After giving the order, Ambo simply put away the echo of Narcissus, leaving only the mirror of Sariyer as the most basic protection, and came to the cabinet.

Looking at the delicate copper lock on the bezel, Ambo pulled out his wand, took a deep breath, and slowly said:

“Portal open”

The spell shoots out, and the baffle bursts with a sound.

Compared to the mainstream Araho Cave, the Portal Cave is older and more violent. It will cause irreversible damage to the lock.

Of course, it is also more effective and saves mana.

Sure enough, with a tooth-biting popping sound, the two baffles suddenly exploded.

At the same time as the baffle exploded, a translucent cobra quickly burst out of the cabinet and burst in mid-air.

At the same time, throughout the office, countless ancient magic texts emerged from the walls, intermingling with transparent cobras in mid-air.

In an instant, the cobra turned into several transparent chains, surrounding the entire office, and then a clear light shot out of the Hogwarts tower, and in a blink of an eye, it fell on the Quidditch pitch.

At this time in the Quidditch pitch, Quirrell was close to staring at Harry, trying to interfere with his flying broomstick.

However, due to the various movements of the Weasley twins in mid-air, which constantly interfered with Quirrell’s gaze, his actions did not go as smoothly as in the original book.

Plus the annoying mantra that Snape silently chanted on the side. This makes Quirrell’s spell effect almost undetectable.

Harry was not as dangerous as in the original book, but just tightly grasped the young lord, although he could not land, but there was no danger to his life.

However, at this moment, feeling the signal from the castle, Quirrell’s face suddenly changed.

This layer of protection was personally arranged by Voldemort through his hand, and he naturally knew that since he had touched this layer of realm, his office had now almost become someone else’s bag.

“Idiot! Idiot! Go ahead and catch that intruder! ”

Voldemort’s angry voice continued to echo in Quirrell’s mind, and he naturally knew that the things stored here in his cabinet were almost all of Voldemort’s heritage in the past ten years.

Now that he was ready to seek the Philosopher’s Stone, Voldemort would naturally take out all his hole cards.

Others don’t know how Dumbledore existed, but Voldemort knew very well that the old man was one of the most fearsome figures in the world, almost nothing.

In this case, to take food from his hands, Voldemort took out almost all his possessions.

Not to mention, he also wanted to take this opportunity to open the Slytherin legacy once and for all and completely restore his former glory once and for all.

But now that all of this is about to fall into the hands of the intruder who broke into his office, how can this not make Voldemort angry?

If it weren’t for some sanity, Voldemort would have taken over Quirrell’s body by now.

But even so, he had a series of blessings, urged up and down, hurried back to the office, and picked out the intruder, as for Harry Potter on the field, he had already been left behind by him.

Seeing Quirrell hurriedly get up and walk back, and Harry’s broom, which had been restless, finally regained his composure.

The Weasley twins in mid-air glanced at each other, and their faces showed an inexplicable look.

Watching Harry swoop and raise the golden squid high, the final task of the Weasley brothers on the field was finally completed.

They avoided the celebration of their teammates, and the two clapped each other, quickly going from a secret to returning to the castle first to ambush, waiting for Quirrell’s inevitable path.

On the other side, Hermione, who had also received instructions from Amber, plucked up the courage at this time and came to Snape.

“Miss Granger. I hope you didn’t come to me for some trivial matter. You must know that I am not your dean and have no obligation to care about the mistakes you make because of your recklessness. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hearing Snape’s usual sneer, Hermione’s breathing instinctively quickened.

But thinking of Ambo’s solemn commission before, he still endured the anger in his heart. Speaking to Snape as he had made up before:

“Professor, I just went back to school to put the toilet in the toilet, and I found someone hurriedly walking over.”

“Miss Granger, I don’t think the school rules prohibit others from running around the school, and if that’s the case, all of you Gryffindors will be expelled.”

“But Professor, I saw him coming from the other side of your office. And there’s a very strong potion smell on him, I don’t think—”

Before Hermione’s words were finished, Snape’s face changed instantly.

As soon as he pulled Hermione away, the black robe behind him tumbled, and he rushed towards his office at an unprecedented speed.

Seeing Snape’s figure disappear behind the castle gates, a sly smile appeared on Hermione’s well-behaved face.

He took out something like a black brick from his robe, gently put it to his mouth, and said:

“.~ My side has finished it, now it’s up to you.”

“Received, Miss Hermione, let’s watch our performance next.”

The Weasley twins, who had been waiting for impatience, jumped up, and George winked oddly at his brother, then picked up a pile of books, lowered his head, and crashed around a corner.

And on the other side of this corner was Quirrell, who looked hurried, and had just returned from outside.

With a bang, the two slammed into each other.

The book in George’s hand smashed impartially on Quirrell’s head, causing Quirrell and Voldemort to feel dizzy when they fell. I couldn’t feel Verde coming quietly from the other side at all.

“I’m sorry, I’m really sorry, Professor Quirrell, are you all right?”

Fred swore that he had never seen George so well-behaved and polite since the day he was born.

But as a good brother, he can’t just live up to each other’s performances.

He quietly approached Quirrell, watching Quirrell panic to protect his scarf, smiled silently and took out a bunch of various test tubes from his body.

Then the precious potions in these test tubes were sprinkled on the hem of Quirrell’s robe.

Seeing that the plan had succeeded, the two brothers quickly left the place, leaving Quirrell alone to sort out his scarf in a panic.

Then, just as he had just finished his scarf, breathed a sigh of relief, and wanted to continue straight to the office, a voice full of anger suddenly sounded behind him.

“Professor Quirrell. Did you hurry back to the castle just to steal my potion? “。

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