Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 248 Bodyguard Company

Zhang Yi took Bobo back to his villa.

After getting rid of his complicated family, Bobo's heart was mixed. But taking a look at the tall and handsome man next to him, who loves herself a lot, there is more happiness in her heart.

An eighteen-year-old girl, at the time of her youth, her desire for love surpassed everything.

When she was most desperate, it was Zhang Yi who helped her out of the sea of ​​suffering.

At this moment, in her eyes, Zhang Yi is the most important man in her life, and she can dedicate everything for him.

"Zhang Yi, thank you! From now on, Bobo will listen to you." Bobo's happy smile was attached to Zhang Yi's body.

"Oh, everything listens to me?"

Zhang Yi smiled, "Isn't it that I can do whatever I want?"

He has thought of many poses that he has always wanted to try before.

Take another look at Bobo, an eighteen-year-old girl, the childlike and legal Loli.

Loli has three good, light body and soft and easy to knock down. With this fascinating face and body that cannot be ignored, coupled with perfect body flexibility, there are many attempts to be made in the future.


Bobo nodded docilely.

"No matter what you do to me in the future, I will recognize you!"

She hugged Zhang Yi tightly, as if she was holding the greatest happiness in her life, or the last straw of hope.

A look of pity flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes, and he stretched out his hand to gently stroke her head.

Bobo's life experience is very pitiful.

Although the daughter of a senior official in Tianhai City sounds very dazzling.

But when Zhang Yi met Wei Zhiguo, he could clearly feel the hard-line style of military origin and absolute loyalty to his work.

A man like that is qualified to become a senior official in the economic center of Tianhai City. But such a man can hardly become a qualified father.

As for her mother, ha ha.

Not to mention, it can't be called a person.

For their own desires, even their daughters can give it to others. If it weren't for the fact that she was Bobo's biological mother, Zhang Yi was in Bobo's house at the time, and even had the heart to kill her!

At this time, Bobo's heart is very empty, because she has been completely disappointed with the affection.

Anyone who has experienced such a blow can never be calm. Relatively speaking, Bobo is considered strong, at least she hasn't collapsed yet.

She is like a little wild cat, playful and cute but with a bit of wildness.

However, it was only because she had been deeply hurt, so she would not trust others easily.

But when she opens her heart to you, that kind of tenderness does not lose anyone.

"By the way, you have to be careful about one thing!"

Suddenly Bobo raised his head, with a little worry in his eyes.

"Oh? What's the matter? Could it be that your dad will come over to trouble me?"

Zhang Yi asked curiously.

"That's not true! Wei Zhiguo only has work in his eyes all day, and he has no time to care about me."

Bobo shook his head, then said worriedly in his eyes: "It's about that damn man!"

As soon as he talked about the smashed Weisen, Bobo's eyes became sharp, and he wished to chop him up with a knife!

"That guy is not a good thing, he still has something to do in Tianhai City. This time we beat him so hard, I am worried that you will have trouble afterwards."

Zhang Yi thought for a while and asked, "What is the origin of that Weisen?"

In fact, if you think about it now, someone who can pry the wife of a senior official in Tianhai City is certainly not that simple.

The average bitch does not have such courage and ambition.

Moreover, ordinary people did not have the opportunity to contact the wives of the senior officials of Tianhai City.

Bobo said: "Their family used to be considered powerful and powerful in Tianhai City, but it was later defeated. He spent all his days drinking and drinking. At first he was the famous playboy in Tianhai City. But the most troublesome person is not him, but His brother Li Tiansheng."

"Li Tiansheng?"

Liu Zihao, who was driving, suddenly raised a mouth when he heard the name.

"Why, Zihao, do you know this person?"

Zhang Yi asked.

Liu Zihao nodded, "Ah! This person is also number one in Tianhai City. No one on the roads of Tianhai City didn't know him. This time, if he hit his younger brother, it might be a little troublesome."

A deep smile appeared at the corner of Zhang Yi's mouth.

Liu Zihao's network in Tianhai City is also very complicated, and everyone on the road is basically familiar.

If even he said so, it means that this Li Tiansheng is really not a simple character.

"Is it hard to deal with?"

Zhang Yi asked.

Liu Zihao's tone was calm, "He is in charge of half of the entertainment venues in the East City of Tianhai City. There are thousands of people under him! So it is really difficult to deal with him. Usually if anyone has friction with him, he will choose Spending money."

"But this time I smashed his brother's egg, I'm afraid it can be settled by not only spending money, right?"

A sharp glow flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes.

"That's true!"

Liu Zihao nodded.

"Then tell me, how can we solve this problem?"

Zhang Yi smiled slightly, and asked Bobo with his arms around him.

Liu Zihao is his personal bodyguard and the captain of the security team. And Zhang Yi himself is his big benefactor.

So no matter how you think about it, Liu Zihao should solve this troublesome problem.

Upon hearing this, Liu Zihao suddenly showed a playful smile on his dark face.

"Master, if you let me think about it, there are two ways! One is steady and the other is radical."

"Don't sell it, let's talk!"

"The prudent way is to expand our security team. When you and Miss Bobo travel, you should have more than ten bodyguards around you for 24-hour personal protection!"

Zhang Yi rubbed Bobo's little pudding, smiled and shook his head.

"Only Thousand Days is a thief. There is no such thing as a Thousand Days to guard against thieves! And there are too many people around me, and doing so will always give them loopholes."

Those people do everything at their best, and if they are too anxious, they will attack everyone around Zhang Yi.

Even, they may go directly to Zhang Yi's hometown and threaten Zhang Yi's parents and eldest sister's family!

Zhang Yi doesn't want his family to be at risk for the rest of their lives.

Liu Zihao continued: "Then the next step is a radical approach!"

A look of excitement appeared in his eyes, and his driving speed increased a bit.

"It is to have your own power, and then do nothing and do nothing, and kill Li Tiansheng!"

Zhang Yi's eyes flashed, he didn't expect Liu Zihao to have such crazy ideas.

Killing a boss as big as Li Tiansheng is not something ordinary people would dare to think of!

However, since Liu Zihao dared to come up with this idea, he must have his own ideas.

And Zhang Yi had indeed thought about training a group of capable men by himself.

After all, his status is noble, and of course some things cannot be done by himself. He needs someone to help him with some dirty work.

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