The sudden change caught Ambo off guard.

Even the operation of the magic array appeared sluggish for a moment.

After seizing this opportunity, March and the others instantly counterattacked, and countless spells were overwhelming, as if they didn’t want money, and instantly drowned Ambo.

But a layer of blue magic tides connected Ambo above the magic array, and the overwhelming spell had no effect except to shatter Anbo’s robe.

“Awada – Sote”

Watching these people’s dying counterattack, An Bo’s eyes became cold.

The snakewood wand flicked back into his hand, pointing straight into the sky as the wand was raised high.

The green spell shot out towards the sky, and under the action of the magic array, it split into dozens and bombarded everyone’s body with precision.

Seeing that everyone was instantly killed by the Death Curse, and fell limply to the ground, Ambo hurriedly put away his wand and came to the little unicorn.

“Tweet… Tweet~”

The little unicorn, who had always been cheerful and lively, was now covered in blood and became dying.

Only in the clearest pupils still retained the joy of seeing Ambo.

“Little one, you—”

From the humanized gaze, Ambo instantly understood the state of mind of the little one when he pounced.

He has always prided himself on being iron-hearted, but his heart was also filled with inexplicable emotions at this time, and his hands kept stroking the little unicorn, and for a while, a thousand words choked in his heart.

It is precisely because all his thoughts are on the little unicorn that An Bo did not find that his dragonskin pocket was being pressed under the little unicorn at this time.

The dragon skin pocket has a hard texture and is combined with a special magic treatment.

When he was hit by countless spells just now, Ambo’s coat was shattered, but the dragon skin pocket fell to the ground and rolled under the unicorn.

In addition, the dragon skin pocket has long been overwhelmed by Ambo’s fill, and after countless external forces, the top rope closure is completely broken.

Dragon eggs, unicorn skins, and even the white soul stones that Anbo put away before were all pressed under the little unicorn at this time and soaked in the unicorn’s sacred blood, glowing slightly.

Any one of these items is a top-level item that can be encountered in the entire wizarding world.

Now in this magic array at the same time, with a sufficient supply of mana, it actually burst out white light at the same time, forcing An Bo to retreat one after another.

“This is…”

Looking at the sudden change in front of him, Ambo was stunned.

The white soul stone floated in mid-air, casting a dazzling light like silk, enveloping the dragon egg and the dying little unicorn at the same time.

Under such a magical impact, the surface of the dragon egg was densely cracked, and clumps of flames erupted from the cracks, making the air more and more scorching.

“This is … Dragon eggs are hatching? ”

The successive changes made Ambo instinctively frown.

The shell of the dragon egg fell one after another, revealing the scene inside the dragon egg.

A skinny young dragon with a body as white and smooth as a jewel, covered in wet fetal clothing and mucus, is closing his eyes and spraying fine flames from his mouth and nose.

And his paws are grasping in vain in mid-air, as if he wants to tear the hard eggshell hard and come to this beautiful world.

But Ambo saw very clearly that the situation of this young dragon was very bad.

Maybe it’s because when I was about to break the shell, I was hit by a powerful spell, or maybe it was because of the influence of various precious magical items.

At this time, the young dragon was only half hatched, from the wings down, and the remaining part was only an egg-like existence.

Although the mouth and nose are still fiercely spraying flames, although the cry is still fierce and domineering.

But it is clear that this young dragon will not be long dead. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“What about this?”

Ambo is very anxious, whether it is the little unicorn or this young dragon that has just hatched, it belongs to the most innocent third party in this battle.

And as a magical creature recognized as having human intelligence, Ambo cannot treat two lives indifferently like ordinary livestock.

“By the way, and that!”

Suddenly, as if remembering something, he hurriedly took out a well-folded piece of parchment from his pocket.

King Arthur’s contract, when he signed the dragon egg before, he burst out the SSR

Originally, this precious contract, Ambo wanted to slowly find an adult dragon to maximize the benefits…

But right now, it’s a lifesaver.

An Bo opened the contract, probably because he felt that there were dragons nearby, and above the contract at this time, those twisted occult magic patterns were shining with glow.

An Bo, on the other hand, squatted down and occasionally smeared the blood of the little unicorn and the young dragon on the contract at the same time.

I saw the contract turn into two streamers and shoot into the heads of the little unicorn and the young dragon.

An Bo let out a long sigh of relief, suddenly felt exhausted, and sat on the ground with his butt.

The Arthurian contract, which can share the state of both parties to the contract, is just right for the current situation.

Young dragons are difficult to be born and are congenitally deficient, but their life level and strong vitality cannot be fake.

The little unicorn is almost an adult, and its abundant strength and strong body complement the young dragon.

“I can only do this step, no matter what, it is always good to be alive.”

Feeling the gradually unified magic fluctuations on the two magical creatures, Ambo sighed with relief.

To say that he did not feel sorry for the precious Arthurian contract was fake, after all, it was something that could truly change the level of a wizard’s life.

But Ambo knows very well that if he is only for his own strength, he can ignore and watch two intelligent creatures die.

Then he has always adhered to the ideal of saving 1.3 and the entire wizarding world, but it is just a clumsy excuse for ambition.

Thinking of this, Ambo suddenly felt refreshed.

He patted the hem of his clothes and stood up, turning back to clean up the battlefield.

However, just after he turned his head, he did not find that the dragon egg on the ground turned into a stream of light and suddenly shot into the unicorn’s body.

And in an instant, the contract white light that originally connected these two magical animals turned into an illusory rope at this time.

As the two magical animals merged into one, the rope suddenly shot out and slammed straight into Ambo’s mind.

[Speaking of updates, four changes a day, the author is handicapped, if you can write more on the evening the day before yesterday, and release it with the last chapter the next day, please forgive me greatly. ]

By the way, ask for a wave of data, and the flower monthly pass will be smashed over].

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