Bobo's attitude was so calm and gentle, he didn't pay attention to the contribution of the middleman at all, which made the smile on his face finally a little uneasy.

How could this woman despise herself so much? That's right, she was afraid that she didn't know who she was.

"Hehe, Miss Wei really has a personality! I like you more and more."

The middle-point man smiled confidently.

"It's a pity that you are already late, she is already famous!"

Zhang Yi's voice rang behind him.

He is not happy to see someone come to tease his girlfriend, even if it is a fan.

Letting Bobo make her debut is just for her to show herself on the big stage. Male fans don't need anything at all.

As a man, Zhang Yi knows what ideas these male fans have in their hearts.

All day long, my wife shouted, yelling in front of the computer is enough, but running to me, he will not tolerate this kind of illegitimate behavior.

Zhang Yi walked to the side of the two girls, stretched out his hand and hugged the two of them domineeringly into his arms.

"Thank you for giving me a favor!"

Zhang Yi stared at him and said lightly. Don't be angry!

He doesn't need to be angry with a bastard.

After seeing this scene, the mid-point man flashed a sullen expression in his eyes.

"What is your relationship with Bobo?"

"It's the kind of relationship you see!"

Zhang Yi said lightly.

Popo also leaned on his shoulder obediently, which made the mid-point man clenched his fists, unable to accept the reality in front of him.

Since he first saw Bobo on TV, he has fallen in love with this cute girl. So he came to cheer for her personally in his capacity, and even spent a lot of money for her.

But unexpectedly, she actually still has a boyfriend!

The man in the middle took a deep breath.

It doesn't matter if you have a boyfriend, as long as it is a woman I like, you must get it!

"No matter what your relationship is, I just want to tell you that you leave her as early as possible. Otherwise, the consequences are not something you can afford!"

The scorer said coldly.

Zhang Yi just wanted to laugh when he heard these words.

The midpoint man looks young, just twenty-two years old. The speech of the second disease is the rich second generation at first glance. I am accustomed to lawlessness on weekdays, so why do people have to be accustomed to him!

Unfortunately, he didn't know who was standing in front of him.

"We are very busy. My two girlfriends won the championship. Then we will go to the hotel to celebrate. So please don't get in the way!"

Zhang Yi deliberately said so blatantly.

When people outside said this, the faces of the two girls were a little red.

However, they are all very bold girls, and they are not so shy, but they are bolder and closer to him.

The middle-pointed male's eyes are splitting.

"Bobo, how can you do such a thing? Have you forgotten your identity?"

"Fortunately, I spent so much money to help you win the championship, you 3 with others?"

Bobo looked at him coldly, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Zhang Yi waved his hand and didn't let Bobo quarrel with him. At this time, men need to stand up and speak.

He looked at the middle man, his eyes full of mockery.

"You spent money to help Popo win the championship? Then tell me how much you spent. I can transfer it to you now!"

The central scorer sneered, "I'm afraid to scare you! In order for Bobo to win the championship, I spent more than three million to buy the milk for her to use the ticket! You transfer it to me?"

More than three million yuan is a huge sum of money. Even the wealthy boss in the family can feel very painful to pay so much money in one go.

But after Zhang Yi heard it, he sneered.

"Enter your bank account number, and I will give you the money!"

He directly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened the transfer interface and handed it to the middleman.

"By the way, I spent more than 60 million for the two of them."

Zhang Yi said with a smile, as if the 60 million yuan was not money, but leaves.

Bobo and Zhao Shixi covered their mouths in surprise, unexpectedly Zhang Yi would have spent so much money on winning the championship for them.

Although they had guessed in their hearts at the beginning, they couldn't help being surprised when they heard Zhang Yi say this number.

No wonder they were able to win the championship, it turned out that Zhang Yi manipulated everything behind the scenes.

"Brother, let you spend money again!"

"Yeah, there is no need to spend so much money."

Zhang Yi smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing more than a little pocket money. As long as it makes you happy, it's worth it!"

This amount of money is really nothing, and the two little girls don't know that Chai Mi is expensive if they are not in the head.

Just setting up an entertainment company, hiring professional teams for them, operating behind the scenes, and investing in this "Youth Has Me" program, he spent more than one billion up and down.

The money is completely spent on two young artists, which is incredible in the entire history of the entertainment industry.

Otherwise, why can they be so popular on the Internet now? Even the leading Jiangnan Satellite TV in the country praised them both?

This is the power of capital.

Hearing what Zhang Yi said, the boy in the middle division was a little dumbfounded: "Are you rich?"

Zhang Yi was noncommittal, just looking at the phone in his hand: "Did you enter the amount? I will transfer the money to you now. But from now on, you'd better get away from my girlfriend as far as you can go!"

A dark look flashed in the middle man's eyes.

He sneered and returned the phone to Zhang Yi.

"Hehe, you're fine! It's really nice to have money, don't you think you are great? But in this world, money alone is useless in many cases."

He looked at Bobo and after a little thought, he said, "Remember, I will definitely keep chasing Bobo!"

After he finished speaking, he put his hands in his pockets, turned and left with a face of "later time".

Zhang Yi and the others looked at the back of the middleman, and smiled disapprovingly: "You two will be on fire in the future, but there are a lot of this kind of illegitimate meals! It seems that you have to send more bodyguards by your side."

The bodyguards of Zhanlong Security Company have been trained for several batches, and now their main responsibility is to protect the safety of the Shengshi Group and the people around Zhang Yi.

He has no plans to expand his business outside, because these are retired veterans who have undergone strict screening and training and are more professional than ordinary bodyguards. Of course he keeps such an outstanding talent for his own use.

Bobo grabbed Zhang Yi's arm and smiled: "Leave him alone! This kind of person is so self-righteous, this girl doesn't look down on him! In the eyes of others, there is only the shadow of Zhang Yi! "

Zhao Shixi pouted next to him, "I envy Sister Bobo! There is such a rich illegitimate meal to send flowers. Unlike me, I only have my brother by my side!"

Zhang Yi's heart moved when he heard these words, but he just smiled: "Well, two small green teas. Let's not drink tea today, let's go eat first!"

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