Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

022: Ye Chen Sees Wen Yuci's Kissing Photo, A Bolt From The Blue [Chapter 2, Ask For A Flower T

Everyone was cheering or saying sour words.

Only Lin Yi was dumbfounded.

"What about the promised 1 million? Why is there only 100,000? Nima, does the diary always lie to Lao Tzu?"

But the fact is really not the case. It was written in Wen Yuci's diary that the 1 million that Gu Runjin rewarded Ye Chen was true.

No way, Ye Chen is the protagonist and Lin Yi is just a supporting role.

Even if he finally grabbed Ye Chen's chance, he would be greatly discounted.

Because this opportunity didn't belong to him in the first place, it's not bad to get 100,000 now.

Didn't see Lin Yi go to help Zhong Suxue pick up the bag, instead of asking for favor, was it wronged to be a perverted thing?

Fortunately, Lin Yi has a good mentality and strong adjustment ability.

"One protagonist's chance is not enough, I will grab ten, sooner or later, I will be the biggest protagonist in this world."

Lin Yi thought coldly.


Gu Runjin also went to inspect the company's production room, so he didn't stay in the company much.

Originally, Lin Yi didn't have a chance to go with him, but Gu Runjin called his name on purpose, making those employees feel envious.

And Wen Yuci, a representative of outstanding employees, is also in this ranks.

When leaving, Lin Yi glanced at Ye Chen, whose face was not very good.

He smiled suddenly, with an excellent attention in his heart.

Intentionally or not, he left his mobile phone on the table, and the interface remained in the photo album.

If it was an ordinary colleague, he would definitely not touch Lin Yi's phone.

Only those who had a holiday with Lin Yi would peek at his phone.

For whom Lin Yi did this, there is no need to say.


Not long after Lin Yi left, Ye Chen walked over to Lin Yi's table as if nothing had happened.

With the effort of catching the water, he put the mobile phone Lin Yi left on the table into his pocket.

Then, Ye Chen went to the bathroom without stopping.

"Lin Yi is unscrupulous. He will do anything for the sake of profit. Maybe he has some tricks on his phone."

That's why Ye Chen stole Lin Yi's phone.

He felt that Lin Yi's threat was getting bigger and bigger, so he wanted to find a way to eradicate him.

Ye Chen couldn't find the handle.

On the contrary, what he saw in the album made his face pale for a while.

"How is it is this possible?"

In the photo, Wen Yuci's face could not be seen, but Ye Chen recognized her grey suit and skirt and black silk high heels.

In particular, the graceful back of Wen Yuci is unique in the world.

But in Ye Chen's heart, Wen Yuci, who is pure and clean, is kissing Lin Yi at the moment.

Hulun Bell Prairie

That's right, Ye Chen at this time was feeling cold all over his body.

And this is what Lin Yi wants to achieve.

He wanted to use Wen Yuci's photo to stimulate Ye Chen, make him publicly scold Wen Yuci for being shameless or something, or become strangers to Wen Yuci from now on.

In this way, he also saved the trouble of trying to separate the two.

Then he directly entered when Wen Yuci was most vulnerable.


It's just that Lin Yi still underestimates the protagonist's toughness.

"The current PS technology is omnipotent, and this photo is suspected of borrowing..."

"Yuci hates Lin Yi's instinct, it can't be fake, there is definitely something I don't know about."

Although his heart was bleeding, Ye Chen forced himself to calm down first.

The first thing Ye Chen did after seeing the photos was to delete all the photos.

Because he understood that no matter how strong Wen Yuci was, if Lin Yi threatened her with these photos, she would have to give in.

"I won't let Yuci get hurt, and I'll never let Lin Yi succeed."

Ye Chen's eyes were full of determination.

Ye Chen did the right thing. After deleting these photos, Lin Yi could no longer threaten Wen Yuci.

But he couldn't imagine that the depth of Lin Yi's routine was far from what he could imagine.

Since he dared to leave his cell phone to Ye Chen on purpose, didn't Lin Yi leave it behind for himself?


In the inspection team, Lin Yi deliberately slowed down his progress and was tied with Wen Yuci.


He lowered his voice and touched Wen Yuci with his elbow.

Wen Yuci's face was icy and she turned her head away from him on purpose.

"Believe it or not I kiss you in public?"

Lin Yi threatened.

Wen Yuci's expression became a little flustered, because she knew that Lin Yi could really do such a thing.

"What do you want?"

She reluctantly turned her beautiful face to Lin Yi.

Small mouth bulging, even angry so beautiful.

Lin Yi smiled, "I just wanted to ask you a question."

"Ye Chen obviously didn't meet the standard, but Fang Xieyang kept him. Is there a secret that I don't know about?"

Wen Yuci was stunned for a moment.

She thought that Lin Yi was trying to tease her, but she was asking Ye Chen's question.

Wen Yuci naturally didn't want to betray Ye Chen, so he hesitated there.

But Lin Yi has a way.

He raised three fingers with a faint expression: "3...2...1..."

Seeing Lin Yi's lowered body, Wen Yuci finally softened.

"He rescued Manager Fang once before, so Manager Fang owes Ye Chen a favor."

Lin Yi put down his fingers, knowing in his heart.

He really deserves to be the male protagonist. In this world, there are people everywhere who owe him favors.

"It seems that if you want to get Ye Chen away, there is still a long way to go."

Lin Yi was a little emotional.

I thought that if Ye Chen's internship performance did not meet the standards, he would be able to get rid of him, but it seemed that he thought it was too simple.

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