Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 269 Zhang Yi's Thoughts

After listening to Yang Qi's question, Zhang Yi smiled on his face and immediately offered to give him some tips.

"Your current thinking is still somewhat incorrect. Of course, it is already very good to be able to think of integrating the takeaway business! It's just a little bit worse, just a little bit."

Zhang Yi beat his little finger.

Yang Qi frowned and leaned against Zhang Yi with a serious face, in order to be able to hear what he said more clearly.

Zhang Yi didn't sell the pass, and said slowly.

"You see, the problem we most need to solve right now is actually very simple! It's the problem of money!"

"First, first, first! Say important things three times, the most important first point is consumers! Without enough consumers to support, your business simply can't go on! So the first point, must To give consumers enough concessions!"

"Second, it's the money that the business needs to make! This must be guaranteed! If you don't make money, people won't do it!"

"Third, it is the money made by the takeaway brother. They can make money before they will desperately deliver the food!"

Zhang Yi stopped at this point, and there was no fourth point.

Yang Qi listened, eyes full of weirdness.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Zhang. Are you here to do charity? All the benefits are taken away by others. What kind of money do we make?"

"No, no, no!"

Zhang Yi smiled and shook his head.

"If you want to take it, you must first give it. As long as we can capture the market, we can make money sooner or later. And it's big money!"

"It's still three points, listen carefully. First, on the user side, use our cornucopia channels and credibility in the early stage to attract customer traffic to Jumei! The first thing you have to do is to train them to eat takeaways. Habits. So at the beginning, be sure to give enough discounts!"

"If you can buy something for twenty dollars, you can send him a coupon for ten dollars! Let him pay only half of the money. The whole thing is like this for three days, and he will get into the habit of ordering takeout. But let’s still mark the price at twenty. In this case, when he develops the habit of taking out some food, he can accept the sudden increase in money."

"After all, this is not the price increase, but the original advantage. These are two different concepts. Obviously the latter is easier for people to accept."

Yang Qi nodded repeatedly.

"I understand this! To put it bluntly is to cultivate users' consumption habits. This is the same as the initial operation of the cornucopia!"

Zhang Yi continued: "The second point, the restaurant is here!"

"Restaurants want to make money, but consumers want to save money. This is not an irreconcilable contradiction, but a problem that can be solved. For us, it is also the easiest problem."

Yang Qi asked: "What do you say?"

Zhang Yi smiled and analyzed to him: "Look, is the restaurant willing to make five yuan for one person or one yuan for five people?"

Yang Qi also knows one thing, "Of course it earned five people a dollar! Because after these five people order a meal, there is a chance that they will become repeat customers. They will continue to provide income!"

"Yes! Let the restaurant make more money, and let consumers spend less. The root is here! Volume!"

"We first use huge discounts to attract consumers and let them order takeaways on the platform! Then, the number of orders received by the restaurant has increased, and a certain discount will be given accordingly. We don't even need to remind us at that time. , They will do it themselves. Small profits but quick turnover, this is what they most hope to do!"

"But... there is also the issue of additional costs."

Yang Qi frowned, "This is what I'm most worried about! How do you calculate the cost of packaging and courier? Who will be responsible?"

During transportation, the packaging fee is not a small amount. Because a single order is 20 yuan, the cutlery needed for the packaging fee is as low as fifty or six cents.

Moreover, the single delivery cost of the courier is usually between 10-15 yuan.

Such a fee, if used to order a regular lunch of 10 or 20, it is not worthwhile at all!

Zhang Yi smiled.

"Well, yes, these are big problems! But they are not difficult to solve."

The reason why domestic take-out costs are so high is simple.

The takeaway boy does not have an integrated group to send orders for them. Generally speaking, the takeaway guys only serve a large catering company, and then get commissions according to the order.

Generally speaking, if you can deliver more than 15 orders every day, business is better!

Because of this, the cost of a single delivery must be high, otherwise no one will do the job at all.

Zhang Yi picked up a cup of tea and sat on the desk, smiling at Yang Qi.

"In fact, this problem is the same as resolving the price of a business's meal."

"The problem of tableware is easy to solve. As long as you reduce part of the meal on the take-out order. You know, people nowadays advocate 70% fullness! You can reduce the amount of dine-in so large, anyway, after loading the tableware, No one really cares about it! In this way, the cost of the tableware of the merchant can be deducted from the meal."

"As for the takeaway brother! The number of orders we provide them will definitely increase with the increase in the number of orders! They can only deliver 10 or 20 orders a day in ordinary catering companies. But in my case, They can serve all restaurants and consumers!"

Zhang Yi opened his arms, as if embracing the huge restaurant market.

"So the market I give them is endless! As long as they work hard, there will be countless money to make! Then, even if the unit price is lower, the overall income will increase! Do you think those who choose to go? Are food delivery people afraid of hard work? No, they are only afraid of not having money!"

Zhang Yi awakened the dreamer!

Yang Qi's thinking mode is still trapped in the old style of food delivery, but Zhang Yi does not have such a break-away idea.

At this time, after listening to Zhang Yi's words, he slapped his thigh fiercely!

"This method is good, it's simply amazing! As long as the order quantity is increased, then no matter if it is a business, a consumer or a courier brother, you can make a profit! Then we will have room for profit! This is a four-shot! !"

Yang Qi raised his eyebrows for joy, and looked at Zhang Yi with admiration.

"Mr. Zhang, you are really Tianhai City, ah no! The world's business genius, such a difficult problem can be easily solved by you! I, Yang Qi, is completely convinced!"

Zhang Yi smiled slightly and waved his hand.

"It's nothing, it's just a basic operation!"

"If you want to make a lot of money in business, you must not be able to slay others and benefit yourself. Only by benefiting most people can such a business be sustainable and have the greatest profit margin!"

Yang Qi nodded very seriously.

"Well, I'll make arrangements right away!"

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