Zhang Yi looked at the naked Han Yunuo, condescendingly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Miss Han, can you still have fun playing?"

He asked with a smile.

Han Yunuo gritted his teeth, "You...you quickly find me a piece of clothing! I will never finish this matter with you!"

"It's just playing a game, really, it's kind of unplayable!"

Zhang Yi waved his hand disapprovingly.

This attitude almost angered Han Yunuo, "You said lightly! Sexuality, thief, shameless scum!"

"Don't be rude to your master!"

A group of maids shouted at her excitedly.

"Hey~ it's okay, I'm always generous, I don't care about it like her!"

Zhang Yi said very generously.

Han Yunuo: "I#%……##¥%"

Zhang Yi spread his hands: "Well, just to show my apologies, how about I also strip it off? So that we two will be fair."

As he said, he reached out to unbutton a button on his clothes.

The eyes of a group of maids were glistening.

"Wow! Master is so bold!"

"It's still daytime, really, I have to enter the house anyway!"

Han Yunuo flushed with embarrassment, "You... don't take it off! What do you want? I wouldn't promise you to do that kind of thing in front of so many people!"

The implication is that where there are few people, you can!

A playful smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Yi's mouth, and he stopped his hand.

"Why, do you think I want something to happen to you?"

"Isn't it? Isn't everything you have done so far to get my body?"

Han Yunuo stared at Zhang Yi angrily.

She took a deep breath, as if she had made a huge sacrifice, and even slowly released the arms that covered her body.

The extremely proud body is undoubtedly revealed at this time. Even the beautiful and first-rate maids around them are full of jealousy after seeing them.

"Cut, it's really the next body!"

"What are you doing? Is it possible that you are here to compete with us?"

"This is smashing our jobs! Auntie, you have crossed the line!"

Han Yunuo tried to suppress the shame in his heart, and his body trembled slightly.

"As long as you...you promised to let go of my group, I can give you what you want today!"

She bit her lip and said.

Next, she closed her eyes and waited for the handsome man in front of her to rush to take possession of her.

Compared to Li Chunming's fat pig, Zhang Yi really made her more acceptable.

But after waiting for a long time, did not wait for Zhang Yi to come over and do whatever she wanted.

Instead, a disdainful chuckle came from my ear.

"Ha ha ha, do you really think that everything I do is for you?"

"Han Yunuo, you take yourself too seriously!"

Zhang Yi's indifferent mockery came over.

Han Yunuo opened his eyes in astonishment, and pointed to Zhang Yi in disbelief: "You...what do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple. What I want to do has always been to kill Rongxin Group! Tianhai City does not need two super enterprises, your existence is too eye-catching!"

"You wouldn't be so naive to think that I did all these things for your sake?"

Zhang Yi's face was mocking.

"Maybe it has something to do with you, but it's just a lesson to you."

"Woman? Am I missing?"

He opened his arms, showing his huge maid team!

"As long as I want, I can get any kind of woman. You think your body is very valuable, but to me, it's not much better than them!"

"If you use this to negotiate terms with me, then you are very wrong!"

As Zhang Yi said, he stood up, turned and walked into the villa.

"Give her a dress to put on!"

At this time, Han Yunuo, the last trace of pride in his heart was also completely shattered by Zhang Yi.

Her identity and status were disintegrated little by little by Zhang Yi. The only self-esteem left now comes from the self-confidence in her body, and Zhang Yi criticized it as worthless.

The first beautiful woman in the business community of Tianhai City was shocked and confused at this time.

Is it really so cheap?

After the clothes were stripped off, her shame was also crushed to powder.

Just when she was confused and hesitated, Yiyi walked over with a set of clothes and handed it to her.

"Miss Han, please put on this dress!"

She said with a sweet smile.

Only then did Han Yunuo react, and when he looked down, he turned out to be a pink cat ear maid costume!

"This...this dress is too..."

"I only have this kind of clothes! I hope it fits." Yiyi smiled sweetly.

Han Yunuo couldn't do anything about it. At this time, she couldn't keep this appearance. She just took Yiyi's clothes and put them on quickly.

With this wear, the problem was discovered.

She is plumper than Yiyi, so her clothes are tight, and the gully on her chest is bottomless.

The suit itself is a bit interesting, revealing a deep belly, above the fourth rib. As a result, it is even more exposed.

"This... is there no other clothes?"

Han Yunuo asked with a flushed face.

"I'm really sorry, but there are no more clothes of your size right now!"

Yiyi smiled.

"Please come in, my master is inside! If you have anything to talk to him, this is your last chance!"

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you plan to leave now!"

Han Yunuo's shame was completely shattered by Zhang Yi.

At this time, Zhang Yi has already been humiliated, and even if he leaves now, there will be no better results.

So she took a deep breath and slowly stepped up the steps.

Zhang Yi was in the room, waiting for her while drinking coffee.

Speaking of which, he would often drink tea. However, the habit formed at work is still not able to resist the sweet cappuccino.

Therefore, Su Mingyu specifically asked the people of the group to buy coffee beans from the production area of ​​Kilimanjaro, and then mix them with the milk produced by the highest-quality cows and soak them for him.

At the door, Han Yunuo walked in step by step, the blush on her face had not subsided, looking at Zhang Yi, her face was full of complexity.

He has no dignity, letting go of everything and begging him to let him go.

If he refuses, he will lose everything he currently has.

Zhang Yi raised his head and looked at this famous business queen in Jiangnan. The glamorous young woman Han Yunuo was standing in front of her in a cat ear maid outfit, with a different kind of pleasure in her heart.

"sit down!"

He said lightly.

Han Yunuo walked over, and his hips were about to be placed on the sofa.

"Wait! I let you sit here!"

Zhang Yi pointed at the carpet under his feet.

"This is where the pet should be!"

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