Signed To The Hundred Billion Group

Chapter 386 Physical Guidance

Hu Cheng's excited chest fluctuated violently, and then typed quickly.

"@张奕@李寒冬舞社’s rehearsals are all secrets, you shouldn’t bother you in the past at will!"

After Zhang Yi glanced at the group, he turned his hand off, and he was not so bored and cared about Hu Cheng all the time.

However, Li Handong had a smirk, because he knew that his behavior was equivalent to slap Hu Cheng in the face this time.

So what will happen next with that guy's narrow-minded personality?

Sure enough, he soon saw Hu Cheng's high-sounding words.

He sneered, "Small, you can't take it anymore?"

At this time, a dance has finished.

Zhao Shixi looked at Zhang Yi, pursed her lips, and jumped over like a bird, "Brother Zhang Yi, how did I dance?"

The members of the dance club also looked at Zhang Yi expectantly: "Yeah, yeah, senior, do we dance well?"

Zhang Yi glanced at them, and everyone looked forward to waiting for his praise.

He smiled faintly, and then slowly shook his head, "You still have many shortcomings in the jump!"

Zhao Shixi and the others were all stunned.

I thought I would definitely be praised for performing such a good dance so hard!

But who knows, but waited for such an answer.

The members of the dance club suddenly curled their lips a little aggrieved, "They dance so hard!"

"Yes, the senior doesn't know how to be considerate of others!"

Zhang Yi smiled and shook his head. He himself possesses the skills of [Dance Proficiency], and he is a master in the field of dancing.

Although I have never used it before, my vision is naturally extremely sharp, and I can see their shortcomings at a glance.

Seeing Zhao Shixi and others' unconvinced appearance, he slowly stood up.

"Well then, let me tell you what is wrong with your jump!"

He walked up to Zhao Shixi, smiled slightly, and put his hand directly on her waist, "In the third eight beats of the second action, your waist was tightened too tightly. Relax a little, too tight. Tightness will affect fluency."

"Also, the buttocks are so up, it looks good, but it's a little deliberate."

As he said, Zhang Yi's hand was pressed on her hip again, pressing down hard.

Zhao Shixi blushed when Zhang Yi had eaten tofu in front of so many members.

But after trying it out according to Zhang Yi's guidance, it was surprisingly found that the effect is much better!

She held her heart in her hands with an excited expression, looked at Zhang Yi and said, "Brother Zhang Yi, please give me more pointers!"

When the other members saw this, they gathered around and wrapped Zhang Yi in the middle.

"Senior, please give me pointers too!"

"When I do this action, my chest becomes tighter, can you help me see it?"

"Is this high-leg lift movement a bit not straight enough?"

"When dancing, the place between my legs is always too tight. Is there something wrong with my body? Senior, should I check it for me?"

As a conscientious senior, Zhang Yi will of course give guidance one by one without hesitation.

On the side, Lin Dong looked dumbfounded, and couldn't tell how much envy and jealousy he was.

"This guy has been so popular with girls since he was studying!"

With the phone in his hand, Li Handong took all these passages attentively, and then sent a smile to the group with a "hehe" smile, and gave Hu Cheng a special note.

"@胡成 Don't buckle your hats, we were specially invited over! You see, Zhang Yi is giving them personal guidance!"

After Hu Cheng and others saw the video posted by Li Handong, several other boys quietly downloaded the video and watched it repeatedly.

No way, the appearance of young girls dancing in hot costumes, their white thighs, slender waist, and the turbulent waves made them drool.

The dance club of Tianhai University of Science and Technology is recognized as the place with the most beautiful women. No boy can resist such temptation.

Everyone hasn't enjoyed the first video of the fun, suddenly Li Handong from the group sent a new one.

"Hey, something new is coming!"


A few classmates hurriedly clicked on the video to watch, not only the boys, but also a few girls also looked eagerly.

Everyone has the love of beauty, regardless of gender.

Fang Yuqian gathered her hair, snorted contemptuously, and then leaned in front of Hu Cheng, smiling as a lady as possible: "They are really boring, what's so good about this kind of thing?"

But as soon as she lowered her head, she found that Hu Cheng couldn't help but open the video, watching attentively.

If Hu Cheng and the others were just a little envious when watching the first video, then seeing the second video uploaded by Li Handong, a group of boys were so jealous that they wanted to rush to the dance club to replace it!

In the picture, a group of girls from the dance club surrounded Zhang Yi with a sweet smile, yelling sweetly "senior" one by one, and then scrambling to show him their graceful dance posture.

Zhang Yi flexibly used his hands on their delicate bodies, sometimes touching the soft white legs, and sometimes pressing the plump and elastic buttocks.

There are even a few more bold and proactive girls who voluntarily raised their chests, but due to the angle of the camera, it is not certain whether Zhang Yi has touched them.

But the more you can't see clearly, the easier it is for people to brainstorm.

The other boys screamed in excitement. The girls blushed and gave a light mouth: "So shameless!"

Hearing these words, Hu Cheng nodded earnestly: "Yes, it's too shameless! How can you do such a nasty thing?"

A girl said angrily, "That's right, they made it clear that they are taking advantage of Zhang Yi!"

Hu Cheng's face turned dark, and Qi Qiao was almost angry.

But to be honest, Zhang Yi is really handsome, and coupled with the increase in his charm value, he is a male god-level existence in the eyes of a woman.

Hu Cheng squeezed his phone tightly, and cursed secretly in his heart: Damn Zhang Yi, you have to fight me anytime!

At this time, he glanced at Dong Xiaodai in the crowd.

At this time, Dong Xiaodai obviously saw the video in the group, frowned slightly, and obviously saw Zhang Yi surrounded by so many girls, she was a little uncomfortable.

When Hu Cheng saw this, his eyes lit up, and he leaned over to Dong Xiaodai and said angrily: "Xiao Dai, this Zhang Yi is too much! To do such shameless things to our school girls, so embarrassed to post the video to the group. Come here!"

Dong Xiaodai smiled and shook her head when she heard Hu Cheng's deliberate provocation.

"This is his personal hobby, what can we say?"

After speaking, she turned around and walked away calmly.

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