Sister Sun didn't waste time with Xu Fu after she finished talking, she now has a lot of money to make money!

When the business was at its best a day ago, there were more than one hundred customers.

But now, after a busy day, at least four to five hundred orders can be sold! It directly made her earn three or four times more!

No one will have trouble with money. Now she and her wife are so busy, they just want to make more money by taking advantage of this trend!

In the past, when people came to eat dine-in, they would apologize that they were small and not decent enough.

But if you order takeaway, you won’t see these at all. Even if you don't have a facade, only one workshop can do it!

Of course, there are also complete food safety licenses.

Their tastes are home-cooked dishes, incomparable to big restaurants. However, the quantity is large and enough, and it soon won the love of many ordinary white-collar workers!

Xu Fu looked at the situation in Sister Sun’s store, and Brother Sun took a few takeaways and put them on the table.


The sound of an electric car rang behind Xu Fu, and another takeaway brother came over and smiled at him "hehe".

"Boss, give it a hand!"

Xu Fu quickly moved away.

Soon, Big Sister Sun came over again with takeaways.

"This is the 15 orders on Changyun Road! Brother, you have to hurry up!"

Xu Fu walked back with a frustrated expression.

Seeing that the front door of his store is very beautiful, four or five guests are eating slowly there.

If we calculate according to this passenger flow, the cost of water, electricity and rent can not be recovered in one day!

"Gathering food?"

Xu Fu walked back to the store and after thinking about it, he said to Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, let's try it too!"

Businessmen are unprofitable and cannot afford to be early, and where there is interest, their sense of smell will be better than anything else.

Seeing that everyone around him has eaten crabs, more and more people have joined the food gathering.


The takeaway.

Tianhai City originally had people specializing in food delivery.

Yang Qi initially planned to win them over and become a contracted rider of Jumei.

But when I heard that the delivery fee for each order turned out to be only 6 yuan, those old oily guys just screamed!

"What's the kidding? We usually start with 10 yuan for a single order, and you have to add more for those who are far away! 6 yuan, who do you look down on?"

"That's right, other big catering companies are much more generous than you! Don't learn how to make takeaways if you don't have money!"

The Gourmet staff explained calmly.

"We are a collection of all the catering businesses in the city. In other words, as long as you come here. There will be orders within 24 hours. As long as you are willing to fight, there is no upper limit on the money!"

"It's better than yours now, with so few orders every day. How much can you earn even if the single price is higher?"

When some takeaway riders heard these words, they all showed contemplative expressions.

Delivering food is not a serious profession.

Many people do it, or just graduated and did not find a suitable job, as an excessive. Either you are getting older, and you can't do anything else.

Generally, if there is a good way out, they will quit this job immediately.

All day long in the wind and rain, earning little, who wants to do it?

An old fritters waved impatiently: "It's useless to tell us less! If the single price is not raised to 12 yuan, we won't do it with you!"

The staff of Gourmet Food just smiled faintly, and didn't care about it at all.

"You might as well think about it first, and then you can come to me if you change your mind later. But you must hurry up!"

After returning, the staff reported the situation to Yang Qi.

Most takeaway groups have this attitude.

If they can't give a high enough delivery fee, they are unwilling to come to cooperate.

After all, they are all at the point of delivering food, and their thinking cannot be expected to be too advanced.

"It's okay! Mr. Zhang has already made a plan." Yang Qi said lightly: "Delivering food is not a technical job, you just have to have hands! Now there are navigations, and no veteran riders are needed. We are now facing the whole world. The society recruits!"

"Soon they will know how happy it is to be able to deliver food at Jumei!"

The influence of the cornucopia is too great, so the food gathering is quickly known to most people. At least this is the case in Tianhai City and most of Jiangnan Province.

Wang Gang is a person who dropped out of school before finishing high school to set up a part-time job.

I have been in the shampoo room, helped the kitchen in a small restaurant, and moved bricks on the construction site. I have been in Tianhai City for three or five years, and there is still a big man in his hand that hasn't saved it.

Recently he followed the fellow to deliver food.

After twenty-five years old, the baby at this age will call dad. He has no money and can't afford to marry a daughter-in-law. Only then did he start to worry about the future.

How can I make money?

Now as long as I can make money and let me eat shit, I will do it!

Wang Gang thought so sad.

On this day, when he was delivering food, he passed a bus stop sign and suddenly saw an advertisement for gathering food to recruit riders.

"Jumeimei solemnly promises that orders can be received 24 hours a day! There is no upper limit on the number of orders received every day, first served first! As long as you are willing to fight, a monthly income of ten thousand is not a dream!"

Wang Gang was shocked at the time!

"What, a month... a monthly income of over 10,000? Fake it!"

In his eyes, those who can earn more than 10,000 yuan a month are those who graduated from college and work in office buildings!

He is very satisfied if he wants a person with no academic qualifications and no family background, as long as he can have six or seven thousand in a month.

"Could it be a lie?"

He clenched his fists very nervously, "However, Ju Food is under the banner of Cornucopia. The Cornucopia is also the industry of Shengshi Group! This is the TOP10 Niubi Enterprise in Jiangnan Province! Wouldn't it be a lie?"

After thinking for a long time, his palms sweated nervously.

Looking at the contact information of the personnel department below, he finally made up his mind!

Give it a try!

Anyway, I don’t have anything, try it and I won’t get pregnant!

Ever since, Wang Gang took out his Xiaomi mobile phone and dialed the recruitment contact number.

At first, I just wanted to give it a try, but when the person in charge of the food delivery department clearly told him the conditions, he was still surprised!

Five insurances and one housing fund are fully paid. Although each order is only 6 yuan, the amount of the order is at least six or seven times the previous one!

In other words, as long as he works hard enough, more than 10,000 a month is not a problem at all!

Anyway, his time is not worth money, as long as he can make more money, he will fight for it!

As a result, he had enough energy, only slept for six hours a day, desperately taking orders and delivering them! Even when I was eating, I was waiting for the traffic lights on the road, and I took a bite of a pie and a bite of boiled water.

Finally, it's time to settle wages at the end of the month.

Wang Gang tremblingly saw his mobile phone text messages, reminding him that half a month after joining the company, he received a salary of more than 10,000 yuan, and he almost cried with excitement!

For the first time in my life, I made more than 10,000 a month. And only half a month! If it's a whole month, wouldn't the salary be more than 20,000 yuan?

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