"Hey, what are you doing?"

She said impatiently.

"Haha, Wei Wuyan! Your friend has fallen into our hands!"

There was a burst of wild laughter on the other end of the phone.

Bobo's face suddenly changed, and he nervously clutched the microphone and said to Zhang Yi, "It's Tiansheng Li!"

Zhang Yi was holding a grape in his hand and was studying it carefully. Hearing Bobo's words, he calmly said: "Did they find our position?"

Bobo shook his head, "They arrested some of my classmates!"

A cold light flashed in Zhang Yi's eyes, "These guys really do everything! Even your classmates have been arrested!"

At this moment, the man's threatening voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Now tell us immediately, who was the one who injured Wiesen before, and I will let your classmate go! Otherwise, hehehe, my brothers are not vegetarian!"

"I've always saved food. My brother will eat whatever I eat. They are already in line!"

The little boss is triumphant.

And the female students next to them were so scared that they cried out, shouting at this side: "Master Yan, help us!"

"Please, or we will be ruined, woo woo woo!"

After listening to this, Bobo's expression relaxed.

"Oh, isn't it? Then it's up to you. Anyway, I don't know them well. Bye, you guys have fun!"

After speaking, she just hung up the phone and turned off the phone directly by the way.

Zhang Yi asked curiously: "Aren't they your friends?"

Wei Wuyan curled her lips, "It's not a good friend, it's just a meal and shopping together."

As she said, she smiled sweetly and held Zhang Yi's head tightly.

"In front of my Darling, they are nothing!"

Zhang Yi raised his eyebrows and shrugged helplessly.

Little wild cat Wei Wuyan is a very self-conscious girl. Except for Zhang Yi's heart-to-heart opening surprise, it is difficult for anyone else to make her fluctuate too much.

Zhang Yi originally thought that she would be sad for a while to cut off the relationship with her mother with two million. But that night, she found out that she seemed to have forgotten about it quickly.

Pleasure in time, this is the way for contemporary young people to live, so that they will not give themselves so much trouble.

On the other side of the phone, the little boss was completely stupid.

"How come there is such a unfeeling woman? Didn't her parents teach her what it means to talk about four beauties when she was young? Didn't she teach her how to unite and help each other? So leaving her friends alone?"

The little boss pointed angrily at the female college students behind him.

The younger brother next to him coughed and reminded him: "Don't forget that her parents are not normal people, so it is normal for her to be abnormal!"

The little boss frowned deeply when he heard this.

This sentence seems to make sense.

After even Bobo's line was broken, the clues on Zhang Yi's side were even more difficult to find.

But Zhang Yi knew that Li Tiansheng would never give up.

Those who come out to mess with society pay attention to a face, and Li Tiansheng must find his face back.

"The enemy is in the light and I am in the dark. When will you wait to stay still at this time?"

Zhang Yi said with deep emotion.

After discussing the new grape-eating skills with Bobo, Zhang Yi immediately asked Liu Zihao to contact Zhang Zhen.

"How about the manpower who brought you together?"

Zhang Zhen hurriedly replied: "Shao Zhang, in accordance with your instructions, I have contacted more than 3,000 reliable brothers! When they heard that they were rich, stable and welfare bodyguards, they all broke their scalp and wanted to join! "

There was excitement in Zhang Zhen's voice, and the matter was done. Although Zhang Zhen didn't dare to claim credit, he still had a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"I want manpower, not humans. Those who are unreliable have to be screened out for me!" Zhang Yi reminded.

Zhang Zhen quickly said: "You can rest assured that we have more than 10,000 registered members here! I am also an elite who has been selected through layers of screening. These people are absolutely reliable!"

"Well, then you will help me with two more things. First, ask me about Li Tiansheng's whereabouts; second, choose 100 more from these three thousand people. The most reliable and the most reliable. Can fight!"

Zhang Yi's voice was a bit sharp.

At this time, Zhang Zhen was standing on the balcony on the second floor of the Veterans Association, and his expression became serious when he heard Zhang Yi's words.

"Are you going to be active against Li Tian?"

"Remember the discipline?" Zhang Yi asked rhetorically.

"Yes, don't ask if you shouldn't ask!" Zhang Zhen replied subconsciously.

"That's right." Zhang Yi smiled and hung up the phone.

Li Tiansheng has already started looking for him and Bobo in a carpet style. He can find Bobo's school and kidnap her classmates.

Sooner or later, it will affect the people around Zhang Yi.

He never likes to take the initiative in the hands of others. Since you are in the first year of junior high school, I will do the 15th.

Now his greatest advantage is that he is in the dark, and Li Tian was born in the light.

Li Tiansheng didn't even know who he was looking for. He had been on the side for many years, and no one dared to move him, so he was not vigilant.

So it's undoubtedly the best time to do it right now!


late at night.

Located in the mountain forest villa area in the southern suburbs of Tianhai City. Li Tiansheng owns a luxurious villa of his own here.

People like him have committed too many evils in the first half of their lives and haven't provoke enemies. Therefore, there must be more than a dozen houses in the Three Caves of Guitu, and there are five in Guangtianhai City.

This villa is located on the mountainside and there are no neighbors around.

There are probably not many people who are willing to be neighbors with people like Li Tiansheng.

The waning moon rose to the branches, and the light and shadow were a little thin.

Zhang Yi stood on the mountain and looked at the villa, watching the feasting and feasting inside the villa, with a faint smile on his mouth.

"It's such a secret place, it's really difficult for ordinary people to find it. However, the information is searched on banknotes, so the speed of getting clues is much faster."

Zhang Zhen and Liu Zihao were both by Zhang Yi's side. After hearing what Zhang Yi said, Zhang Zhen gave a bitter smile.

"I let my brothers look for it for so long, but I didn't find Li Tiansheng's whereabouts. But the news came out as soon as Mr. Zhang shot it. I really admire it!"

Zhang Yi glanced at Zhang Zhen and said disapprovingly.

"Remember, there are three elements to success in doing great things! First, banknotes! Second, banknotes! Third, banknotes! Only if you are rich enough, you can get everything."

Li Tiansheng's subordinates are known to be iron-clad and love and righteous, but three million smashed in the face, didn't they immediately shake the news out?

Behind Zhang Zhen, a hundred members of the Veterans Association were ready.

Follow Zhang Yi and have some meat!

Zhang Zhen has sent money to them all, with 50 million funds in his hands, Zhang Zhen is very confident.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry! We will rush in right away and tie up that kid Li Tiansheng!"

Zhang Zhen pointed to the villa and said.

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