“Students don’t sleep! Students don’t sleep at night! ”

This classroom is now almost a paradise for Peeves.

See so many students forming a group night tour. As if on a stimulant, Peeves shouted loudly around the ceiling of the classroom.

“Peeves, shut up!”

Ambo had long heard of Peeves’ name, but because of Barrow the Blood, Peeves didn’t get much close to Slytherin territory.

Today is also the first time that Amble has experienced Peeves’ bad character.

But this time, Peeves was clearly looking for the wrong target.

Ambo is not a habitual parent of children, and when he saw Peeves making trouble, he immediately drew his wand.

The tip of the wand flashed red, and with Ambo’s whisper, a transparent red light burst out and smashed straight into Peeves’ body.

When he saw this red light just now, Peeves didn’t care.

He has a special form, and most of the magic is of little use to him.

However, when this magic slashed towards him in an arc in mid-air, Peeves felt a trace of uneasiness from the bottom of his heart.

He subconsciously wanted to escape, but the magic beam was fleeting.

In the next second, he lost his five senses and experienced boundless fear.

“Peeves, what’s wrong with this?”

Ambo’s magic attracted everyone’s attention, and at this time, Peeves, the whole ghost curled up into a ball.

The body became extremely transparent, floating on the ceiling like a ball, trembling violently.

“It’s just an unpopular magic, let’s go.”

Glancing indifferently at Peeves on the ceiling, Ambo put away his wand, explained perfunctorily, and opened the door first and walked out of the classroom.

“Hey, I said Ambo, you magic…”

“Weasley, you don’t talk, no one treats you as a mute, if you get caught by Filch and then expelled home, presumably your parents will be very happy.”

Malfoy interrupted Ron’s question roughly, a wicked smile on his face

“If you can afford one less child’s tuition, I am afraid it will save a lot of money for your family, right?”


“Can you two shut up?”

Unable to stand the constant arguing between the two of them, Hermione suddenly became furious.

The little witch felt very aggrieved, it was originally something that these guys did together, and now she had to let Ambo help them wipe their asses.

What’s even more infuriating is that these guys don’t have the slightest sense of guilt for breaking into trouble, and until now they are still entangled in some trivial grudges between them, arguing and shouting.

“Filch is here, go this way.”

Glancing at a few people behind him. Ambo didn’t care about the quarrel between them.

Listening to the rapid approaching footsteps on the stairs, Ambo turned around on tiptoe and turned into a corridor.

At the end of this corridor, a heavy gate stands there. Surrounded by portraits and walls on both sides, it looks like they’ve reached a dead end.

“How does it feel like Filch deliberately forced us over?”

Slowly approaching the gate, Ambo instinctively frowned.

Of course he knew what was behind this gate. In the route just now, Ambo also deliberately avoided this area.

But Filch was always able to appear in front of them at the right time, constantly compressing their escape space until they got here.

“It must be the ghost of that old bee again.”

In a flash of thought, the figure of a white-bearded old man appeared in Anbo’s mind.

“The Savior Cultivation Program, maybe you still want to test me?”

After pouting, Ambo lifted his feet and walked towards the room.

The form is stronger than people, and he still has to develop steadily in this school for seven years.

Working against that old bee is obviously not a wise choice.

What’s more, the old bee also fell in love with his teacher and killed each other for a while, and Ambo had to consider the old man’s thoughts.

Slowly opening the heavy wooden door, everyone rushed into the dark room.

As the wooden door closed, Filch’s heavier and heavier footsteps disappeared outside the door, and a moment later he limped away into the distance.

“It’s finally safe.”

Hearing the footsteps disappear in the doorway, Ron sat down on the ground, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Others are also palpitating, so many people are swimming together at night, if they are caught by Filch, they will not necessarily usher in what kind of punishment.

“Safe? Not necessarily. ”

Seeing that everyone was relieved, Ambo shook his head, and the fluorescent fluorescent at the tip of his wand flashed.

The bright light of the soybeans. It doesn’t illuminate much of an area, but it’s enough for them to see the layout of the room.

For example, standing in front of them at this time, there are three dogs five or six meters tall.


Look at the three-headed dog with a hideous face, smell the fishy saliva, and then look at the sharp fangs.

Except for Hermione, who had collapsed to the ground pale, the other three suddenly shouted in tears.

“Shut up!”

The shrill shouts almost pierced Ambo’s eardrums, and he had to yell to stop them.

But it was too late, the loud noise became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel, and the three-headed dog had already given up observation, and three large mouths were about to bite several of them.

“Quick confinement”

An Boma unleashedly released a spell and knocked the three-headed dog back half a step.

“You guys go first.”

The spell hit the three-headed dog’s body, just splashing a cluster of sparks, and seeing this scene, An Bo’s face suddenly sank.


Ambo originally thought that no matter how strong the three-headed dog was, there must be a limit.

After all, it is a beginner level for Harry, and with his own strength, it should not be a problem to solve such a three-headed dog.

But I didn’t expect this guy’s demon resistance to be so high.

In this case, Ambo has no effort to consider a few towing bottles behind him.

“What about you? Amber! ”

It is clear that a few of them did not have the consciousness to drag the oil bottle.

Watch as the tip of Ambo’s wand shoots one spell after another, but can only barely support the three-headed dog from stepping forward.

Hermione and the others also subconsciously drew their wands, using only a few magic they knew, and attacked the three-headed dog.

“These guys…”

Seeing this scene, Ambo was slightly touched.

He could feel the unwavering friendship of Hermione and the others, but judging by the situation at hand, they were just adding to the chaos.

The colorful spell hit the three-headed dog, making the three-headed dog more and more irritable.

Seeing that the chain under the feet of the three-headed dog has been stretched to the limit, it seems that it will crack in the next second.

Ambo sighed, pulled away Hermione, who subconsciously blocked in front of him, and raised her wand, her face as if she were ice.

“Ghost snake bondage”

Anbo’s spell was pronounced, and everyone present couldn’t help but fight a cold war.

They only felt that the temperature in the house suddenly dropped, and the tip of Amber’s wand, one after another bucket-thick black mist vipers snaked and coiled, winding continuously towards the body of the three-headed dog.

The black fog on the poisonous snake’s body, when it touched the hair of the three-headed dog, suddenly made a noise, and black smoke came out, causing the three-headed dog to roar in pain.

The black fog that seemed to condense thickly turned out to have quite a violent toxin, which could break through the three-headed dog’s anti-heaven demon resistance, and really caused damage to it.

And there is more than one such black mist viper.

Seeing that the body of the three-headed dog was almost overwhelmed by the black mist vipers, An Bo put away his wand with satisfaction.

Just kidding, who can take advantage of him?

Since the old bee wants to test him, then he has to deal with the mess he left behind.

“Done, let’s go.”

Looking at the stunned few people, An Bo smiled dumbly, took the lead in opening the wooden door and walked out.

“Naw, Ambo.”

Walking on the road. By this time, Filch had disappeared.

However, Ron seemed to be restless, and opened his mouth a few times before hesitantly asking

“Naw, Ambo, you used black magic just now, right?”

“yes, what’s wrong?”

Amble does not shy away from this topic.

“What’s wrong? Those who use black magic are dark wizards, and that is the most evil existence. ”

Looking at Ron’s indignant expression, Ambo couldn’t help but laugh


“So what? Whether magic is evil or not depends on whether the person using it is evil. ”

“You think there are a few professors in the school who don’t know dark magic, Dumbledore? Or Professor McGonagall won’t. ”

At this, Ambo shook his head, grabbed the back of Draco’s neck, and turned in the direction of the Slytherin common room.

Only four lions were left there, looking at each other with different expressions.

Gryffindor Tower.

Having just experienced such an exciting thing, Harry and the others did not sleep.

They sat by the fireplace, talking about what had just happened.

“I thought Amber was a different Slytherin, but I didn’t expect him to be able to do dark magic! Sure enough, Slytherin didn’t have a good thing. ”

Nestled in the couch, Ron said angrily.

“That dark magic saved your life today, Ron Weasley, and if it weren’t for the duel you had to do, nothing would have happened tonight.”

Hearing Ron’s denigration of Ambo, Hermione suddenly exploded.

He slammed the textbook in his hand heavily on the table, stood up and said coldly

“If you really have that justice, you should have found a way to solve that dog at that time, instead of waiting for the black magic you despised to save your life!”

“So what? Black magic is black magic! There can be no good people with black magic! ”

Ron blushed and stood up to retort as well.

“yes, yes. So what are you doing in the face of that big dog? Lying on the ground peeing your pants? ”

After a sharp rebuttal, Hermione rolled her eyes, picked up the book and walked towards the girls’ dormitory.

Leaving Ron alone in the lounge:

“I’ll tell Professor McGonagall! The dark wizard who uses black magic! ”

“yes, but first you have to explain how you got to that room.”

Peng’s door slammed shut, completely cutting Hermione and the few people in the lounge into two worlds.

[Ask for flowers recommendation ticket monthly pass book review, dear book friends, give the little author a little support].

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