Signed In The Diary Of The Heroine, This Male Partner Is Inappropriate

061: Fang Xieyang's Secret, A Gold Bar Worth 5 Million [4000-Character Chapter, Two-In-One Chap

Huge mirror in front of bathroom vanity.

Zhong Suxue looked at herself in the mirror, dumbfounded.

There was cake cream on his hair, clothes, and tender face, and even a cream tip on the tip of his nose.

Originally, because of Fang Xieyang's help in finding Baichengcheng yesterday, Zhong Suxue was very grateful to him.

But because of this incident, her gratitude disappeared again.

"This dress is dirty, what should I wear to work tomorrow?"

Zhong Suxue was a little distressed.

Recently, due to the weather, her other two suits and skirts have not been done yet.

"Forget it, let's wash your face first.

Zhong Suxue lowered her head, ready to deal with the cake on her face first.


However, as soon as she bent down, she screamed.

She felt someone hug her from behind.

Zhong Suxue hurriedly looked at the mirror in front of her, and then her body froze.

"You...why are you here?"

Zhong Suxue's pretty face was struggling with panic.

Lin Yi hugged Zhong Suxue and said with a smile, "I'm hungry,"

Zhong Suxue: "......"

"What does it have to do with me when you're hungry? This is a toilet, not a canteen?"

Zhong Suxue said angrily.

Lin Yi smiled and said: "After you left, I asked Fang Xieyang to cut a cake for me, and he told me to roll, so I had to come to you.

Zhong Suxue: ……………….

She felt that Lin Yi could really do such a thing. As for Fang Xieyang's tantrum, it should have something to do with her.

"I repeat, this is the toilet, can you go to the night stall to find something to eat?"

Zhong Suxue said helplessly.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Who said you have to go outside to find food, don't you all eat "one six seven" here?"

Lin Yi pointed at Zhong Suxue's face.

Zhong Suxue looked at herself in the mirror in amazement, she did have a lot of cake cream on her face, but is this for eating?

Lin Yi told her the answer with practical actions.


Zhong Suxue groaned and was kissed by Lin Xuan.

Five minutes later, Lin Yi was full.

Then I went to the men's bathroom to go to the toilet.

Fang Xieyang found the washbasin and wanted to apologize to Zhong Suxue.

Although it has nothing to do with him.

Zhong Suxue had just recovered a little from the dizziness, and it was too late to wash her face.

But at this time, apart from the cream on her hair and on her clothes, her face was clean.

But when Fang Xieyang looked at Zhong Suxue's face, he frowned.

It's obviously clean, but it always feels like something is wrong.

But Fang Xieyang didn't think much about it, he apologized: "Su Xue, believe it or not, that Spring Fist really wasn't put in by me.

Zhong Suxue would be embarrassed and angry, so she didn't want to hear Fang Xieyang's explanation: "I don't blame you, I'm a little uncomfortable today and I'm going home."

Saying that, she bypassed Fang Xieyang and left the company.

It wasn't until she got into the car that Zhong Suxue took out a box of wet tissues, kept wiping her face, and scolded angrily: "Lin Yi! You stinky bastard! You stinky pervert! I'm not finished with you!"

After Zhong Suxue left the company, Fang Xieyang also went to the underground garage to drive with a gloomy face.

Instead of going back to his home, he drove straight to the Star Story DIY Cake Shop.

"Call your boss out."

After parking the car, Fang Xieyang held the pit to compare the cake, and said with a bad face.

The clerk looked at the Land Rover parked outside the door, and Fang Xieyang looked unhappy, and knew that something had happened.

She didn't say much, and hurriedly called the store manager out.

After the store manager came out, Fang Xieyang pointed at the cake and said coldly, "I asked you to put rings in it, what's the matter with this spring punch?"

The store manager was also stunned when he saw his fist covered in cream.

This cake was made by her own hands, and she remembered that it only had a ring.

In the end, I had no choice but to check the monitoring.

There is the entire production process in the monitoring, which is quite standardized.

All that was put in was the ring.

The store manager pointed at the monitor and smiled bitterly: "Look, sir, we only put a ring inside, it's absolutely true."

Squinting his eyes, he said again: I will call you in charge of delivery. "

The store manager had no choice, and called the little brother in charge of the delivery again.

The delivery guy who was fooled by Lin Yi to buy snail noodles was apprehensive along the way.

After buying the snail noodles that Lin Yi wanted, when he came back, the customer was gone, so calling that number was still empty.

What's even more bizarre is that when he came back to deliver the cake from Bao Lun Company, the store manager said that he had already delivered it, didn't he?

After the delivery guy came, Fang Xieyang checked the monitoring in person.

Fang Xieyang looked at the monitor for a while, then looked at the little brother, and compared his appearance.

The two look exactly the same, and there is no problem of impersonation.

But when the delivery guy saw himself in the surveillance, he was horrified.

"This... what the hell is going on here? I clearly remember that I was buying snail noodles at the time. Who is this person who came to get the cake?"|

Fang Xieyang asked the delivery guy, "I'll ask you one last time, have you ever touched this cake?"

Although the delivery guy was in shock, he could also see that there seemed to be something wrong with this bizarre cake.

And the more this is the case, the less he can admit that he went to buy snail noodles in the middle of the journey, otherwise the customer wouldn't take the responsibility for himself?

"I swear to God, I have never touched this cake. If I put this fist toy, let me go out and be hit by a car to death, give birth to a son without an asshole, and the sky will be thundered."

The delivery guy is serious.

It wasn't him who delivered the cake anyway, just swear it was the same as playing.

Seeing that the delivery guy was so determined, Fang Xieyang was even more confused for a while.

The cake shop manager didn't move, a delivery guy had no grievances with him, and even swore, he didn't look like a hands-on person.

When the cake arrived at the company, it was kept in his office.

Except when he left when he went to the toilet, he kept guarding.

Could it be that someone moved your hands or feet when you went to the toilet?

But the question is, to put such a big surprise box in, is to destroy the cake, how did the person recover?

To be honest, Fang Xieyang is indeed a qualified protagonist.

Smart and cautious.

But there was no way, Lin Yi was too cunning to count Fang Xieyang's every move.

In the end, no matter how Fang Xieyang investigates, he can only be trapped in a fog, and he cannot know the truth.

"The daily check-in time has been refreshed. Please check in in time to receive the check-in reward."

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, Lin Yi's mind heard a system prompt.

"Gurunjin gave 100,000, sign-in reward 100,000, business commission 36,000, Ling Yingruo gave 500,000, and sold antiques 1.3 million, not counting the picture-in-picture, I have 200 in cash at present. A little more."

Lin Yi put down the account book and had a general understanding of the current income of the assets.

"Sign in."

Lin Yi said silently in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully signing in and getting a page of White Orange Orange Diary."

The system's voice fell, and Lin Yi had a thin piece of paper in his hand.


"The pit is better than the system, do you want to go too far? Even the diary has to be signed in to me page by page?"

Lin Yi was speechless.

The system's crisp mechanical voice said: "Bai Chengcheng has no habit of writing a diary. She wrote it down unintentionally, and she tore it up later."

After hearing the explanation of the system, suddenly I could accept it a little.

"Let's see what the little girl Bai Chengcheng will write in the diary first."

"I never write a diary, but suddenly I wrote a diary today, and I tore it up in the end. What the hell is this chick doing?"

With a hint of curiosity, Lin Yi looked at the diary page in his hand.

"October 29, the weather is fine."

"Mood, sad.

"Today is the first parent meeting of the senior year. The teacher told everyone a few days ago that you must invite your parents to be there."

"I told my aunt about it, but she forgot because she was busy with work."

"When the aunt comes, the parent-teacher meeting has already ended."

Bai Chengcheng's diary is very short, but Lin Yi is thoughtful.

No wonder Bai Chengcheng deliberately wrote a diary.

When the parent-teacher meeting was held, I saw that all the parents of my classmates had arrived, and then I thought about my parents who died unexpectedly in a car accident, and Bai Chengcheng was easily touched.

In addition, Zhong Suxue forgot about his niece's parent-teacher meeting again, under the stimulation of two things, can Bai Chengcheng not feel uncomfortable?

Lin Yi touched his chin and said to himself, "This little girl seems to lack fatherly love. After all, it was her aunt who brought her up for so many years. Although Zhong Suxue loves Baichengcheng very much, her father's love is no matter what. There is no substitute."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi already has a plan in mind for tomorrow afternoon's parent-teacher meeting.

Then, Lin Kong looked at Wen Xiali's diary.

"October 29, sunny. 11


"I overslept in the morning and ended up not having breakfast in time for work."

"I was dizzy all morning, and at 9:30 in the morning, I couldn't hold on anymore and fainted in my work position."

"Fortunately, Ye Chen brought candy, and after eating one, it's much better."

Wen Yuci's diary is also very short, which means that nothing major will happen tomorrow.

Lin Yi couldn't understand something: "Speaking of which, I called the police to report Ye Chen's sale of tomb-robbing antiques. Even Wen Yaxuan's store name was specified. Why didn't they come to arrest people?"

Lin Yi didn't believe that this matter would come to an end, after all, the evidence was conclusive.

"Perhaps the investigation process is rather cumbersome, and it will not be more than tomorrow at the latest, and there will be movements from the police.

"They'd better go to the company to arrest people, but I want to see how Ye Chen, the hero, can resolve the crisis this time.

Lin Yi smiled slightly.

Finally, Lin Yi opened Zhong Suxue's diary.

"October 20, the weather will be fine."

"feeling good."

Lin Yi: "???"

She already owes 4.2 million, and she is still in a happy mood. Could something good happen to her today?

Lin Yi followed the diary and continued to look down.

"After thinking about it, we should not hide the misappropriation of the company's 4.2 million from the president. The reconciliation is still a week away. It is meaningless to hide it. The president is so kind to me, so tell her and let her handle it Well, it's fine to go to jail or to be fired."

"God, the president actually said that she already knew. She has been waiting for me to confess and see when I can look back."

"She told me that for the sake of treating Cheng Cheng, she would not call the police, but she had to pay off the debt within one month."

"I am very happy with the trust and help the president has given me, but the money is too huge, and it is impossible for me to pay it back.

The final result may be to go to prison to repent.

"In the afternoon, Fang Xieyang asked me to go to the rooftop to talk about things."

"He told me he overheard my conversation with the president and had a way to help me."

"It turns out that Fang Xieyang used to be a retired special forces soldier."

"One night two years ago, while walking in Jing'an Sculpture Park, he happened to come across a criminal deal. 11

"Instinct to a sense of justice, he subdued several criminals in the deal.

"These men were dealing in illegal drugs, and they were also carrying $1 million and a box of gold bars."

"Fang Xieyang felt that these medicines and money were immovable and would be discovered by the police. He just sold the box of gold bars on the spot and then called the police."

"He told me that the value of this batch of gold bars was around 5 million. He had never thought about touching the money before, but now I have encountered difficulties and can use it for me.

"Fang Xieyang and I came to the place two years ago, and Fang Xieyang dug out a bag of gold bars."

"I am very grateful for Fang Xieyang's help to me during the most difficult time. With the 5 million yuan, the funds embezzled by the company can be repaid smoothly.

"I also know Fang Xieyang's feelings for me, maybe when I graduate from Chengcheng University and start working, I will finish this life with Fang Xieyang in a calm way.

After reading Zhong Suxue's diary, Lin Yi's eyes already flickered with a strange light.

That is the light of finding the prey and finding the benefits.

A gold bar worth 5 million, which is no small sum.

If he can take the first step, Fang Xie 5.3 Yang cut Hu, then this income is already greater than all his recent efforts.

"The protagonist is the protagonist. After retiring, you can find criminal transactions when you take a walk, and you can even eat black people! My opponents, but it's getting more and more interesting."

Knowing that Wen Yuci would be late in the morning, Lin Yi naturally wouldn't go to the convenience bee breakfast shop again.

But Ye Chen's two fools didn't know that Wen Yuci would be late.

Sitting outside the breakfast shop, blowing the cold wind, I waited for Wenyu Pavilion for an hour.

It was not until it was time for work that he reluctantly went upstairs.

"Hate! Hate!"

"Oversleeping has never happened before, and it's because of the bastard Lin Yi that I have nightmares every day.

Wen Yuci, who stepped on the spot and didn't even have time to eat breakfast, trotted all the way to the company, cursing a certain guy with a small mouth.

While in the office, Lin Yi[, who was holding warm coffee, sneezed suddenly.

You ask where his coffee comes from?

On Zhong Suxue's birthday yesterday, didn't Wen Yuci give her a box?

Lin Yi didn't have the slightest bit of shame, so he went to Zhong Suxue's office and had a drink.

By the way, I also felt the silky smoothness of the bare leg artifact.

He exchanged with Zhong Suxue about Helicobacter pylori or something.

After all, according to what she said in her diary, she would immediately tell Ling Yingruo about her embezzlement of the company's public funds.

At that time, if she thinks about having a relationship with Zhong Suxue, she will definitely not agree again.

PS: on the shelves!!!

PS: 5 automatic subscriptions plus one chapter!!! The only plus update condition!

PS: The more free gifts for the readers dads, the better, thank you dads! .

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