Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 289 Shareholders' Meeting

Zhang Yi is very clear about the attitude of Rongxin Group.

Its existence is not necessary!

Although offline business is not the main direction of Shengshi Group, it is still a big piece of cake so far, and it can bring nearly tens of billions of profits every year! So he will naturally continue to operate.

Then the Rongxin Group, which competes with the Shengshi Group in the same area, should be eliminated as soon as possible.

Unless you control the Rongxin Group in your own hands, it is best to swallow it.

Therefore, Zhang Yi would rather not care about the supply of Shengshi Liquor Industry, and he also made up his mind to make Rongxin Group fall a lot!

Sure enough, after the Shengshi Group released the news that it would not reach a cooperation with the Rongxin Group in the food delivery business, the share price of the Rongxin Group has dropped all the way!

On the other hand, Shengshi Group, because it is not a listed company, has little effect.

This made the senior officials of the Rongxin Group anxious.

Now it is not something that can be done simply by letting Han Yunuo step down.

If Rongxin Catering cannot be put on the shelves to gather food, the interests of all of them will be hit hard!

"Can you talk to the people of Shengshi Group and push all the problems to Han Yunuo!"

Guo Xing frowned in Li Chunming's office.

Li Chunming's squat body stood in front of the French windows, holding a supreme crossing the river in his hands, and his expression was gloomy.

"Well, I can only try this now! Han Yunuo must step down to express our sincerity! Now that the Shengshi Group is getting bigger and bigger, we have to know the current affairs and follow them to make a fortune."

Having said that, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"But think about it from another angle, the situation may not be that bad! When Han Yunuo was here, we couldn't get any benefits. Lao Guo, after I took the position this time, the benefits would be everyone's!"

When Guo Xing heard these words, the corners of his mouth also showed a smile.

"Yes, Han Yunuo is the culprit who caused the problem. After she steps down, we will have room for negotiation with Shengshi Group!"

In this regard, the senior management of Rongxin Group, because of Han Yunuo's decision-making mistakes, smashed to the end with Zhang Yi, has caused huge losses to the group.

Now because of the launch of Jumei Food, the entire group is facing a crisis, and her prestige has disappeared.

Most of the shareholders in the group believe that she is no longer suitable for this position.

Han Yunuo was already exhausted physically and mentally after being thrown over the table by his men and experiencing Zhang Yi's play.

Half a month passed quickly.

These days have been like years for Han Yunuo. She tried everything she could, but she couldn't find anyone who could help her.

What made her most unacceptable was that one night, she actually received a call from her parents-in-law.

They demanded to take back their equity and no longer give it to Han Yunuo to operate it!

"My son's company was handed over to you, originally out of trust in you, and wanted you to help Xiaole take care of it, and one day it would be handed over to him. But what you did has disappointed us too much! We can't trust you anymore!"

The mother-in-law said coldly to Han Yunuo.

Han Yunuo's whole person is like falling into an ice cave, with 30% of the shares in her hand, which is her biggest support. If she can't even keep these things, then what else is she fighting for?

"Mom, please believe me! I work hard to run the group, just to one day be able to..."

"Enough, don't say it anymore!" The mother-in-law interrupted her words coldly, "This matter is settled like this! The group has been messed up by you now, and you will continue to give it to you sooner or later. It's over!"

The 10% of the shares in the mother-in-law's hand are only entrusted to her to exercise power, and can be taken away at any time.

Han Yunuo sat on the sofa, the whole person has become extremely desperate.

"Okay, I get it! Don't you want to take away the shares? Well, I will return it all to you!"

After she finished speaking, she turned off the phone directly.

At this time, Han Yunuo was lying weakly on the huge soft leather sofa. Even though she was so tired, she didn't have anything to look good at, but she had a pitiful beauty.

She has a charming face, a noble bun, and an S-shaped figure with a golden ratio. Whether it is the exaggerated plump breasts or the slender white and round pink legs, it can make any man go crazy.

"Enough, I'm tired! Destroy it all!"

She doesn't even want to fight anymore now.

Even for Zhang Yi, her hatred disappeared.

Everything is on her own account.

Han Yunuo, Han Yunuo, why did you provoke him?

In the end, everything on his body was gone, and even the body that he was so proud of and defended his dead husband for many years was ruthlessly played with him.

"I'm so stupid, why would I choose to believe that cunning man?"

There was a bitter expression on her face.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a knock on the door, and her secretary quietly opened the door and walked in, reminding: "Chairman, the general meeting of shareholders has begun. Shareholders invite you to pass!"

Han Yunuo opened his eyes and glanced at her, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, just go over!"

She put down her two slender thighs, got up and walked towards the conference room.

At this time, she had no hope at all, but her heart calmed down. For the established ending, whether it is good or bad, people will become much calmer.

Because all struggles and resistances are meaningless.

After arriving in the meeting room, most of the shareholders in the group were there. Except for a small number of people who did not arrive, basically all familiar faces were there.

Everyone looked at her with a bit of joking and playfulness. Obviously, everyone had planned to get her off the stage!

Han Yunuo remained silent, perhaps because he had no hope, and just to retain his last dignity, he took the seat of chairman.

With a smug look on Li Chunming's face, he looked at Han Yunuo and said, "Since Han Dong has already arrived, let's officially start today's meeting!"

The secretary of the board stood up and said impassionedly.

"Now I announce that the impeachment vote against Chairman Han Yunuo has officially begun!"

"Han Yunuo, unfavorable business operations have brought huge losses to the group, and even shaken the group's basic catering! We can't tolerate you continuing to behave!"

"So everyone has to cast their precious votes now to determine the future of the group!"

He extended his right hand towards Li Chunming: "Now, Mr. Li Chunming is running for the post of chairman!"

The scene suddenly burst into warm applause.

"Our group still has to be led by Dong Li to have hope!"

"Yes, yeah, compared to Han Yunuo, Li Dong has a lot more experience in shopping malls! He is more suitable for the chairmanship!"

"A female stream is not good at business, so she should give up her position early!"

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