"According to your statement, Rongxin Group would rather give up the billions of billions of profits you gave up each year than supply it to us, right?"

After the tea was brewed, Zhang Yi picked it up and took a sip slowly.

Lu Dakai is good at making tea. Many successful executives like to make tea. For the upper class in China, there is a special tea culture.

And only those white-collar workers who need to work overtime every day will fall in love with coffee.

Lu Dakai nodded quickly: "Yes, I didn't think of this approach. But according to my guess, they would rather give up huge profits, but also defeat us! So as to monopolize the huge market in Jiangnan Province!"

This is too obvious.

Merchants pay more attention to profit, but cannot afford to be early if they are not profitable.

They are able to give up huge profits of more than one billion a year, definitely because of greater ambitions!

It now seems that it can only be hoped that the Shengshi wine industry will close down, and then they will monopolize the Jiangnan wine market.

Zhang Yi nodded.

"I see!"

Succinct and concise, Lu Dakai was frightened.

"President, what are you going to do?"

He rubbed his hands nervously, and his back was now sweating.

If Zhang Yi can't solve this matter, then from now on, the industrial chain of Shengshi Liquor Industry will shrink substantially.

Before long, the scale will be reduced to one-tenth of its original size.

In the capital market, big fish eat small fish and small fish eat dried shrimps.

If the Rongxin Group rushed to start the competition, even this one-tenth would be slowly wiped out.

"I will call someone from the Rongxin Group when I look back!"

Zhang Yi didn't sell Guanzi, and said lightly.

He wanted to see what Han Yunuo this woman wanted.

Lu Da opened his face with joy, and the president personally took the initiative, and things will definitely turn for the better!

"But you give me the bottom line first. How long can the drinks we have in stock now be supported under normal sales?"

This is his biggest concern.

Because the inventory determines the time that can be used for the game in the middle.

Lu Dakai replied without hesitation: "Currently we have three main warehouses in the country, with more than 1.7 billion wines in stock! But the volume of Australian red wine is only enough to sell for three months!"

"I see."

Zhang Yi nodded, then finished the tea in the cup and stood up slowly.


Lu Dakai looked at Zhang Yi longingly, hoping that he could help himself with an idea at this time.

Zhang Yi's hand lightly patted his shoulder.

"Lao Lu, you don't have to worry about anything next. Just do your job steadily! I will take care of other things."

Zhang Yi said calmly.

But these words fell into Lu Dakai's ears, but it was tantamount to an excellent reassurance!

"I see!"

He nodded solemnly.

After Zhang Yi left the office that Lu Da opened, he thought a little bit in his heart.

Shengshi Liquor Industry can make a net profit of two to three billion yuan each year, which is not bad.

If you can keep it, try to keep it, but if you can't do it anymore, it won't make him feel distressed too much.

After all, judging from the current layout speed of the cornucopia, the whole country can be deployed at the end of the year at most!

At that time, money will flow in like flowing water.


He doesn't really care about money or money, but the goblin's behavior of the Rongxin Group made him a little angry.

"You deliberately smashed with me without making money, haha, woman, you succeeded in attracting my attention!"

Zhang Yixie smiled.

He walked to the middle of the glass corridor connecting the two buildings, took out his mobile phone, and found Han Yunuo's phone number from the address book.

"Let me see what tricks you want to play!"

Zhang Yi dialed Han Yunuo's mobile phone number.

The office of the chairman of Rongxin Group.

Han Yunuo sat on her white leather seat, gracefully tilting Erlang's legs, and a large area of ​​white skin appeared in the short buttocks skirt. The two big white legs are not slender, but just the right kind of fat, with a plump sensuality. It's the kind of firm sensation that can make your hands numb when you bounce it.

Among the purple lace, two huge groups of justice protruded boldly, like two basketballs.

She has never been worried about showing her perfect posture, because this is also the weapon she is most proud of today.

On the huge desk in front of her was her purple mobile phone.

All morning, she was waiting for a call from someone.

Thinking of later, Zhang Yihui called helplessly and asked her to let Shengshi Liquor go. She is joyful from the heart!

"Zhang Yi, I don't believe this this time, you are willing to put down one of your most important projects! In the face of money, you also have to bow to me!"

Han Yunuo said with a smile.

At this moment, the phone really rang.

A light of joy flashed in her eyes, because few people had this phone number.

Calling here at this time, Zhang Yi is definitely right!

She immediately picked up the phone, and as she expected, the word "Sex embryo" was particularly eye-catching.

Seeing these two words, she couldn't help but remind her of the ambiguity between the two people in the hotel box.

She clamped her legs, gritted her silver teeth, and then answered the phone resolutely.

"Hello? President Zhang Yi, it's been a long time since I saw you, ha ha ha!"

Han Yunuo's charming laugh came from Zhang Yi's ear, and he felt that his bones were almost crisp.

This woman is indeed a famous fairy!

She is a little worse than Su Mingyu in terms of beauty, but if she is charming and charming, she will completely explode Su Mingyu!

Even the voice when speaking is full of temptations to men.

If this kind of voice is called C, wouldn't it make people fly into the sky?

Suppressing his extraneous thoughts, Zhang Yi smiled and asked, "It's been a long time, Dong Han!"

"Why, your Excellency manages everything every day, why did you suddenly remember to call me?"

Han Yunuo asked hypocritically.

"Oh! Is it possible that you came to me because there was a problem with your group's beverage items?"

"Oh, I've heard about this too! It's a shame. What can you do with the Prosperity Wine Industry after the wine embargo in Australia! Alas, I feel sorry for you."

Zhang Yi smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah, it does make people feel a little troublesome. That's why I called you!"

"Ming people don't talk secretly, let's just say, how on earth do you want to transfer some of the goods to us?"

Zhang Yi asked readily.

Han Yunuo was very happy to be so straight into the subject by Zhang Yi.

Because she felt that Zhang Yi was so anxious, it must show that the problem of Shengshi Wine Industry made him anxious!

But she didn't know that Zhang Yi just didn't bother to whistle around with her.

"This matter is really a little difficult for the family to handle!"

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