Zhang Yi sat in the car, quietly waiting for Wei Zhiguo to come out.

Now that you have a direct showdown with him, there is no doubt that your relationship will be deadlocked.

But at this point, there is no alternative.

That Wu Nanping was so vicious that he broke his relationship with Bobo and directly pushed him to the opposite of Wei Zhiguo.

Zhang Yi understands that it is impossible for Wei Zhiguo to allow him to continue to communicate with Bobo, and it is impossible for him to give up Bobo.

Therefore, the contradiction between two people is already irreconcilable.

So now, the current problem cannot be solved through moderate means, and we can only find another way, forcing Wei Zhiguo to admit his relationship with Bobo.

Although this approach is a little cunning, it will also affect his relationship with Wei Zhiguo.

However, it is better than a complete break between the two, or he gives up Bobo and makes the poor and lovely girl sad and desperate again.

A few minutes later, the door of the villa opened, and Wei Zhiguo walked over here wearing a round hat and sunglasses.

He got into Zhang Yi's car directly and closed the door severely.

"Uncle Wei."

Zhang Yi said hello.

Wei Zhiguo stared at Zhang Yi. Although he was wearing sunglasses, he could still feel his cannibalistic eyes.

"Unexpectedly, your kid is investigating me secretly!"

Wei Zhiguo's voice was very cold and cautious.

If someone knows that he has a mistress, it will become a major black spot on his resume. The road to promotion in the future will definitely be greatly affected.

Zhang Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "You may not believe it, but I definitely did not deliberately investigate you. I can only say that it was a coincidence and accidentally discovered this incident."

"But, I can understand! You are in your prime of life, and it is too lonely to be always alone. After all, you need a woman's comfort!"

"It's just that if this woman is a married woman, it would be a bit unpleasant."

Zhang Yi said teasingly.

Fang Qing divorced three years ago.

If there is nothing to do with Wei Zhiguo, Zhang Yi would not believe it.

Even if he believed it, no one else would believe it.

Wei Zhiguo fell into silence for an instant.

Now he is very entangled.

He should have been standing on the commanding heights of morality and criticizing Zhang Yi's scumbag behavior.

But now Zhang Yi has discovered his fault again.

Anyway, Zhang Yi Haiwang's is very real, everyone knows Zhang Yi's lecherous things.

But Wei Zhiguo, superficially sounding, secretly had an improper relationship with married women.

Whose problem is bigger?

Wei Zhiguo sighed in his heart.

Now he is almost a hairy himself, and he also says that others are monsters.

"Xiaoyan's mother, has she really done that kind of thing?"

He didn't say anything about himself, but asked Zhang Yi that question.

After hearing it on the phone, he almost exploded.

Although he knew that his ex-wife Meng Lihua was a stupid woman full of romantic love, he felt that Meng Lihua was also Wei Wuyan's biological mother anyway, and he would definitely take good care of her.

Who would have thought that she would do such a brutal thing!

Zhang Yi nodded.

"This is absolutely true. If I hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid..."

He did not go on, but Wei Zhiguo could already imagine the scene at that time.

How desperate and helpless Wei Wuyan should be at that time?

In her heart, her mother is closer than her father.

But being sold by the person closest to her, for her simply lost all the nostalgia for the world!

"No wonder she likes you!"

Wei Zhiguo sighed, feeling a little grateful for Zhang Yi's actions at the time.

"I don't deny that I actually liked her only because I thought she was beautiful at first. Moreover, I really didn't know that she was your daughter at the time."

Zhang Yi touched his nose and said with a smile: "I saw her for the first time in a nightclub. This little girl ran to the nightclub to fish for pros, just to save money to study abroad in a conservatory of music abroad. Then I met her. It's me!"

Wei Zhiguo frowned slightly.

He wasn't surprised that Bobo went to the nightclub, but she actually saved money in this way, which made him a little sad.

If she speaks, Wei Zhiguo will definitely find a way to help her collect the tuition.

To put it bluntly, she still doesn't want to rely on her father at all. Even... I don't want to be too related to myself.

Wei Zhiguo had mixed feelings in his heart and looked at Zhang Yi with gratitude and resentment.

I am grateful to him for saving his daughter and raising it so well.

He has watched variety shows these days, and Xiaoyan's youthful and beautiful appearance on the stage made him deeply gratified.

These are all brought to her by Zhang Yi.

If you don't really like it, it is impossible to set up such a huge stage for her.

But resentment, probably because of his constant peach blossoms, on the one hand, and on the other hand, because he broke his secret.

"Now that you have my handle, what do you plan to do later?"

Wei Zhiguo sneered, looked at Zhang Yi and asked.

Zhang Yi is also unambiguous.

"I am only grateful to you, Uncle Wei! And I love Bobo deeply, and you are her father. Therefore, I will not do anything against you."

"The reason for demonstrating this matter, I just want to say that no one is perfect. Everyone has their own flaws, so please don't ask me to such a high standard. I like Bobo, and Bobo also likes it. Me, this is why we are together."

He looked at Wei Zhiguo and said very sincerely: “Of course, if one day Bobo doesn’t like me and wants to leave, she can leave at any time. You can confirm this with her. After all, she is willing to stay with me. By my side, or come back to you."

Wei Zhiguo was silent.

It was almost impossible to think about this question, and of course she could not return to her side.

Even if he comes back, what can he do for Bobo?

He is a strict father and can't give his daughter much care.

He also knows that Xiaoyan's dream is to become an idol. Now that Zhang Yi can satisfy her wish and give her everything she wants to have, she certainly does not want to leave his side.

"Okay, I remember what you said today. But you have to remember, Zhang Yi!"

Suddenly, Wei Zhiguo said in a very solemn voice, his voice seemed to be squeezed out of the cracks of steel.

"I am an incompetent father. From a moral standpoint, I am not qualified to criticize you. But all this is based on the premise that you are good to Xiaoyan! If one day you make Xiaoyan wronged , I will never let you go!"

With that, he suddenly took out a black iron lump from his waist and slapped it on the car!

Zhang Yi couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, only then did he remember that he was a senior officer who had retired from the army.

He nodded repeatedly and promised: "Don't worry, I won't let Bobo be a little bit wronged!"

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