As Zhang Yi had expected, the public opinion on the Internet had just been pressured down by him with a huge amount of effort, and soon a new situation appeared.

The woman Meng Lihua stood up again and received interviews from several news media.

She seems to be unwilling to come. Regardless of the media, as long as she can speak out and discredit her daughter, she will seize it.

"She's still young, just can't stand the temptation of the outside world. I know that money is irresistible to her, so she will be with that man..."

"Before, she secretly ran to the nightclub just to make money. I don't know how many times I tried to persuade her, but she took it for fun. Hey~"

"I'm sorry to raise my daughter like this. Now I only hope to have a chance to be a good mother. Train her to be a person with three views and integrity!"

"I hope everyone will not blame her. All the wrong things she has done now are my mother's responsibility."

Meng Lihua frequently appeared in front of major media, with a pitiful appearance, telling her helplessness and her daughter's rebellion.

The trend that had been suppressed on the Internet has once again counterattacked!

The keyboard men on the Internet are even more excited.

"Look, how unfilial is this daughter to make her mother so heartbroken?"

"Such a woman is also qualified to be an idol? Isn't this teaching bad children?"

"It is recommended to block directly! Resolutely resist Bobo!"

The Internet's resistance to Bobo is rampant, and many people even ask people to humiliate Bobo to reveal more of her private information.

There were also people who jointly went to the State Optoelectronics Administration to initiate a petition requesting that the Optoelectronics Administration ban Bobo!

However, these methods are not of any use.

With regard to the Internet, Zhang Yi had long used Moon God to completely block Bobo’s personal information, and even Meng Lihua’s contact with Wei Zhiguo was blocked.

As for the General Administration of Optoelectronics, Wei Zhiguo personally went over to say hello.

In the name of his high-ranking official in Tianhai City, the leaders over there naturally have to give face.

However, if the situation is allowed to continue in the long run, even if Bobo is not blocked, then basically it will not be mixed in the entertainment circle.

The people at Poporian Entertainment Media were very anxious.

In their entire company, there are only two artists, Bobo and Zhao Shixi. Everyone knows that if these two Huadans are well trained, they will definitely become prosperous with the resources in Zhang Yi's hands!

At that time, one person will be able to ascend to heaven, and the entire company will follow and enjoy.

But now there is something wrong with Bobo, the Huadan, and there is only one Zhao Shixi who can support the table.

Even because Zhao Shixi and Bobo are from the same media company and are close to each other, they have also been subjected to online violence by many netizens.

Chen Hong was so busy during this period of time, seeing that the public opinion could no longer be controlled, and she also became anxious.

She really couldn't think of any means to get Meng Lihua.

Because regardless of Meng Lihua's ostensibly hopeful dialogue, when Chen Hong contacted Meng Lihua in the name of her agent, hoping to be private, she was coldly rejected by the people around Meng Lihua.

"Our sister Meng only talks to Bobo about this matter! If you want to calm the situation, let her come by herself!"

Chen Hong was dumb.

Bobo is Zhang Yi's heart, and the relationship between her and her mother has long been broken and clean, and there is no room for maneuver.

In desperation, she could only call Zhang Yi, hoping that he could persuade Bobo to reconcile with her mother.

"Mr. Zhang, if this situation continues now, it will not do us any good. Look, can you take a soft look on the surface and let Bobo and Meng Lihua reconcile?"

Chen Hong said his thoughts carefully.

In her view, everything Meng Lihua did was to get money.

Now that my daughter has become famous, I want to come over and make a profit.

Although it is very troublesome to deal with such people, if you can do things with money, there is no need to use Bobo's future stardom to gamble.

Although this way, Meng Lihua may always be blackmailed in the future, but this is also helpless.

Hearing this, Zhang Yi smiled lightly: "Reconciliation is impossible. You don't know what happened between them, but I can only tell you that Meng Lihua has done things that Bobo can never forgive."

Chen Hong frowned and said helplessly: "But now, as long as that Meng Lihua has been speaking on the Internet, all the public relations we have done have no meaning."

She continued to persuade: "There was no shortage of such things in the entertainment industry before. In fact, everyone has reached a consensus. The best solution to this kind of thing is to spend money. Mr. Zhang, you have already spent so much money on Bobo. Actually, you shouldn’t mind spending more, right?"

Chen Hong's meaning is clear.

This kind of trouble is not understood, and continuing to argue will only make them suffer. It would be better to stop the loss in time.

Zhang Yi smiled faintly, and said: "This matter is very deep, you don't understand. Meng Lihua not only wants money, she has someone behind her. Forget it, it's useless to tell you these things. Anyway, what are you doing now? Don’t worry, just do public relations as usual. Everything is within my grasp."

If it could be solved with money, Zhang Yi would have paid for it a long time ago.

But Zhang Yi knew exactly what Wu Nanping wanted from him.

He wanted revenge, he wanted Zhang Yi's face to be swept away, and Bobo was ruined.

When Chen Hong heard this, he had already felt the unquestionable taste from Zhang Yi's mouth, so he nodded: "Then you will handle everything!"

Zhang Yi hung up the phone and put the phone on the armrest of the balcony.

He lowered his head, and there was a swimming pool and a large stadium in the backyard of the villa.

At this time, Bobo, Zhao Shixi, Dong Xiaodai and Wang Kaili were playing beach volleyball.

Each of the four girls is wearing swimsuits of different colors and happily running and chasing on the artificial beach.

Under the soft sunlight, the beautiful carcass was shining with white light, and the bumpy curve violently bullied with the movement of running and jumping, full of hormonal breath.

Bobo's skills are very good and his physical strength is also very strong. Every jump is accompanied by the elastic bouncing of three huge volleyballs.

Since the incident, Zhang Yi has kept Bobo at home, and tried to minimize her time on Weibo and entertainment news.

Then, let a few other girls play with her to unlock her heart.

So in the past few days, Bobo's mood has improved a lot.

Although I checked the evaluation of her on the Internet a few days ago, I was melancholy for a long time, but soon recovered.

However, Zhang Yi knew that the matter had to be resolved as soon as possible.

It is impossible for her to escape from this kind of thing for a lifetime, otherwise it would be a lifetime regret for her if the star road was ruined at the beginning.

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