Both are acting.

Ambo will not be brainless, follow a boss like Voldemort, he is just waiting for an opportunity to get out.

And Voldemort naturally could not accept servants at this time, he himself was an extremely sensitive person

He would not let any servant see his weakness until he received the flesh.

Especially a Cadmus, a nobler existence than him in terms of blood.

Voldemort just wanted to disrupt Ambo’s train of thought in search of a one-hit kill.

Anecdote, under the performance of each other, the two people seized the fleeting opportunity, and the magic they were best at came out.

The Electric Thunderbird and the Death Spell hit each other at the same time, and it was worth the two of them falling backwards one after another.

“Hahaha… What about Cadmus, after all, he died here. ”

Seeing the green light hit Ambo, Voldemort smiled particularly brightly.

But when he saw An Bo’s figure swaying and standing up again, the smile on that ugly face instantly froze.

“How could you—”

“Why didn’t I die, huh?” A smile cracked at the corner of Ambo’s mouth, and he looked at Voldemort defiantly, “You guess? ”

Although he said this, Ambo’s heart was also particularly lucky.

Voldemort, or Quirrell’s Death Curse, was almost defenseless, and that speed and magic struck Ambo long before he could make a timing.

But at the same time as the spell of life came, Ambo’s necklace shined.

Douglas’s magic items are indeed extraordinary, and I don’t know what principle is used, and it can actually block a life spell.

But it doesn’t come without a cost.

While the necklace was dim, half of the magic in Ambo’s body was instantly drained.

Even Anbo couldn’t help but stumble, and the sting of soul and spirit consumption made Anbo couldn’t help but be dizzy.

“Worthy of Voldemort, it is indeed terrible”

Ambo shook his head violently, and when he saw that Voldemort was about to raise his wand again, he hurried to jump.

At the same time, the wand waved in mid-air, and thousands of invisible sharp arrows instantly took shape, shooting towards Voldemort.

“Ten thousand arrows pierce the heart”

“Master be careful.”

Feeling thousands of sharp magic in mid-air, Quirrell hurried to dodge.

He had seen the scene of the battle on Ambo’s Halloween day, and the mysterious magic that could tell the walls of Hogwarts was not something he could resist.

Voldemort would not protect his body, he would only resent why this servant was so useless that he could not stop even a single piece of magic.

So, Quirrell instantly regained control of his body, and the light at the tip of his wand was fleeting, and he ran to the side in embarrassment.

“Waste! How dare you—”

“The master is angry…”

The voices of the two communicating were intermittent, although they were not heard. Something practical, but Ambo still kept an eye on it.

That’s all I had to do, and as he ran to the other side, Voldemort forcefully grabbed control of his body.

One after another, the spell of not wanting money continued to hit him, making Ambo left and right and embarrassed.

“No, you can’t run away like this.”

Finally, after dodging a few spells and choosing a few less important hard catches, Ambo hid next to a large tree and gasped.

“It’s obviously unrealistic to want to run back to Hogwarts, this guy won’t allow me to run this far.”

“At such an attack frequency, the doorkey can’t be used, and once the use of the keykey is interrupted, then I will be completely locked up here.”

Weighing the pros and cons, Amber gripped the wand tightly in his hand.

He could see it. The current cooperation between Voldemort and Quirrell is not tacit.

This may be the only opportunity he can take advantage of.

“Thunder soars!”

At this thought, Amber waved his wand, and the electric thunderbird appeared again, whistling in the cold wind and pecking at Voldemort.

However, this time, with the guarded Voldemort, his wand cut a mysterious arc in mid-air, and a branch next to it suddenly changed, turning into a large snake, entangled with the thunderbird.

“Is that all you can do? Cadmos! ”

Seeing Voldemort’s invincible posture, Quirrell shouted wildly.

“Shut up, idiot.”

“Yes, master.”

After reprimanding Quirrell fiercely, Voldemort was just about to start again, but found that the thunderbird in mid-air and Ambo behind the tree had disappeared.

There was only a sound of Sisso, moving towards the depths of the jungle.

“Waste, chase!”

Voldemort was in a hurry, Ambo must not return to Hogwarts, otherwise once he reported to Dumbledore, his state would be difficult to escape the old man’s curse.

What’s more, his own Philosopher’s Stone has not yet arrived, and his identity must not be leaked.

So seeing Ambo fleeing, Voldemort too. Raise your feet and chase,

Anbo is now panicking and fleeing towards the depths of the Forbidden Forest.


Run away!

Hurry up and escape!

This was the only thought on Prologis’ mind at this time.

The electric thunderbird is already his strongest means, but even such a means can be cracked by Voldemort.

Coupled with the deadly spell that could not be avoided with one hand, Anbo couldn’t think of any countermeasures that could be matched.

Now even signing in is just delusional, in front of Voldemort, as long as his mind is slightly offset, he will definitely be killed by this demon head in an instant.

The only thing that can be done now is to find a way to use the complex environment of the Forbidden Forest to create a space where you can use the door key.

Bowing his head to avoid the Dao Dao spell in the rear, Ambo jumped and fell under a hillside.

“Huh? Where did that kid hide? ”

Seeing An Bo’s figure suddenly disappear, Chino, who was chasing behind him, was slightly stunned, and hurriedly quickened his pace and ran over.

When he saw the steep hillside, it was as if a basin of cool water had been poured on his head, and he suddenly felt cold in his hands and feet.

“Lord… The owner, Cadmus ran. ”

“Waste!” In the back of Quirrell’s head, Voldemort’s hoarse voice came out again, “Turn me around.” ”

Quirrell turned, Voldemort’s ugly face facing the hillside, and as he took over Quirrell’s body, his wand waved, and a thin line of fluorescent light continued to spread from under their feet to the depths of the jungle.

“That direction, hurry up!”

Quirrell was amnestied and hurried in the direction indicated by the magic, while Voldemort was hiding on the back of Quirrell’s head, panting heavily.

This kind of tracking magic is also very expensive for him, coupled with his current unstable state, forcibly using such magic, there are faint signs of leaving Quirrell.

This made Voldemort hate Ambo more and more, and constantly urged Quirrell.

At this time, in the jungle, An Bo could see the thin magic silver line behind him, and shouted luck in his heart.

At that time, when he threw himself down the hill, he did not think about hiding in place.

As long as he can make the illusion of fleeing ahead, once Quirrell and Voldemort misjudge, he is eighty percent sure that he will press the portkey to escape from life.

Years of fighting instinct saved Ambo, and when he gave birth to such an idea, he suddenly felt a great fear in his heart.

This made him make a quick decision and continue to abscond.

Sure enough, once he really hid on the spot just now, I am afraid that he would have already become the unjust soul of Voldemort’s hands at this time.

“Damn socket face haunted.”

Looking at the faint figure behind him, and the various spells that kept hitting the trunk of the tree next to him, Ambo cursed in his heart.

Casually throwing a thunderbird spell behind him, enduring the dizziness that his magic power was about to deplete, Ambo gritted his teeth and continued to run towards the front.

It’s not that he doesn’t know that saving mana is the key at this time, but Quirrell is in hot pursuit, and this is the only way to go.

Sometimes drinking doves to quench thirst, not stupidity, but helplessness.

He was now pinning his hopes entirely on that location deep in the Forbidden Forest, a location he only knew from Gryffindor’s small talk.

The long running made Anbo’s physical strength huge, and at this time, he also began to selectively avoid the spell behind him.

Some spells that only caused pain and did not hinder movement, Ambo began to hard-connect with his body.

He is extremely grateful to Grindelwald, and the training of the Heart Drilling Spell since he was a child gave him an extraordinary resistance to pain at this time.

Finally, when he heard the faint sound of water flowing in the distance, a bright smile bloomed on Anbo’s face.

It’s arrived!

Hearing the sound of water getting closer, Ambo stopped abruptly and turned to face Quirrell.

“You… You…… You keep running. ”

Quirrell, who chased him all the way, was also out of breath, as a wizard, his physical strength was actually not much higher than Ambo.

But even so, Quirrell’s hand holding his wand was steady as a rock.

The tip of the wand is firmly locked on Ambo, and as long as you get closer, the spell will definitely not fall.

“Cadmus, with your level of magic, coming to Hogwarts must be more than just going to school.”

“It’s better for us to cooperate, with the help of Lord Dark Lord, all your ideas can become reality.”

While speaking, Quirrell slowly moved forward, quietly approaching the best distance between the two.

To Quirrell’s words, Amber turned a deaf ear.

All his attention was now on Quirrell’s wand.

His magic power has been exhausted, plus the magic necessary for later arrangements.

At this time, he can only release one more magic, and he must ensure that everything is foolproof.

Finally, after getting closer to a suitable distance, Quirrell waved his wand, and a light blue light shot out instantly.

At the same time, watching the light flicker at the tip of the wand, Ambo’s wand was also in front of him, quickly drawing a line of fire.

“Drill the heart and cut the bone!”

“The Mirror of Saliyer”

The reflective function of the Mirror of Charlieh was maximized by Ambo at any cost.

The moment it touched the mirror of Charlie, the Drill Heart Charm was reflected and hit the defenseless Quirrell.

“Except for your weapons!”

[The new book sets sail, the seedlings need everyone’s care, the little author sincerely asks everyone for a little data, please Yanzu Yifei lift the little hand of wealth, a book review, a flower and a review vote, are the driving force of the little author’s diligent update].

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