Su Mingyu was startled by Zhang Yi's sudden hug.

But soon, her eyes were filled with happiness, and a rare crimson color appeared on her cheeks.

This kind of bridge, which only appears in the cold current idol drama, is equally effective even for the ice queen.

Because of her love, Zhang Yi has long been conquered.

"Zhang Yi..."

She gently called Zhang Yi's name.

At this moment, she doesn't care whether all the senior leaders of Shengshi Group are watching, as long as Zhang Yi loves her, then she can't care about everything!

And she has nothing to worry about. As a business woman, at least she has enough courage.

Zhang Yi hugged Su Mingyu for half a minute before slowly letting go, and then naturally took her slender, soft right hand.

"Let's go, let's go in and talk!"

Zhang Yi glanced at Su Mingyu, his eyes full of smiles.

The two people stepped on the red carpet and slowly walked forward amidst the shocked, envy, and jealous eyes of many executives.

The two men are handsome and talented, the men are handsome and talented, and the women are beautiful and unparalleled. They are well-known business queens in Jiangnan Province. No matter how you look at them, they are very good match!

The fact that such a combination can work together makes everyone feel that it is a great thing for the development of the entire Shengshi Group.

At this time, Su Mingyu suddenly said to Tian Hui, the assistant who was next to him, "I will immediately issue a notice to the entire group, not allowing them to pass on any photos of the president! Otherwise, they will all be expelled!"

When giving the order, she raised her eyebrows, still looking like that domineering queen.

She knows that Zhang Yi likes to keep a low profile, so if Zhang Yi did not speak, she would not let Zhang Yi's image spread out.

Tian Hui immediately understood, picked up her mobile phone and gave Su Mingyu's order through group emails and internal group chats.

Soon, employees of the entire group received the news.

"What? The president's photos and videos are not allowed to be circulated? Ah~ What a pity, I want to show it to my girlfriend!"

"That's right, some of my roommates asked me to take a few photos of Mr. President! Oh, it's all gone."

"Forget it, if a total photo is circulated on the Internet, it will definitely cause an uproar! When the company checks it down, it will be worthless for us to lose our work for a photo!"

Although there are some regrets, everyone is considering carefully and still did not distribute Zhang Yi's photos and videos.

Zhang Yi nodded very satisfied when he saw Su Mingyu's operation.

Su Mingyu still knows him well!

Now Zhang Yi is very famous. If he is known about his image, he will be followed by countless people when he goes out for shopping, or he will have to sign him.

It was so disturbing, it was a scene he didn't like to see.

Zhang Yi and Su Mingyu brought a group of executives to the press conference hall on the first floor. After all, there were more than 300 managers at the director level and above, and they had to be a little bigger to let them go.

However, in this meeting, every department can see the scene through video, and ordinary employees can see Zhang Yi's style.

The venue has long been set up, and all the management are sitting down, listening carefully to Zhang Yi's speech.

Zhang Yi patted Su Mingyu's buttocks lightly, motioning her to go to the stage and wait for herself.

Because this angle is very hidden, no one can see it. And Su Mingyu's watery eyes were full of shyness and flattery, and he glared at him with amorous feelings, then he twisted his waist and walked down.

Being able to be so arrogant and cold as the Snow Queen made Zhang Yi feel quite fulfilled.

Facts have proved that no matter how cold the woman is, as long as your temperature is hot enough, you can melt it and turn it into a gurgling stream, flowing out of the dense forest.

Cough cough... Zhang Yi cleared his throat, and then began to speak to the entire group of employees who were expecting him.

"Everyone seems a little nervous. First of all, you have to relax! Because I am here today, not to assign you tasks. I just came to have a simple exchange with you! After all, as the president of Shengshi Group, I have been in office for more than three months. I didn’t come to the headquarters, so I was a little afraid that everyone would forget me!"

There was a sound of laughter right below, but Zhang Yi's relaxed opening remarks relaxed many people's mentality.

"Shengshi Group is a leading enterprise in Tianhai City and a well-known brand in the country. I am honored and gratified to be the president of this company. Because you already have a very good team and leadership, so that this group can go smoothly. Keep going."

"Especially Miss Su Mingyu, she has outstanding talents and is a group manager I trust very much. Next, she is still responsible for the specific operations of the group! Her orders in the group are equivalent to my Zhang Yi's orders."

Zhang Yi said and smiled and looked at Su Mingyu in the audience, and Su Mingyu also showed a happy smile.

The other executives glanced at each other, and they were even more convinced that the two people had an unusual relationship, and they might have secretly obtained the evidence.

"Then our next development direction, the old business will remain the same. So except for the cornucopia, you can operate as usual."

After hearing these words, the person in charge of the old project and the employees took a big breath.

Because the cornucopia has been made bigger and bigger before, some people have reported that they will cut off part of the traditional projects and concentrate resources to develop the cornucopia. As a result, their positions and salaries will change.

But Zhang Yi's promise made them a lot easier.

"But in the next time, the main line of our group's development is still the e-commerce industry!" Zhang Yi raised a finger, "This is a business created by Mr. Su and I. It has been established in China and even in the world. Have a vast market!"

"When we created the cornucopia, no one was optimistic about this project! But now, we have received both official support and market share! In just two months, we occupied most of the market in Jiangnan Province. More than 60 million registered users!"

"I believe that if we continue to work hard, we will be able to spread the market across the country within two years! As for surpassing Amazon, it will be sooner or later."

"At that time, our Shengshi Group is no longer just the first consortium in Tianhai City!"

"We will be number one in Jiangnan Province! We will be number one in China! One day, we will even be the number one in the world!"

Zhang Yi's tone changed from plain to impassioned, and his description of the future made many employees in the group excited.

"No. 1 in the country? No. 1 in the world? Is this the courage of our president?"

"The cornucopia project is developing rapidly, if it can continue to be maintained, maybe it can really be!"

"At that time, won't our wages and benefits have to be doubled?"

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