After Zhang Yi walked out of the finance department and came to the elevator, he turned around and waved to Liu Huiwen and the directors of the finance department who followed him carefully.

"You don't have to give it away. I want to keep a little bit of mystery. It's also a little surprise for others!"

He smiled and said.

As Zhang Yi said, the others naturally stayed where they were.

"Yes, lead you to walk slowly!"

Zhang Yi got on the elevator with his hands in his pockets, and then went downstairs leisurely.

He dressed very casually, and still not half of them could recognize his identity.

The entire group building is in a state of tension and excitement.

Some of you are looking forward to meeting the legendary CEO of the business giant, and some of the senior executives are nervous, for fear that they will not perform well in front of the big leaders for the first time, which will leave a bad impression and affect their future promotion. .

Zhang Yi came to the first floor and walked out slowly along the back door.

He took the phone out of his pocket and dialed the number of security captain Liu Zihao.

"Hey, Zihao! I'm at the back door, come here!"

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment!"

Liu Zihao's low voice came from the phone.

Three minutes later, a silver-white Rolls-Royce RV drove in front of Zhang Yi.

He got into the car, and the two lovely maids were already waiting inside.

Today their attire is no longer the sexy kawaii style at home, but has become much more formal.

The small self-cultivation suits perfectly highlight their bumpy figures. The delicate collarbone and deep ravines reveal a half-smooth and roundness, reflecting a fascinating milky white light under the lights of the car.

The exquisite calf thickness is just right, and the black silk garter stockings leave an absolute field. Any man will be prone to nosebleeds after seeing it!

"Master, you are back!"

As soon as Zhang Yi got in the car, two sweet and lovely maids gathered around him, put his arms around him and started acting like a baby.

Zhang Yi glanced at Liu Zihao, who was driving seriously in front of him. The co-pilot also had a bodyguard in a black suit and a white headset.

He gently rubbed Nono's soft thighs and Yiyi's small pink buttocks, and smiled: "Okay, take off your clothes! Time is tight!"


As soon as Zhang Yi left, Liu Huiwen quickly took out her mobile phone and called Su Mingyu the first time!

Su Mingyu was in the lounge run by the president at this time, holding a valuable suit in one hand, worrying.

Her clothes are all custom-made, and they are hand-sewn by Italian and German designers, which absolutely fit the body.

In order to cooperate with Zhang Yi's public appearance in the group this time, the clothes in her closet are all brand new customized!

But looking at these almost perfect clothes, she still had trouble.

The black suit on the left hand side is solemn and majestic. If you wear it, standing next to Zhang Yi can set off Zhang Yi's style, and secondly, it can also give people a sense of sight of the president's wife.

When I thought of that, someone would secretly talk about "Oh my god, I feel that the President and President Su are still worthy!"

Her face flushed slightly.

The white suit on the right is more sexy.

The seductive V-shaped open collar and lace-rim shirt make your proud figure stand out. Zhang Yi, a passionate and lustful man, might have his eyes deeply sunken by the time.

Thinking of the ambiguity between the two people that night, Su Mingyu still blushed.

The assistant Tian Hui next to her was holding seven or eight pieces of clothes in her hands, and she was almost overwhelmed by the clothes.

She was very surprised. In her eyes, President Su was a strong woman who was stronger than a man! Seen her in time to spend so much effort choosing clothes in order to meet a man?

A few days ago, she was even secretly researching the color number and foundation of lipstick.

The most terrifying thing is that she once sent a file to Su Mingyu's computer and saw the four terrifying words "decisive underwear"!

"Sure enough, there is some ulterior secret between President Su and President Zhang Yi! Are they together? That's a good match."

Tian Hui thought so in her heart.

Su Mingyu hesitated for a long time, but still did not make a choice. It was not because she was dissatisfied with the two clothes, on the contrary, it was because the shapes and styles of the two clothes were so perfect that it was difficult to choose!

At this moment, the mobile phone placed on Tian Hui suddenly rang.

She pulled her arm out with difficulty, took out her mobile phone and looked at the note "Liu Huiwen, General Manager of Finance Department". She thanked Su Mingyu and said, "Mr. Su, this is a call from Mr. Liu, General Manager of Finance!"

Su Mingyu heard Liu Huiwen's call, and his face immediately showed the appearance of the business queen in the past.

"Oh? Give me the phone!"

She casually put the two most satisfying clothes on the chair, and then answered the phone.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"General Su, President Zhang Yi has already arrived at the group this morning! He was still inspecting the Finance Department just now!"

Hearing Liu Huiwen's urgent report, Su Mingyu's face showed a look of surprise, and a touch of tension and panic flashed deep in his eyes.

"Are you sure that is Mr. Zhang? I remember you haven't seen Mr. Zhang? Are there any obvious characteristics?"

"He is very handsome!" Liu Huiwen said without hesitation.

Su Mingyu immediately believed, "Then the president must be right! I understand."

"Zhang said, let us go to the gate to meet him in half an hour."

"Well, I understand! Go ahead and prepare now!"

She hung up the phone, and in front of Tian Hui, her entire body appeared panicked for the first time.

"Oda, you can help me choose a dress and see which one is more suitable! By the way, immediately notify the leaders of the various departments, and all the directors and above will be on the scene, and go to the gate to meet Zhang Yi!"

Tian Hui saw the panic of this woman in love, and she was also a little panicked.

"Clothes... clothes, the black one!"

Su Mingyu frowned, "But the white one should be sexier! Zhang Yi would like it better!"

The lace shirt that matches the inside feels better and is easier to tear.

"Then it's white!"

Tian Hui immediately changed her mouth.

Su Mingyu shook his head, "But the black one is more solemn. Today is a very important occasion. Isn't it better?"

Tian Hui felt her face turn green.

"I... I'm going to inform the leaders of the various departments!"

She hurriedly put the clothes in her hands on the sofa, and then ran to send email notifications as if running away.

Women are the most troublesome when choosing clothes, and it is normal to hesitate for a few hours. The same woman, Tian Hui has a deep understanding, so she can only run away.

Su Mingyu's face was tangled, and after walking back and forth for a long time, he made up his mind.

"It doesn't matter, what Zhang Yi likes is the most important thing!"

She still picked up the white suit that was charming, sexy and easy to tear.

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