Li Tiansheng's nest is very remote, in a mountain with good air but secret.

So even if the fighting is fierce and accompanied by gunfire, no one will notice.

Originally, this was a villa built by Li Tiansheng for the convenience of executing prisoners, but unexpectedly it became his own tomb.

As for the subsequent treatment, both Zhang Zhen and Liu Zihao are experts, destroying all evidence, and then burning the place completely clean, and the whole process does not leak.

Li Tiansheng himself is not a good thing. Even if he finds it out later, he will be defined as a gang or gang.

The above hoped that such people would die, and would not go too far.

"What should I do with these? Do you want a piece of it..."

A fierce look flashed in Liu Zihao's eyes, and he asked Zhang Yi for instructions.

Zhang Yi thought for a while and shook his head decisively.

"It's still a small problem that only Li Tiansheng is dead. If more than a hundred corpses appear here at the same time, they will have to intervene in the investigation."

"So give them a good beat, and let them go! They are all on the road, they are not stupid enough to call the police."

These subordinates of Li Tiansheng, that person does not have a serious criminal record?

The grievances and grievances of the rivers and lakes are broken, sometimes not because of morality, but because they dare not go through official channels.

That is tantamount to blew up!

Ever since, Zhang Yi took Zhang Zhen and Liu Zihao and his party and left here quickly.

But what should I do if something leaks out?

Zhang Yisi did not panic. When the time comes, he will naturally pick a brother out, and Zhang Yi will give him a large amount of money to settle the family, and then spend the money to hire the best lawyer.

With Li Tiansheng's black background, he will be sentenced lightly. It will be out in more than ten years.

On the way back, Liu Zihao and Zhang Zhen took two huge canvas bags from the trunk of the car, and opened them in front of everyone, all with dazzling red heads!

"Brothers worked hard today, take it back and buy something for the family. The unmarried brat is so happy!"

Two people threw out bundles of banknotes, and everyone got 100,000 yuan! These one hundred people are ten million!

These veterans were all stupid, because when they came, everyone had already received a sum of money.

What embarrassed them the most was that they basically had no chance to do it this time. Just as soon as they rushed in, they were all killed by Zhang Yi alone!

This money is always a bit... ashamed.

"Brother Zhen, Brother Hao, we can't take this money. It's too much!" A big beard said embarrassedly.

"I didn't do anything, I feel ashamed of holding it!" The other little man also said.

Zhang Zhen and Liu Zihao smiled disapprovingly, and smoked the smoke that Zhang Yi gave them.

Zhang Zhen followed Zhang Yi and said in a calm tone: "These are all small money for our boss! Work hard in the future, money is indispensable for you."

Liu Zihao also said: "Following our boss, getting rich is not a dream! Don't you want to make money to support your family? Huzi, Erga, you haven't gotten a daughter-in-law. Your hometown married a daughter-in-law with a gift of 300,000 yuan, you two have not always Say you can't afford to marry?"

"Then from now on, you will have money!"

More than one hundred veterans were full of enthusiasm!

With such a generous boss, they dare not even dream of it!

"Brother Hao, Brother Zhen! Don't say anything, and we will work hard for the company in the future!"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang is so kind to us, we can't let him down! Work hard in the future!"

Nothing is easier to buy people's hearts than money.

When you are very rich, you will find that what you want to do in this world is incredibly simple.


After Zhang Yi left with the people, the fire here attracted attention from related parties.

The people from the Tianhai Police Department rushed here quickly, but the fire was so strong that when they arrived, the inside was all burnt to ashes.

"Who is the dead person? Is the investigation clear?"

The leader of the team took off his hat and asked.

The police officers under him came to the report: "According to our investigation, this villa belongs to Li Tiansheng! Comrades from the fire brigade have contained the fire, and only one corpse was cleared out. As for the person’s true identity, we still need Confirmed by DNA testing."

The chief officer and several police officers flashed their eyes after hearing the words "Li Tiansheng".

"It's him?"

The name Li Tiansheng has been filed with them, and everyone is familiar with him.

The famous boss in Dongcheng, Tianhai City, has been in several times before. Relying on the power of the family in the early years, he has become more powerful now.

The police monitored this person very closely, but Li Tiansheng acted cautiously and never left a handle.

So until now, no one can touch him.

"Ahem, I know! Go ahead and work!"

The officer waved his hand to let the officer go down.

The cadres of several police agencies glanced at each other, and there was a somewhat relaxed smile on their faces.

"What do you think?" the leader of the team asked.

"It is clean and tidy, and it can be seen that it was done by a professionally trained person. Needless to say, Li Tiansheng has committed crimes for half of his life, and it must be the enemy's revenge!"

"You can't live by committing sins! The wicked have their own rewards!"

Several veteran police officers did not regret the death of Li Tiansheng in the slightest.

The leader of the team nodded slightly and quickly said solemnly: "But we still have to look into this case seriously! If criminals are found, we will never tolerate it!"

Everyone looked at each other and quickly stood at attention and saluted.


Then everyone got into the car talking and laughing.

There are many cases in Tianhai City every day, 99% of which cannot be found out in the end.

The process that should be followed must be followed, but for some small cases or the like, which makes people happy, it is really not going to be investigated in depth.

Because there were too many suffering masters who were miserable by Li Tiansheng in those days.

After Zhang Yi finished the work, he asked Zhang Zhen to take the brothers to a good meal, and then went to Wash Feet City for a relaxing night.

The matter was handled very authentically, and the brothers under his men were also devoted to this rich and generous boss.

After a few days, Zhang Yi saw that the matter hadn't become a big issue, so he directly arranged the establishment of the bodyguard company.

Professional management personnel directly asked Su Mingyu to be transferred from Shengshi Group.

As for the company's office space, it is arranged in the outskirts of Hemingway Manor, which is only 20 miles away.

The venue is large, which is convenient for their usual training. It is relatively close to Hemingway Manor. If you need to use them, you can call over at any time.

Zhang Yi didn't plan to rely on them to make any money, more thoughts are to support the doorsteps of daughters, in case of unexpected needs in the future.

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