“Mr. Cadmus, why are you inside?”

Professor McGonagall frowned, the matter was weird inside and out.

When the people were ordered, the four most critical students were not in the auditorium, but gathered here on the eighth floor.

If you had done it at any other time, it would have been a small thing, and the stubbornness of the student could explain everything.

But now, when it comes to the safety of unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, and may even be suspected of student crimes, even McGonagall does not dare to take it lightly.

“Card… Cadmus first… Sir, please… You come out and let us see… Meet each other. ”

On the side, seeing Professor McGonagall, there was silence for a long time, and Quirrell couldn’t wait.

He could be sure that Ambo was definitely not in it, and there were too many things in the wizarding world to imitate a person’s voice.

What he has to do now is to do whatever it takes to convict Ambo.

“Professor Quirrell, is there something going on?” My current research has reached a very critical state, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to come out for a while. ”

An Bo’s voice seemed to have a little murmur, but her voice was still warm and calm, as if the battle of life and death in the Forbidden Forest had never happened before.

The professors outside were hesitant, after all, everything was just Quirrell’s words now, and even the suspicion of Ambo was just speculation.

In Dumbledore’s absence, Professor McGonagall had limited authority.

He also couldn’t force himself to break into the Room of Requirement and see with his own eyes that Ambo was not here.

But just as McGonagall hesitated, Professor Sprout walked quickly, the anger on his face difficult to suppress.

“Minerva, six, six unicorns died in the Forbidden Forest.”

“No, Cadmus, you have to come out and at least prove that you’re inside.”

Professor McGonagall made up her mind that six unicorns would be a big case at the Ministry of Magic.

If this matter is not handled well, if the Ministry of Magic is given a reason to meddle in Hogwarts, the outcome will be unpredictable.

“Ambo, if you can’t get out, how about I go in?”

Seeing that the door did not answer for a long time, March, who was hiding at the end of the team, rolled his eyes and asked with concern towards the door:

“Let’s not say anything else, you hide like this and don’t show up, we all care about you very much.”

“I’m okay, what’s wrong?”

“Ka – Cadmus, you… You need me to take a look.”

Quirrell lifted his foot and walked forward, completely ignoring the trio blocking in front of him.

However, in the face of Quirrell’s hard break, Hermione and Harry looked at each other, and their steps made a mistake to get out of the way.

The half-hidden door was exposed to Quirrell’s eyes.

With just one push, everything inside this house is exposed to the eyes of all the professors.

However, what no one expected was that when Quirrell’s hand touched the door of the Room of Requirement, a silver electric light suddenly exploded in front of his eyes.

“Be careful.!”

I don’t know who said the reminder, but it was too late.

The shining electric light and huge impact knocked Quirrell far away, convulsing in mid-air and falling down the stairs.

However, except for McGonagall, who subconsciously used the levitation charm, no one moved.

Because, two thunderbolt birds are flying in the corridor.

The beautiful bodies cut through the spiral in the office, and the clear chirping sounded through the school, showing their beauty and strength.

“This is…”

Professor Flitwick, who had just come over, subconsciously pulled out his wand.

As a national martial arts champion, he can fully see how lethal these two Thunder Giant Birds are.

Moreover, he was very familiar with this thunder giant bird.

“Sorry, professors.”

Ambo’s voice in the door was slightly gasping, as if he was doing some physically demanding activity.

“I learned something from the book that Professor Dumbledore gave me, and if there is nothing particularly urgent, please wait for a moment.”

“In this gate, I have arranged the magic circuit and alchemy items, if it is deliberately triggered, I believe that no one wants to see the result.”

Speaking of this, the voice inside paused, and then there was a hint of doubt in his tone.

“Professor McGonagall, if it’s convenient, can I know what’s going on?”

After hesitating, McGonagall slowly recounted what had happened in the Forbidden Forest.

Now she almost believed that Ambo was in this room, after all, the thunder bird could almost be said to be Ambo’s signature magic.

In the current wizarding world, there has never been an item that can store powerful spells.

“Well, I see.”

“Then Professor, if you can, wait for me for two hours. I will try to finish this phase of the study as soon as possible. ”

“No… No, only one… An hour. ”

Quirrell’s stammering voice, which was scrambling back up, interrupted Ambo’s words.

McGonagall glared at him displeased, but for the sake of his professor’s identity, she still didn’t say anything to stop him.

However, Snape on the side did not have this good temper.

“Professor Quirrell, if you don’t have any solid evidence to doubt my student, I think he has the right to do research at Hogwarts.”

“Or you can take off your smelly scarf and try to see if you can move Mr. Cadmus to come out and wash it for you.”

Snape’s sinister words immediately caused the trio to burst into laughter.

But when his godless eyes swept over, Harry felt as if his back had been licked by a snake, and he abruptly stopped laughing.

“Just two words, Severus.”

McGonagall felt a growing headache, but fortunately, Ambo’s voice came from the house, giving him a little relief.

“An hour, I’ll try. But the premise is that I hope that the professors will not touch the magic prohibition of shooting at my door. ”

“Yes, you only have an hour, Cadmus.”

Quirrell wanted to say something, but was forcefully interrupted by McGonagall on the side.

“If you don’t come out in an hour, Mr. Cadmus, we’ll use the Tracking Charm to determine your location.”

“Once it is determined that you are not in the school, we will report you as a suspect in the murder of a unicorn to the Ministry of Magic, and you know what kind of crime that is.”

“Yes, Professor, I know very well, thank you for your generosity and understanding.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ambo let out a long breath, and the room continued to fall silent.

And just in case, McGonagall waved her wand, and the various decorations in the corridor instantly turned into seats of different styles.

“Guys, let’s wait here.”

With that, McGonagall sat down first, her eyes glued to the closed door.

“Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley, Miss Granger, don’t you have anything to tell me?”

Seeing that the matter was resolved, the three little ones originally wanted to slip away quietly.

But in the next second, he was carried in front of McGonagall.

The tragic experience of the trio did not attract Ambo’s reaction, because he was not in the room of demand at this time.

He was now standing on a bustling street, surrounded by hurried pedestrians, and no one noticed that there was an eleven-year-old child, dressed in strange clothes and holding a conch, not knowing what he was doing.

After closing the conch in his hand, Ambo let out a long breath.

Half an hour earlier, when he had received a message from Abraham Burke, he knew he had to move.

Fortunately, Prologis made arrangements from the very beginning.

The conversation with McGonagall just now was done through this magical conch in his hand.

And those two thunderbolt birds, naturally, for the sake of the pistol that was urgently made.

Thinking of this, the corners of An Bo’s mouth couldn’t help but evoke a smile.

Unexpectedly, Malfoy, who used to only know how to bully people, lead his own followers, and do things everywhere, can now be able to take on the heavy responsibility.

In the Room of Requirement, Malfoy’s performance can be described as remarkable.

The pistol that only has one chance to stimulate at the right time, concealing its existence in front of many professors as much as possible.

Traces are left everywhere, and there is no shadow everywhere.

Draco had taken the first steps in the direction of a real Malfoy.

“.~ Lucius that bastard owes me.”

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Ambo raised his foot and entered the store in front of him.

The dirty signs on the storefront sway in the cold wind.

【Leaky Cauldron Bar】

Without disturbing anyone, Ambo walked into Diagon Alley with a light car.

He only has an hour, an hour, if he can’t show up in the room of requirement.

Then he will be sent to the Ministry of Magic as the murderer of the six unicorns.

At that time, the families that have nowhere to covet secretly will pounce on and bite like the most fierce hunting dogs.

Any little gap will be torn by them into the deadliest wound.

So, Prologis can’t be wrong and won’t be wrong.

Within an hour, Ambocadmos was standing neatly in the room of requests, opening the door with his own hands, and facing the professors’ questions.

And now how to enter the Responsive House directly from the outside world has become a problem for Ambo at this time.

But for this, he has already had a manuscript.

If Abraham Bock. If memory serves, the key to his return to the House of Demand is in Overturned Alley.

Right on the Bock family.

[On the shelves of the first chapter, please order the first order].

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