After cleaning up Han Chunlei, Zhang Yi was refreshed.

About to find a place to have a drink with Liu Zihao, at this moment, Liu Zihao received a call.

"Hey, I am Ahao!"

"Brother Hao, the person you are looking for has news."

Zhang Yi and Liu Zihao were very close, so when he heard the news on the phone, his eyes lit up.

"Is there news about Bobo?"

Liu Zihao asked quickly: "Is it Bobo? Where is it?"

"Ye Laixiang Bar! I just saw her, and I'm playing cards with a few brothers!"

There was a man's voice over the phone.

Liu Zihao and Zhang Yi looked overjoyed in their eyes.

Half a month later, you finally can't help but show up!


Ye Lai Xiang Bar is located in Dongcheng District, Tianhai City.

Although it is not comparable to the high-end membership-based bars such as Blue Lotus, the grade is also at the top level of Tianhai City.

Those who come to this place on weekdays are mostly senior white-collar workers and rich second generations in the city.

Zhang Yi and Liu Zihao drove here, and the person who passed the news to Liu Zihao was the security captain.

He waited for the two people to arrive at the door and greeted Liu Zihao.

"Lao Jing, this is my boss! Shao Zhang."

Liu Zihao introduced him.

Lao Jing is tall and physique, so he looks like a trainer.

He nodded to Zhang Yi: "Hello, Shao Zhang!"

After seeing him, Zhang Yi took out a thick stack of banknotes from the trunk without saying a word and stuffed it into his hand.

"Brother, thank you so much this time!"

Lao Jing and Liu Zihao were comrades-in-arms, and this time they were also informed by Liu Zihao that they would find someone for him.

At that time, Liu Zihao told him that if someone found it, he would definitely have to thank him, but Lao Jing didn't take it too seriously.

After all, he was just sending a message, and for old comrades in arms, money is not a problem.

But I didn't expect that this young Zhang would be so generous, and a stack of banknotes would cost at least one hundred thousand!

"This... Zhang Shao, this can't be done! Brother Hao and I are buddies, I absolutely can't ask for this money!"

Looking at the stack of banknotes, Lao Jing wanted to say that it was fake, but he pushed it back.

"This is just a meeting ceremony, if you give me face, accept it."

Zhang Yi said lightly.

Liu Zihao also smiled and persuaded: "Don't be polite! Our boss has more money in his house than in the bank, and this is just a tiny bit of bacteria on him!"

He lowered his voice and said to Lao Jing, "Isn't your daughter's tuition fee for school still bad? Don't be polite!"

Lao Jing's eyes were a bit complicated, and he was naturally very fond of his brother's loyalty. But after coming down from the army, what is more important is the life and life.

Regardless of the fact that the soldier would be very good in the special forces, after he was discharged from the army, he realized that he had no ability to make money and could only serve as a security guard.

After Liu Zihao said so, he collected the money and hugged it in his arms.

"Then thank Shao Zhang!"

He said gratefully.

It's really... the money of the rich is easy to make! His salary for a year doesn't add up to that much!

"What are you thanking for now? If you find the person I am looking for, I will give you a heavier thank you later."

Zhang Yi patted Lao Jing on the shoulder and said with a smile.

Lao Jing immediately became energetic, hurriedly put the banknotes in his pocket, and then actively showed Zhang Yi the way.

"It's in the VIP seat in the middle of the bar! She is playing cards with a few rich second generations! Haha, it's pretty hilarious to play, take off one dress at a time."

Zhang Yi frowned, she dared to play this game with other men behind her back?

Woman, you succeeded in causing my anger!

Zhang Yi and Liu Zihao entered the Ye Laixiang bar under the leadership of Lao Jing.

As a first-class bar in Tianhai City, although its interior layout is not as good as Blue Lotus, it is also very good. And the space is even bigger!

After all, this kind of open bar, there are four to five hundred people here every day on weekdays!

Under the blue light, many men and women are releasing their hormones there.

At a glance, Zhang Yi saw Bobo, sitting in the middle of the VIP seat behind the bar, wearing a little white sexy dress.

She is still the same as she saw in Blue Lotus last time, with an elegant manner and a generous manner. Sexy and pure, with a three-point charm in the charming.

This is the most irresistible type for men.

But the next moment, Zhang Yi frowned.

Because at this time Bobo is playing cards, and there are seven or eight malicious men next to her, and her eyes are drawn across her charming body from time to time, full of greed.

"Oh, I'm pretty good at playing!"

Zhang Yi smiled, but the expression on his face was somewhat displeased.

"Master, do you want me to drive those people away?"

Liu Zihao walked over and asked.

Zhang Yi waved his hand: "No need! I'll settle this matter by myself. Go ahead!"

He looked at Lao Jing and said, "I have already seen people, and I am very satisfied! 2 million will be called to your account later, it is a thank you!"

Lao Jing's whole body was still immersed in the joy of just getting hundreds of thousands of dollars, and he didn't relax.

Who would have thought that Zhang Yi's shot would be 2 million at this time! He directly stunned on the spot!

"2...2...2 million???? Are you kidding me?"

Just send a message to so much money?

Lao Jing worked so hard as a security guard for so many years, and he earned less than half a million in total!

"It's just for a bottle of wine, so don't make a fuss. If there is anything that needs your help in the future, just trouble and do your best!"

Zhang Yi said with a smile, then patted Lao Jing on the shoulder, turned and walked into the bar.

Lao Jing stayed in place, stunned for a long time.

Liu Zihao also sighed for a long time, and said to him: "You don't know how much our young master spent trying to find this woman. So I am happy to see her, so just take the money you gave you! You don't know how much he really is. rich."

Lao Jing's excited body was shaking, and he nodded, "I know, since you can be called the young master, I think I also know who he is. Judging by his financial resources, the 2 million is indeed just a small amount of money. But it’s a huge sum of money for me! I can finally make a down payment in Tianhai City! And my daughter’s tuition has also been settled."

Lao Jing clenched his fists, and Zhang Yi's casual rewards changed the lives of his family!

Liu Zihao glanced at Lao Jing, "It's good to know his identity, but remember to keep it secret. My boss, but a very low-key person!"

"Understand! Zhang Shao's great kindness is unforgettable for me! If there is anything I need to do in the future, please tell me!"

Lao Jing said seriously.

With that said, he took the banknotes out of his pocket and handed them to Liu Zihao.

"Brother Hao, thanks to your introduction this time. You have to take the money anyway!"

Liu Zihao smiled contemptuously and pushed the money back.

"How about playing with us? I can ask for your money! Besides, Master gave me more rewards than yours."

Lao Jing thought about it for a while, it was indeed the same reason, and then he took the money back with a simple smile.

Putting the bulging bills on your body, it's so warm!

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