Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 207 I'm Really Zhang Yi

Hearing Zhang Yi said that he was a newcomer, the cautiousness in Cheng Xinmei's eyes immediately changed back to arrogance.

"Regardless of whether it is an old employee or a newcomer, the rules of the group must be followed! Hasn't your leader taught you about this?"

Zhang Yi was stunned when he heard the words.

"My leader? This one really doesn't."

Zhang Jiajia couldn't help but want to laugh, he did not have a leader!

Cheng Xinmei did not understand what Zhang Yi meant, and understood that his leader had not taught him the rules of the group.

"Well, your leader didn't teach you, so I will teach you for him today! The finance department is the important place of the group, and people who are not busy are allowed to go in and out at will, unless it is for work!"

"No matter what your relationship is with Zhang Jiajia, you shouldn't be in such a place now, do you understand?"

Xu Qian also helped her: "That is, the new employees now really don't understand the rules at all!"

Cheng Xinmei felt that she was in the limelight, and her tone suddenly eased.

"But it seems that you are very sensible and know that Zhang Jiajia did not do the right thing. I will not tell your leader about this matter today!"

The little handsome guy looks good, maybe he can get close to him in the future.

After speaking, Cheng Xinmei glared at Zhang Jiajia, and scolded: "Zhang Jiajia, don't move things soon!"

"You wait a moment."

Zhang Yi raised his head and said lightly to her.

"You must move, but if you don't clear the place, how can she move?"

Cheng Xinmei: "???"

She looked at Zhang Yi with a look of surprise, but did not understand what he meant for a while. So he frowned and said, "What do you mean? What clean up the place?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "This is your office! Of course Jiajia has to change location. She has to have her own independent office. So, please make room for it!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Yi in surprise, and felt that although this man looked handsome, his head was...something wrong?

Obviously Cheng Xinmei wants to expel Zhang Jiajia, how can he be whimsical, saying that he wants Zhang Jiajia to sit in Xinmei's office.

In their finance department, only employees above the supervisor level are eligible to have an independent office!

Xu Qian snorted coldly and said on behalf of Cheng Xinmei: "What is wrong with you specified! Your girlfriend is about to be fired! Her things can only be thrown on the street. If you still want to work, go to the main road. Go to work!"

Xu Qian said sarcastically.

She looked at Zhang Jiajia and Zhang Yi with a cheerful expression. Xin said: Let you sell me!

Seeing Cheng Xinmei wearing her beloved Baleno suit at this time, she felt her heart dripping with blood!

"Expulsion? What do you mean, why should you expel her? Who agreed?"

Zhang Yi asked with a gentle smile on his face.

Cheng Xinmei raised her chin proudly and said loudly: "I agreed to fire her! Because I was her direct leader, during the first year of inspection, I said that she couldn't do it and she had to leave!"

At this point, she seemed to feel that something was wrong, and then said: "Of course, I also went through a serious assessment and found that she was not qualified in terms of ability or team awareness. This was a reasonable way to exclude her from the team!"

As soon as I said this, the atmosphere in the office suddenly became weird.

Everyone looked at Xinmei with strange eyes, because Zhang Jiajia's work ability and attitude were all seen by everyone during this period.

It is really admirable that Cheng Xinmei's public revenge can be so arrogant!

Hearing this, Zhang Yi still had a faint smile on his face, with some sarcasm and contempt.

After Cheng Xinmei finished speaking, he let out a "pouch" laugh, and shook his head with interest.

"Hehehe, it's a pity, what you said is not counted!"

He pointed his finger at Xinmei.

Being so despised by an employee who has recently joined the group, Cheng Xinmei is almost furious!

She raised her decibels and screamed: "Enough! This is our finance department. You are not allowed to intervene as an outsider. Get out quickly! Otherwise, I will notify your leader!"

"Notify my leader?"

Zhang Yi pointed to his nose and couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry, I have no leadership!"

This sentence is completely truthful, but it becomes slick in other people's ears.

Xu Qian said mockingly: "Oh, nowadays young people can really talk! Without a leader, who do you think you are? We are the president of Shengshi Group?"

Cheng Xinmei snorted coldly, hugging her arms and said: "Even if you are the president, today I let Zhang Jiajia go and she has to go!"

Zhang Yi laughed. He was really amused this time, so he laughed loudly and even had a stomachache.

"That...cough cough, actually, you are misunderstood! I am not Zhang Jiajia’s boyfriend, but her brother. My name is Zhang, too! So you can use your imagination and guess me and your president What is the relationship?"

He sat on a chair with great interest, folded his hands on his knees, and calmly looked at the two interesting women in front of him.

"His surname is Zhang?"

Xu Qian was a little confused this time, and started to whisper in her heart.

"And it looks very rich."

Cheng Xinmei looked at Zhang Yi again, then looked at Zhang Jiajia again.

"Is it really the president?"

The two talked in a low voice.

"No! The president is a giant in the business world! How could an unworldly wizard who can create a cornucopia be so young?"

The two reached a consensus. How many young people under the age of 40 are the corporate executives that they meet on weekdays?

Not to mention those presidents, they are all old men!

Zhang Yi watched the two people muttering, and found it very interesting.

"I can give you a hint! By the way, you women all like to watch cold country idol dramas! Normally, for that kind of big business, does the boss secretly put his family in the end to practice?"

Zhang Yi said with a smile.

After hearing what Zhang Yi said, many women recalled the TV series they had watched before.

Think of the two brothers and sisters who are worth a lot of money at a glance, and suddenly think of something!

After Cheng Xinmei and Xu Qian looked at each other, they pointed at Zhang Yi tremblingly, and then said, "Could it be that you two are the son and daughter of President Zhang Yi???"

Everyone stared at them, and their hearts were extremely nervous.

Zhang Yi raised his head, glanced at Zhang Jiajia next to him, and smiled at each other.

"Of course... not anymore!"

The two replied in unison.

Cheng Xinmei was almost furious, " are here to make trouble! I...I want to inform your leader, you tell me what your name is and who the leader is!!!"

She stomped her feet angrily and shouted hoarsely.

Zhang Yi rubbed his fingers and replied calmly: "My name is Zhang Yi. It is the president of Shengshi Group who has just joined the company recently, the leader, I'm sorry, not yet."

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