Meng Fansen was only a little polite to Zhang Yi at first, but when he saw that he had just come to the bar, he ordered 3 million drinks, and he couldn't help but change his color!

You know, most of the people who come to this place to consume are the rich second-generation sons of Tianhai City and surrounding cities.

Those people have a lot of banknotes in their hands and are driving top luxury cars!

But after all, the money of this group of people is taken from their own homes.

Three to five million is not a problem, and several million can be afforded.

But just buy two bottles of red wine for 3 million, which is not something anyone can do!

At least in Blue Lotus, there are a limited number of such people!

Meng Fansen took a deep breath and treated Zhang Yi more respectfully.

"Please wait a moment, Romani Conti needs to prepare for a while! I'm going to pick up the wine myself."

After speaking, he ordered the waiter beside him to give Zhang Yi some fruit snacks first. Then he rolled up his sleeves and went to the wine cellar to get the wine.

Liu Zihao looked at Zhang Yi with admiration, and he was very happy to be able to take the boss out... Oh, it's so cool to come out and enjoy life!

He has never tasted a 1.5 million bottle of good wine!

"Master, you are so magnificent!"

Liu Zihao praised with a thumbs up.

When he came out, Zhang Yi instructed Liu Zihao not to call him husband, because this would make him look older. So Liu Zihao changed his name to Zhang Yi as Young Master.

Zhang Yi just smiled faintly, Romani Conti had it in his wine cellar.

The mellow taste of this high-end red wine is indeed different from ordinary red wine.

However, Zhang Yi didn't really understand this stuff.

The reason why he ordered red wine was just to make Meng Fansen know that he was rich. Simply put, just pretend to beep.

There is nothing more fun of spending money than this.

The actions of Zhang Yi, a local tyrant, also attracted the attention of many people around him.

Although the bar is not small, Zhang Yi, as a Tiancai, naturally attracted the attention of many women.

Hearing Zhang Yi's order of 3 million Romani Kanti in one breath, he immediately let the eyes of five or six women around him light up, picked up the wine glass, and walked over.

"Sir, can you buy me a drink?"

A few graceful figures, charmingly dressed, exposed where they should be exposed, and where they shouldn't be exposed, wishing to show up in front of Zhang Yi the women in their little dresses as swimsuits.

Zhang Yi leaned on the sofa and glanced, and I have to say that these women have very good looks, not much worse than the two maids in the house!

Zhang Yi smiled faintly and opened his arms, "Okay, come and sit down!"

Liu Zihao consciously maintained a certain distance, and after the women looked at each other, although there was a bit of competition in each other's eyes, they were also very reserved and did not fight, but sat next to Zhang Yi one by one.

Zhang Yi stretched out his hands, immediately put the two most beautiful girls into his arms, and unceremoniously began to show his fingering.

Now that they have come to such a place, Zhang Yi just wants to have fun, so naturally there is no need to pretend to be serious.

When he used to be a salesman, he often invited customers to this kind of place, so he was not a junior.

Seeing that the positions beside Zhang Yi were all taken up, there were also two slightly less attractive girls staring at Liu Zihao next to them.

They thought to themselves, if you can have such a rich and handsome boyfriend as a friend, maybe this gentleman who looks like a thug has good financial resources?

Ever since, the two simple-dressed little sisters sat down with a smile.

"Sir, let's have a drink together!"

Liu Zihao was also happy to take up Zhang Yi's light, and put his arms in his arms one by one, wiping his oil.

"Hahaha, good!"

Soon, Meng Fansen pushed two bottles of Romani Conti with a trolley.

A group of girls screamed when they saw two bottles of famous wine.

"Wow! It's Romani Contiye!"

"Mr. William, can you buy us a drink? I really want it!"

Several girls have already started to act like a child with Zhang Yi with excitement on their faces.

While talking, he rubbed his plump part against Zhang Yi's body vigorously.

Because the clothes are relatively exposed, so from Zhang Yi's point of view, you can clearly see the scenery inside.

Sure enough, girls who know how to play, they didn't wear it!

Zhang Yi smiled ambiguously, and stretched out his hand skillfully, holding it flexibly.

"Haha, isn't it just a bottle of wine? I'll order a few more bottles if you like, as long as your small mouth is enough to drink!"

Zhang Yi laughed.

Soon, several girls slumped on him with flushed faces, but they skillfully reached out and pressed their hands on Zhang Yi's chest in circles.

"People's little mouth can not only drink, but also want something else!"

The night scene was originally a place for fun and fun. When everyone met, they were simple and straightforward.

The most primitive needs and desires of mankind are squandered freely under the inducement of alcohol and the environment.

Meng Fansen cautiously opened the wine with a tool beside him, and did not respond to the glamorous scene in front of him, but he professionally poured the wine and handed it over to Zhang Yi himself.

Zhang Yi took a cup of Romanni Kanti and shook it, smelled the aroma first, and his eyes lit up.

This kind of taste is indeed the mellow smell that only genuine products can have, and the best oak taste.

But the next moment, he smiled evilly and poured into his mouth without any wine, but instead fell on a woman's chest.

"Ah! Mr. William, you are good or bad!"

The woman said aggrieved deliberately.

Zhang Yi smiled and looked at her, and said jokingly: "Now, your body is even more expensive!"

Instead of being angry, the woman was flattering, "But this wine is so expensive, let's not waste it, okay? Shall I feed it to you?"

On the other hand, Liu Zihao was also very happy to play with the two girls.

While drinking wine, you can move your hands up and down, watching this development, I am afraid it will develop into the box in a short time.

Although Liu Zihao likes to come out to play, as a professional bodyguard, he always comes out to release his anger. So it's more straightforward, every time it's a one-handed approach, to get rid of the fire and leave.

Zhang Yi was not so anxious. He just came out to play, not because of lack of women.

Therefore, he just filled the two women with a glass of wine, and patted their buttocks to signal them to leave.

"Next person!"

She smiled and said to a few eager women next to her.

Ever since, the two long-awaited girls hurriedly jumped over happily and hugged Zhang Yi from left to right.

When Zhang Yi was almost playing, he took the two women away, and then enjoyed the nightlife.

The so-called night market in Tianhai City is such an indulgent way.

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