Knowing that Han Yunuo and Su Mingyu were also Zhang Yi's women, Dong Xiaodai's heart was completely let go.

Even such a strong woman was convinced by Zhang Yi, let alone her?

Zhang Yi stayed at the villa for one night and went back the next day.

Only children like to soak in women's piles every day, and adults understand that... you have to change your taste frequently.

For example, the fifty maids in the house who are like flowers and jade also need to irrigate them with nectar regularly so that they can grow up vigorously.

A girlfriend has the benefit of a girlfriend, and a maid has the benefit of a maid.

For example, there are many things that you don't want your girlfriend to do, and the maid can do it.

So when Zhang Yi returned home, Nuonuo and Yiyi greeted her sweetly and asked her to enjoy the hip-shaking dance rehearsed by a dozen of the best maids.

After finishing the trip to his alma mater, Zhang Yi set out to do another thing.

"Moon God, come out and see me!"

Zhang Yi called for his super artificial intelligence.

Immediately, a semi-transparent perfect girl appeared in front of him, with her snow-white hair hanging on her heels like a waterfall, flawless.

"My dear master, do you have anything to tell me?"

The Moon God bowed to Zhang Yi to greet.

"How did you do the thing that asked you to start biomedical research?"

Zhang Yi asked lightly.

After obtaining the Moon God, an amazing plan emerged in his mind!

That is, get eternal life!

In ancient times, this was the lifelong wish of those emperors, but today, Zhang Yi has also begun to yearn for a longer life.

The happier people live and the more they have, the more they are afraid of death.

Zhang Yi is a common man, so he is also afraid of death and aging.

So after getting the super artificial intelligence that has surpassed human beings for 500 years, the first thing that comes to mind is not to let herself get wealth, but to let her help her to get a long life, or even immortality!

The Moon God respectfully replied: "The current medical technology is very backward. If you want to develop drugs that can extend your life, you must start with basic industrial transformation. First, make medical equipment and drugs 500 years later. Production equipment can then be used for drug production and future medical research."

"What are the requirements?"

Zhang Yi asked directly.

What he has now is money, and his desire for money is already very low. And what he cares about is other things. If he can live longer for himself and the people around him, he will even do whatever it takes!

"I need a large-scale experimental base to start reforms from basic industrial facilities. Then build industrialized robots in the 26th century. In addition, medical research requires a lot of materials, which will cost you at least 50 billion yuan to improve your physical fitness. , A drug that prolongs life has been developed."

Zhang Yi smiled faintly after hearing this number.

"At present, it is really difficult to spend such a large sum of money at once! This is already a small half of my assets. And most of the assets are invested in production!"

"So, I still have to continue to make money!"

His eyes burned, and he returned to the Shengshi Group.

"However, with the current development speed of the group, at least two years of capital investment will be required, and it is difficult to make a large-scale profit. Otherwise, we will not be able to compete with Amazon!"

Zhang Yi looked at the huge one-hundred-inch TV on the opposite wall and said, "Lunar God, turn on the TV! I want to watch the news about the commercial competition between Amazon and Cornucopia."

The entire house is intelligent, and Luna fully grasps all the things that are affected by the Internet in Hemingway Manor.

The TV was turned on directly, and then a dozen articles about the current competition issues between the two major e-commerce groups appeared.

"Amazon started a frantic counterattack after losing a lawsuit against the cornucopia! It is now seizing the market at a low price. According to rumors, the US headquarters has issued an order to stabilize the Greater China market even if it loses too much!"

"Foreign capital is rushing out, and the momentum is fierce. Can the cornucopia withstand the pressure this time?"

"Wu Dabo, a well-known financial column critic, said that if there is a protracted war, the cornucopia will definitely be submerged in the ocean of Amazon's capital."

Zhang Yi looked at the recent business reports, and most people still don't like the cornucopia about Amazon's aggressiveness.

"It's really no way! Even if the lawsuit was won last time, the capital pressure is still like a mountain!"

Zhang Yi smiled and sighed lightly, but he didn't see much panic on his face.

Moon God said: "The current situation is fairly stable. Under the operation of Su Mingyu and Yang Qi, the Shengshi Group has been developing steadily. Coupled with the official support behind it, it will not be as they said. Like that."

Her words suddenly changed, "However, if you want to tie Amazon in China, it will probably take another five years to operate! As for the complete replacement of Amazon, based on the current situation, it is almost impossible in the short term. of."

Luna is very straightforward, and her data are all big data obtained through the Internet, which is extremely accurate.

Zhang Yi nodded, then sat up from the sofa, walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window and looked at the blue swimming pool outside.

"I have already understood this! After all, they are the first to occupy the market. Both their operating model and capital volume are more advanced than the cornucopia."

"Even with some of my methods, the cornucopia can rise in the cracks they haven't discovered, but they are not fools. It is definitely impossible to completely kill Amazon through conventional means."

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and his eyes narrowed with a smile.

"But who said I must use conventional means?"

Luna is a super artificial intelligence in hand, Zhang Yi can't wait to let her present the future technology 500 years from now!

The prerequisite for this is a large amount of funds! So now, he needs to use the fastest means to kill his competitors, only in this way can he get enough money!

If Amazon is not eliminated for one day, his Shengshi Group will not be able to achieve substantial profits in one day, and it will even need to burn money.

And time, he didn't want to wait.

"Moon God, your technology comes from 500 years later, so the current network in this world is as simple as a spider web to you, right?"

Zhang Yi asked the Moon God Road.

Luna replied truthfully: "Yes, master. It is still the early days of the Internet, and the network technology is rudimentary like stone tools used by primitive people. As long as you need, I can invade the network in any area of ​​the world!"

The word "any" was slightly emphasized by her.

"That's great," Zhang Yi's mouth raised slightly, "Go and check all the information on Amazon's Internet and see how messy they are!"

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