Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 324 General Manager

Cao Jin drove to the Shengshi Group, looking at the huge office building in front of him, he gradually forgot the unhappiness in his mind.

"As long as I work hard and earn money back! Lulu will still love me and my family will be happy."

He thought so smugly.

Although Zhang Yi made him feel a little skeptical, the work in front of him made him ambitious.

This is the general manager of a subsidiary of Shengshi Group!

He had never dreamed that he would be able to sit in this seat one day!

Cao Jin straightened his suit and walked into the building with his head high.

Faced with the security's question this time, he raised his head arrogantly and said: "I am the new general manager of Xisen Wines. I am here to work today!"

The security asked through the front desk, and the response was really so.

With a smug expression on his face, Cao Jin went upstairs with the security's polite expression.

Xisen Liquor is a subsidiary company with very good performance in Shengshi Liquor Industry. It belongs to the top-ranked existence in the entire department.

Cao Jin first came to HR, and after a simple registration, he was sent to Lu Dakai, the vice president of Shengshi Liquor.

After seeing Cao Jin, Lu Dakai got up from the seat and walked over to shake hands with Cao Jin with a smile on his face.

"You are Mr. Cao Jincao, aren't you? Welcome, our Shengshi Wine Industry has a talent like you to join us, it is really even more powerful! From now on, Xisen will rely on you for business!"

Cao Jin was flattered. Lu Dakai is a well-known gangster in their industry. Before that, he was Cao Jin's idol!

"President Lu, don't worry, I will do my best!"

At the same time, his heart is also very excited and proud.

Even Lu Dakai was so polite to himself, he must have been hinted by Zhang Yi.

Hey, who will be the boss of the Shengshi Wine Industry in the future, it is still uncertain now!

Cao Jin thought triumphantly in his heart.

"Then President Lu, I'll meet the people in our company first! As the newly appointed general manager, I have to say hello to them!"

Lu Dakai said quickly: "Okay, OK, then you go to work!"

After sending away Cao Jin, Lu Dakai put away the smile on his face. A funny look flashed in his eyes.

Cao Jin followed HR all the way to the office area of ​​Xisen Winery.

It was not yet working time, but many people in the building had arrived early to prepare for a new day of work.

"This is the office area of ​​Xisen Winery!"

HR pointed to the huge spacious office in front of him and introduced to Cao Jin.

When the two were about to walk in, suddenly one person walked over from behind. He is nearly fifty years old, his hair is a bit gray, but his steps are very steady and his complexion is extremely serious. At first glance, he is a vigorous and resolute character.

When he saw the man, Cao Jin pointed at him in surprise and said, "Mr. Lei Fuming! Are you working here too?"

Cao Jin recognized the big man in front of him, Lei Fuming was very famous in Tianhai City's liquor industry. I have cooperated with their company before, and a random order is tens of millions!

Lei Fuming turned his head to look at him, and asked faintly: "Who are you?"

HR said to Lei Fuming: "This is Mr. Cao Jin, who we just hired as the general manager of Xisen Wines!"

HR said to Cao Jin again: "Mr. Cao, this is Director Lei Fuming! You should know him."

Cao Jin saw the face of the wine industry tycoon with joy, but then thought that he would be his subordinate from today, and his heart was both nervous and excited.

Lei Fuming frowned slightly, "Cao Jin? Haven't heard of it!"

As a bigwig in the beverage circle, he basically knows everyone who can be called a name in this industry.

But the word Cao Jin is unheard of.

Cao Jin's face was a little embarrassed, but HR just smiled faintly: "You will know later. Cao Jin, let's go in!"

Cao Jin nodded and followed HR into the office area.

As a result, as soon as he entered, Cao Jin suddenly found many familiar faces.

"Chen Xian, Sun Zhengqi, Shen Yu... These people are all old people in the wine industry in Tianhai City!"

Xisen Liquor is mainly engaged in the local market of Tianhai City.

No salesperson who can join this company is not an old fried dough stick who has worked hard for more than ten or twenty years in the industry in Tianhai City.

All the bosses of the beverage industry in Tianhai City, they all know, and they have more or less business cooperation.

Cao Jin has been in this industry for four or five years, and has met several of them with Mr. Wu. It's just that when he was drinking and signing a contract, he could only accompany him by the side.

Suddenly, Cao Jin became the boss of these industry leaders. The tension in my heart was directly raised to the eyes of my throat!

"Everyone! Please be quiet!"

HR patted his palms, and the whole office suddenly became quiet. Everyone's eyes were on HR and the newcomer Mr. Cao Jin.

HR pointed to Cao Jin, "This is Mr. Cao Jin, who has just been appointed by our headquarters as the trusted general manager of Xisen Wines! Everyone applauds and welcomes!"

A group of staff members looked at Cao Jin and couldn't help but talk about him when he was young and fresh.

"Who is this person? How come I have never heard of it!"

"Could it be that it was airborne from elsewhere?"

"Who knows, look back and find out where the god is!"

Cao Jin was in such an environment, and he was quite nervous.

Zhang Yi actually made me the general manager of such an important company. I really value me too much!

It's just that you look down on me a little too much?

Cao Jin felt a little nervous.

But when he thought of Zhang Yi entrusting him with a heavy responsibility, he clenched his fists and vowed secretly: He can entrust me with heavy responsibility regardless of his predecessors, and I must not live up to his expectations of me!

Cao Jin took a deep breath and said to all Xisen employees: "Hello everyone, my name is Cao Jin. I have been in the beverage industry for more than four years..."

Speaking of this, there was a burst of laughter from below. It's not a kind of laughter, but a sneer of disdain.

Sun Zhengqi lazily said: "In this department, the shortest working experience has also been for eight years! Now he is responsible for helping us with wheat coffee every day."

At the same time someone laughed and said, "I thought it was an old river and lake, but it seemed like a young man."

"How can you airborne such a person?"

"Do you still have to ask? It must be through the back door!"

Cao Jin was speechless at the time, but could only bite the bullet and finish speaking.

After he said vaguely a few words, everyone applauded sparsely. Then HR took him to his office.

"This is the office for you, and the laptop! Mr. Cao, I wish you success in your work!"

HR said with a smile, then turned and left the office, and then closed the door of the office.

There is only one wall separating his office from the employees, and this wall is still made of glass. Although there was some furnishing, it still made him feel that his every move would be clearly seen.

Cao Jin flipped through a lot of contracts and took a deep breath.

"I must work hard, Lulu and Duo are still waiting for me! Don't let them down."

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