Shengshi Group Headquarters, Cornucopia Project Team.

As the cornucopia grows larger and larger, it has begun to lay out the Jiangnan area and is now actively developing towards the whole country.

The cornucopia project team has more and more employees, and now there are more than 1,500 people across the country!

Therefore, in Building A of the headquarters of Shengshi Group, one-third of the floors are now allocated to the cornucopia.

Although the general manager Yang Qi is not the vice president in charge, his status is higher than that of the vice president of the old project team.

This morning, Yang Qi was looking at the files on the computer.

Cornucopia and Gathering Food are prepared with two hands, and both need to be advanced at the same time.

The cornucopia has been a great success in Jiangnan, and the low-end market has begun to catch up with Amazon's sales!

"At this speed, it is not far to cause them to rebound! We must quickly expand our market before they make a fierce attack!"

Yang Qi carefully plans future development strategies.

But he is not afraid, on the contrary, he is very excited and can play against his former club!

After all, this is the territory of China, and they occupy the right place and harmony with people!

"Society is simple, but people are complicated~"

The phone's ringtone suddenly rang, and Yang Qi glanced at it. The identity shown on it was the name of Guo Xing, general manager of the Food and Beverage Department of Rongxin Group.

Although they are opponents, they are all upper-class figures in the business world at any rate, and there will be some overlaps.

At this time, seeing the name, Yang Qi's mouth showed a smile like an old fox.

"Sure enough, as the President said, they can't help it!"

Rongxin Group’s catering is a pillar industry, and now the launch of Gourmet Food is equivalent to hitting their seven inches!

After trying many strategies to recover from the defeat and no results, compromise is the only path they can choose!

It's just that you didn't use it when you were given a chance, but now you still want to negotiate, why is it so easy?

Yang Qi remembered what Zhang Yi had told him a month ago, and smiled and waited for the phone to ring more than a dozen times before he slowly took it over and connected it.


On the phone, Guo Xing, the general manager of the catering department of Rongxin Group, was already a little impatient.

But when the call was connected, he immediately showed a smile, "Hehe, it's been a long time! Mr. Yang!"

"Oh! It turned out to be Mr. Guo! Oh, it's been a long time no see!"

Yang Qi suddenly realized, and then asked: "How is it? How is business recently?"

The expression on Guo Xing's face was as disgusting as if he had eaten a fly.

How is business recently?

Good you big watermelon!

Rongxin Group is different from Shengshi Group in that it is a listed company. Their financial reports will be announced to the public, and their financial status is no secret at all.

More than a month, their performance has reached below the cut line! Loss of one or two billion every month!

However, he calmed down and said to Yang Qi with a smile: "Hey, now that Mr. Yang, your food gathering is launched, our dine-in is really not easy to make!"

"Hey~ You are wrong about this. Who doesn't know that the catering of your Rongxin Group is a golden sign? If you say your business is not good, who will believe it!"

Yang Qi smiled.

Guo Xing took a deep breath, "Hahaha! Although it's a bit difficult to do, but as the saying goes, the centipede is dead but not stiff! After all, our Rongxin Catering is an old brand, and there will be no big business problems. !"

"It's just that, I am very optimistic about your food gathering project! Let's do it, it is the Tianhai City group. You have started a new project, and we have to come and join us? Just let's do it together! We are proud Xin Catering also joins in!"

"Hey, but let's say yes. They are all old neighbors. You have to give some discounts here!"

Guo Xing said straightforwardly.

However, in the words, there is no attitude of seeking cooperation at all. Instead, it puts on the appearance that I am giving you a chance to win over our big brand.

A mocking look flashed in Yang Qi's eyes.

"Hehe, yeah, yeah! After all, your Rongxin Catering is an old brand! If we don't have your store on the food gathering, it really can't be said! Isn't this giving all the money to other people to make it?"

"You don't know how much the merchants on our platform make now! Ouch, if you come here, other merchants will have to suffer!"

The subtext is also very clear, our Gathering Food is very good now, and there is no shortage of Rongxin Catering without you!

Guo Xing coughed softly, "Hehe, you would really be joking with us! Everyone is a fair competition! I understand that we are all working together to make money. Don't hesitate to mention what conditions do you have!"

Although he was hindered by the old brand of Rongxin Catering, he was unwilling to bow his head too much.

But now the situation is stronger than that of people. Once the mode of gathering food was launched, it was too popular! If they don't join, they will only lose themselves.

Yang Qi heard that Guo Xing began to soften, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

If you knew you couldn't do it, what would you pretend to be?

"Haha, Mr. Guo, what you are talking about! We are all old neighbors. Naturally, we must consider you first if we have a way to make money!"

Immediately he turned his words: "It's just that! Hey, there is one thing you know. We are all making money at a loss now, and we are spending money in the early stage, and we didn't make any money at all!"

"If you join Rongxin Catering with such a large volume, we are afraid that we will lose more! Anyway, you are also an old brand, even if you are doing dine-in, your business is booming! I don't think it will be mixed with it! Ah!"

When Guo Xing heard this, he became anxious.

"Don't, Mr. Yang! The joining of Rongxin Catering is a good thing for both parties! So, after we join, we don't require you to give upfront subsidies! We will charge service fees at the normal level."

"If our Rongxin Catering is launched on your app, the business will definitely be hot! You can also make a lot of money by then!"

Yang Qi lay down on the chair and said lazily, "Hey, it's really not that I don't want to help you! I am really powerless! So what, I have something to work on here, so let's say that first! Hang it up!"

Guo Xing was sweating profusely, "Don’t don’t don’t don’t! Mr. Yang, let’s discuss something! If you have any conditions for cooperation, please mention it! Red wine, yes, yes, yes, our chairman said it. The European wine supply can be considered to be distributed to you!"

Wait until Guo Xing said this sentence.

Yang Qi smiled faintly, and then conveyed to him what Zhang Yi had said.

"Mr. Guo, you really don't want to find me in this matter! I am also helpless."

"But, I can give you a reminder! This matter is personally discussed with our president, Mr. Zhang Yi, and there may be a turning point! Remember, only your chairman, Ms. Han Yunuo, will discuss it in person. Don't waste that time!"

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