Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 197 Let's Come to the Group

Zhang Yi has already seen the power of the system. On the surface, it is an ordinary Shenhao system, which has nothing to do with mythology.

But if you understand it in terms of human logic, a human being who is powerful enough to a certain degree can be called a god.

If you continue to develop the capabilities of the system, for example, when your personal assets reach trillions...will it unlock the super-defying ability and achieve immortality?

Zhang Yi, who was already content with his current life, suddenly became hot in his mind!

Greed is the source of human progress!

"If medical technology and science and technology can be developed to the extreme, life extension, or even immortality is definitely not a myth! Back then, so many of the world’s top billionaires were doing life science research, and they didn’t hesitate to invest tens of billions of dollars, which shows this. The road works!"

"It's just that they are limited by medical technology and technology, and they can't achieve it. But with the help of the system, it is possible to achieve this step."

Zhang Yi's eyes became sharp. "Although I have the wealth that many people dream of, my pursuit of money is no longer that intense. However, if I can pursue immortality as my goal, there is still a long way to go. go!"

This thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and then quickly took root.

Zhang Yi felt that this kind of thing that even the emperors of previous generations could not do would eventually be realized as the system abilities he unlocked more and more!

He was trying to figure out how to live longer, and the outside world had already fallen out.

For a while, the entire Internet was swiped by the question "Who is Zhang Yi?"!

Su Mingyu, secretary to the president and chief executive officer of Shengshi Group, should have been enshrined at that press conference and became a female legend in the business world!

But she confessed the truth in front of everyone, saying that the cornucopia was not made by herself, but a figure behind the scenes named Zhang Yi!

However, no one has ever heard of this name in the business world.

Perhaps only a small number of people who know Zhang Yi, and the employees of Shengshi Group are familiar with this name.

As for the outside world, people scoured the lists of all the big names in the business world, and they didn't find the same name.

The final conclusion can only be-this is a super boss hidden behind the scenes! An unobtrusive behind-the-scenes trader!

"Hehe, I don't think there is such an expert in China, I really want to meet him!" A certain investment circle said frankly.

"Although I have never heard of this person's existence before, this cornucopia operation is enough to make him a god!" Well-known commentators in major financial media also praised Zhang Yi.

However, some people gritted their teeth at Zhang Yi.

These people are all investors in the world's major investment groups. Seeing the sudden rise of the cornucopia, they can't wait to invest in it!

However, Su Mingyu refused directly in the name of Zhang Yi, and said that the cornucopia would not accept any form of investment!

If you have money but don't make money, this behavior makes it impossible for everyone to understand.

But there are some big guys who have seen the name among them.

"Although Shengshi Group has a valuation of 100 billion yuan, these valuations are not a big deal for international capital predators. If Shengshi Group opens up to accept investment, then Zhang Yi's own shares will be greatly diluted. At that time, the power of the Shengshi Group will fall, and it is possible to be acquired by others!"

"Zhang Yi's move is to firmly control the Shengshi Group in his own hands! Haha, what a great appetite!"

Not listing, not financing, such behavior is very strange for a group worth hundreds of billions, and it can even be said to be the only one in the world!

Because capitalists all know that listing and financing are very effective means of attracting money.

After listing, the capitalist's personal assets will quickly increase several times and even exaggeratedly can reach dozens of times!

Then a wave of cash out, let retail investors take over. Many big businessmen do this.

They didn’t know that Zhang Yi didn’t love money. It’s just that with sufficient funds, he knew that the value of the treasure tray would increase by dozens or even hundreds of times in the future, so how could he distribute the golden eggs to others? One?

In any case, after the Blue Olympic Group withdrew the lawsuit, the development speed of the Treasure Pan was like sitting on a rocket, and it moved up and down!

The layout of Jiangnan Province is slowly underway, and it can be completed within three months without accident.

Now there is no need for them to go to great lengths to find merchants, with the previous vigorous publicity and the help of Wei Zhiguo.

Now in the entire Jiangnan Province, and even in major regions of the country, many suppliers are rushing to cooperate with the cornucopia.

And the number of downloads of users has also rushed to the 50 million mark!

Zhang Yi sat at home happily, waiting for his personal assets to improve, and then unlocking more functions of the system.

At this time, Su Mingyu called again.

"Zhang Yi, when are you coming to the company? It's been three months since you took office. As a result, many senior executives in the company have never seen you. They are eager to see you!"

There was a bit of complaint in the voice.

Zhang Yi suddenly remembered that Su Mingyu had been busy with work and had not seen her for a week.

This time, in the name of the top of the company, are you talking about your thoughts?

He scratched his head helplessly. He was really not good at managing the group or something.

But there is one thing he is very smart, that is, he can use people.

Su Mingyu had managed the group for several years before he came, and he has been doing very well, so he chose to continue to believe in Su Mingyu.

To be bigger and stronger, the cornucopia must find a top e-commerce management talent, and he handed it over to Yang Qi from Amazon.

Han Gaozu Liu Bang once said that I am not as good as Han Xin in leading the war, and I am not as good as Xiao He in managing the internal affairs, but I can give full play to their expertise and trust them. This is the reason why I finally defeated Xiang Yu and became the emperor.

Therefore, Zhang Yi still intends to continue to be a shopkeeper afterwards.

In addition to guiding Shengshi Group forward in the strategic direction, the details are left to professionals to do.

However, if you think about it carefully, the CEO of the group once met with his employees in a serious manner. It is indeed a bit irresponsible.

He quickly smiled and comforted: "Oh, it was my mistake! During this period of time, I was busy thinking about the development direction of the group, but I ignored you, Mingyu, and the employees of the group. It was my fault!"

Su Mingyu bit her lip, and said to her heart: Thanks to you, you still know that you left me out! Who am I working hard for? Heartless!

"Since you admit that it was your fault, come to the group! It's tomorrow, and I will send an email right away!"

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