the young man, as if to say: You run too slowly.

And everyone downstairs was stunned.

Two steps, just two steps, from the park to the third floor.

This is more powerful than the young man just now. What kind of monster is this? Does it have wings on its body? It can fly directly.

This is outrageous!

The young man looked at Ye Qing and felt a little scared for no reason. He subconsciously ran away, and ran desperately. He had never met such a master, so he had to go all out.

The young man jumped onto the rooftop of the adjacent building, then he picked up a wooden board from the rooftop and placed it between the two buildings, which were 5 meters apart.The ground below is several meters away from the wooden board.

If you fall from such a high distance, you will probably be paralyzed.

Moreover, the quality of the wooden board and whether it is slippery are unknown.

"Masters are among the people, but failures are in the underworld."

"Calm down, young man, come down quickly, we promise you won't need it."

"Young man, don't think too much, tell your uncle if you have any difficulties."

"Hurry up, prepare the air cushion."

The police comrade who just arrived was originally here to catch a thief, but now he has become a rescuer.

The young man's operation made anyone think he was committing suicide.

But the young man wanted this kind of exciting feeling. He ignored the people downstairs, stepped on the wooden board three times, and the whole person jumped up, and finally successfully landed on the roof of the opposite building.

The young man stood up, looked back at the gap behind him, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The wooden board was broken into two pieces due to old age and trampling, and fell directly to the bottom of the building.

Everyone was so nervous that if the young man had a worse luck, he would be a corpse now.

After a few bounces, Ye Qing had already reached the rooftop where the young man was before.

He glanced at the young man opposite and slowly walked to the edge of the rooftop.

"I advise you not to come over. The two buildings are more than five meters apart. I just came over with a wooden board. Now that the board is broken, you can't get over. I lose this competition. I will return the bag to you later."

The young man looked at Ye Qing and kindly reminded him.


At the same time, a drone was filming in the sky not far from the two of them.

At this time, the picture from the drone has been transmitted to a live broadcast room. The audience in the live broadcast room all watched the two people's parkour picture with bated breath. Everyone was still frightened by this thrilling live broadcast.

[Oh my God, Xiaoya broke his own record again this time. I give him 100 points for this wave of Lingbo Weibu! ]

[I never thought that someone could catch up with Xiaoya. Who is this person? Too awesome, right? ]

[I don't know who it is, but I still think Xiaoya won. Now that the board is broken, that guy can't catch up again! ]

[When gods fight, mortals retreat. ]

But they also know that Xiaoya used to be a professional cool running team, and now he is a broadcaster. The content of his videos and live broadcasts is also parkour. Although he is not particularly famous, he is one of the best broadcasters on their Lanmao platform.

And he was not a thief at all. This was just a special event prepared for the carnival. He just wanted to have fun with passers-by. He didn't expect to meet such a powerful master among passers-by.

So when they saw the two chasing each other back and forth, everyone was very shocked and began to doubt Ye Qing's identity. If they said that he was really a passer-by without professional training, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

But Ye Qing wore a mask throughout the whole process, and the distance was very far. If it wasn't someone who was particularly familiar with him, no one would recognize him for a while.

However, Xiaoya sat aside to rest, and took off his crocodile bag and prepared to throw it to Ye Qing.

The audience downstairs looked up at them, all of them had their heartbeats accelerated, and cold sweats broke out. Many people urged them to come down quickly, and the police team had already sent people upstairs to bring them all down.

But at this moment, Ye Qing took a few steps back, then rushed forward, and pushed hard on the edge of the rooftop. With the help of inertia and thrust, he flew over Xiaoya's head like a rocket, and then slowly fell down, landing just behind Xiaoya.

Xiaoya was stunned, which meant that the actual distance Ye Qing flew was nearly 7 meters.

Looking at Ye Qing, Xiaoya had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue to run in the opposite direction. Perhaps Ye Qing's flying man just now gave him a huge psychological shock, so Xiaoya took a risk and rushed towards a small building far away. He estimated the landing point, then pushed the ground with both feet, and the whole person took off and flew into the air.

Everyone in the live broadcast room and the audience on the scene were stunned.

This time, the distance Xiaoya had to jump over was too far.

The horizontal distance was five or six meters, but the key was that he was still jumping from high to low, and the diagonal distance had to be increased by two or three times. If he was not careful, he would be crushed to pieces.

But he had already jumped, leaving no chance for anyone to react. Even if they reacted now, there was no way to stop him!

[This is terrible. This is going to cause an accident! ]

[Actor, are you really going to die? ]

[At such a high distance, even an air cushion couldn't save him. He brought this upon himself! ]

Squeak, squeak, squeak~~

Black screen.

The live broadcast room was also suspended immediately.

Xiaoya regretted it when he jumped out, because he was too excited and misjudged the distance. He couldn't jump so far, and he would definitely fall in mid-air, but it was too late when he found out that the distance was not enough.

He looked at the abyss under his feet, gritted his teeth, loosened the force on his feet, adjusted the arc of the flying, and began to fall rapidly.

Then, he grabbed a protruding stone pillar on the wall by feeling.

The whole person was hanging in mid-air.

This was when he felt closest to death.

He was so scared that he didn't dare to think about anything in his mind. He could only hold on to the stone pillar tightly driven by the instinct of survival. He had no foothold now, and it was extremely difficult to climb up, and the air cushion below didn't keep up. The height was too high, even if he was caught, his internal organs would be injured.

The people below were also inexplicably distressed, and they were all thinking about ways to rescue him, but those who understood knew that he could only rely on the air cushion to support him. It was too late for air rescue. The young man could not hold on for long by holding the stone pillar with one hand.

But now it seems that the air cushion is too late!

Sure enough, after a while, Xiaoya's hand was numb, and he lost his grip and began to fall rapidly.

Don't play parkour again in the next life.

At this moment, Xiaoya closed his eyes and left a last word.

Everyone below covered their eyes, not daring to watch the scene of Xiaoya falling.

However, the next moment!

Suddenly, Xiaoya felt that he was directly grabbed by a hand, and then a huge force came, and he was lifted up like a little chicken.

Xiaoya subconsciously opened his eyes and looked at Ye Qing in front of him, stunned.

God! This person is like a god.

Xiaoya looked at Ye Qing and couldn't speak for a long time.

The people downstairs were also stunned.

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