Someone once said that the Internet has no memory.

This statement is not entirely accurate.

The Internet has memories, and many things have been stored in everyone's brains for a period of time.

But just like the brain can forget something, the information on the Internet is also updated in real time.

Every day, every hour, every minute or even every second, interesting things are happening in this world.

Today it may be the bankruptcy of a certain rich man, obviously it may be a celebrity cheating in marriage...

In short, in the Internet age, the information of the entire society is concentrated and exposed to the eyes of billions of people.

Therefore, when these gossip news that people only talk about after dinner is updated and iterated quickly, people will also like the new and dislike the old to pay attention to what has happened, and gradually forget the old love.

For example, in the past week, the top spot of the major entertainment news and self-media hot search news, there is no doubt that Bobo was accused by his biological mother.

But since yesterday, the incident at the BoringSun nightclub in Jinling broke out, people slowly didn't bother to pay attention to Bobo's affairs.

Whether it is videos, chat records or various materials, it shows that there is a very dark and luxurious upper-class gold cave in Jinling.

There are filth and dirt in it, and there are countless dirty transactions. All kinds of big shots played with ordinary people wantonly and trampled the legal system on the soles of their feet.

Some things may be well known to everyone in their hearts, but they just can't be exposed. Once exposed, it will become a huge social problem!

If Popo’s incident was just a matter of disharmony in family relations and personal morality, then the incident at Jinling BoringSun Hotel was even more creepy and unforgettable!

Because it represents someone blatantly trampling on the social order and treating ordinary people as playthings!

That's why it has caused a violent response from the whole society, and it is not an exaggeration to even describe it as an uproar!

People may not care about the story between Popo and her mother, because they can't be involved anyway.

But what the BoringSun nightclub revealed was the trampling of the people at the bottom of society by the upper class. As long as you go deep into the association, you will feel the creeps!

Because no one can guarantee that the girl who will be violated in those videos next time will not be herself or the people around her!

Therefore, in just half a day, this incident directly caused a powerful tsunami on the domestic network! It even alarmed many netizens abroad and caused heated discussions around the world!

Inside a villa in Jinling.

Wu Nanping just ended his madness with Meng Lihua.

Although Meng Lihua is more than 40 years old, she is well maintained and has better skills than young girls.

If you ignore the unconcealable wrinkles on her face, overall Wu Nanping feels good.

Of course, it’s okay to have fun occasionally, after all, if you eat too much fresh seafood, it’s good to have some whole grains occasionally to improve your appetite.

"I will make an appointment with in two days, and I will have an exclusive interview with you. Then don't forget what I told you, and do your best to put the blame on your daughter."

" Is that one of the largest gossip entertainment websites in China?"

Meng Lihua was wearing only one pajama, and she didn't care about her happy happiness at all, and asked lazily.

"Yes, is the most well-known gossip entertainment website in China. It has exploded anecdote that caused many top stars to retreat. As long as they give you an exclusive interview, Bobo will be completely finished!"

Wu Nanping said smugly.

There was a cheerful expression in his eyes, and Wu Nanping became angry at the thought of her indifferent expression to herself when she went to pursue Bobo with a deadly face.

You don’t like my son-in-law of the Jinling family pursuing you, but you are in love with a businessman who has no power and no power. Are you blind?

Humph, soon I will ask you to kneel over and beg me to give you a way out! Then become my plaything.

Wu Nanping became happier as he thought about it. Looking at the charming mother of Bobo next to him, and remembering how hot she was in bed, Wu Nanping began to look forward to it. When Bobo came over, what would happen to the three of them together. Exciting scene.

Unexpectedly, the brothers who were originally decadent also had a tendency to rise.

Wu Nanping was full of joy in his heart, only feeling that everything was within his grasp.

This time, as long as Meng Lihua was in her own hands, no matter how rich Zhang Yi was, she couldn't fight herself.

What if he is the richest man in China in name?

Being rich does not mean you have everything.

He can't grasp the direction of domestic public opinion. It's already pretty good to be able to spend a lot of money to squeeze it down once or twice. If you continue to do it, hehe, I am afraid that the relevant department will ask you to come over for tea.

Wu Nanping is Men Qing.

The importance of public opinion in the country is quite high. If some capitalists try to use the power of money to control it, they will certainly anger the government.

"Zhang Yi, it is your biggest mistake in your life to provoke me!"

An icy look flashed across Wu Nanping's eyes.

"In the next step, I will let everyone know that you have taken care of Bobo. Hey, what a pity, I still have to give Wei Zhiguo some face, so I can’t disclose Bobo’s identity. Otherwise, you will be completely finished. Now! Humph, what business godfather, I will make you stink to the end by then!"

It's not that Wu Nanping doesn't know Zhang Yi's influence in China now.

Whether it is the blood of the blue dragon or the matter of living in an apartment, he has become a hero and even a savior in the hearts of the people.

Especially young people, the admiration for him cannot be increased.

This made Wu Nanping very upset. He was just a stinky businessman. Why should he be so dragged?

He doesn't look down on businessmen, but in his eyes businessmen are just wage earners who work for such powerful and powerful people as him.

If this were in the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Yi would not even have the qualifications to wear silk!

"Just wait and see for me! It's only the first step now. First get that bitch Bobo to play with, and then there is the next step!"

There was a vicious look in Wu Nanping's eyes.

When Zhang Yi was in Tianhai City, Wu Nanping would never forget what Zhang Yi did to his mother.

Until now, his mother often had nightmares, dreaming of the bloody pig's head.

This made Wu Nanping gritted his teeth and vowed to make Zhang Yi pay a huge price!

"The rich can't fight the powerful. Now even Wei Zhiguo is offended by you. Without the backer, I have to see what you play with me!"

Wu Nanping sneered, as if he had seen the end of his victory.

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