In less than half a day, the information of Jinling Birthday Hotel was spread all over the sky.

Although all major online platforms removed the materials immediately, these things have long been saved by netizens and spread privately.

If it's just general privacy information, maybe everyone is not particularly interested.

However, Zhang Yi understands that such a thing must be something everyone likes to see.

After all, the biggest problem with birthdays is actually pimping and finding water fish for those VIP customers by various means.

Therefore, the chat records and video content he sent out are very popular, and they can even be directly published and distributed. Presumably, the sales volume will definitely not be worse than that of a certain Beijing hot and a certain book.

In less than a day, these things became extremely popular, and caused an upsurge among netizens!

"Wow, these people are too good at playing! They saved so many video files, hehehe, what a nice person!"

"The above said this is the birthday nightclub in Jinling. This store is really popular all over the country! Hey, I want to go to play in the future when I have money. There are so many tricks in the video!"

"If you can become a VIP, you can get whatever you like. And it's not just the professional ones, it's exciting to think about it."

"But imagine this kind of thing, it's actually quite scary. Many of those women were drugged without knowing it! Hiss~ This boss must be done."

At the beginning, everyone still held the attitude of watching the excitement, laughing and discussing on the Internet.

After all, places like nightclubs are already very chaotic, no matter where they are, there will be messy things happening.

The way most netizens eat melons is actually nothing to do with them.

However, there will always be some more attentive people who will analyze it seriously.

With some professional analysts, the video and chat records are removed, and then their analysis results are published on the Internet, slowly making this matter change its taste.

"This incident is not just a leak of a small private video. It is an organized, premeditated, and long-term illegal action!"

"The nightclub owner deliberately gathered a group of young and beautiful men and women as ordinary customers, and then selected them for VIP users upstairs like fish in a fish pond. Once selected, they would be forcibly sent to enjoy through various means."

"Looking at their chat records again, this kind of thing is as common as eating every day. Those who just come to play are unknowingly picked and played like toys by them."

"This is no longer simply involved in pornography, it is already a serious trampling on the dignity of ordinary people and Quan!"

"The scale of this nightclub seems to be very large, and the owner behind it must be a powerful person. I don't know how large the network is to run such a nightclub unscrupulously, and then it has been quiet for many years!"

People started eating melons only because of the hot little movies. This is how Zhang Yi attracted most people's attention in the first place.

However, there will always be so-called "good deeds" in the crowd, who are willing to analyze in depth.

In this way, the real problem is detonated.

At first, the people who watched the excitement also began to feel the horror behind the incident.

This is not a common thing like making appointments, finding a skilled lady, or picking up corpses.

It is a very serious crime!

The most important point is that it hits a very fragile pain point in the minds of ordinary people.

That is, powerful and powerful people use their power to play with ordinary people!

After watching the video, those who entered the time of the sage couldn't help but start to reflect.

In the video, the handsome guys and beauties who went in for fun at the beginning looked so good. Ordinary guests on birthdays are very demanding. If their appearance and figure are not up to the requirements, they will not be able to enter.

So when they first received the invitation to enter, they still looked expectant and honored.

But soon, they were fascinated and dragged into the box like dead fish.

Then, it was played with wantonly by those VIP customers.

Thousands of videos, dozens of G's resources, after the initial excitement, quickly made people feel creepy.

Because the so-called VIPs did not treat the prey as human beings.

They want to play with the naked, and there are even many perverted methods.

Those ordinary young people who originally looked young and beautiful are like toys in their hands, and they have completely become a tool for them to vent.

Fearful emotions began to spring up in the hearts of many netizens.

"Oh my God, after reading these materials, I suddenly felt a chill in my back. I won't dare to go to a nightclub anymore."

"Yeah, if someday I was played with by others like this, it would be better to die."

A one hundred and eighty catties dinosaur hugged itself tightly in horror.

"Birthday hotel must be strictly investigated! Who is so brave, if the person behind is not arrested, is there still a king in this world?"

"Birthday bosses must have walls! They simply don't treat people as human beings. If this kind of people continue to live, I don't know how many people will suffer!"

"There are also VIP customers inside. They must be exposed! Let their family see their ugly faces. When they play with other people's daughters and wives, don't they think that they are also people with wives and daughters?"

"These people are all beasts, they have no humanity!"

The netizens were so excited that they began to strongly condemn the birthday hotel!

Most people are ordinary people, and they have a fear of powerful people in their hearts.

Looking at the ordinary guests being played with, everyone was worried that this would happen to them. When watching the video, this feeling is even stronger.

It was fear and panic that caused them to unite and initiate a condemnation of the birthday!

On all major online platforms, discussions on this matter remain hot, and the official office mailboxes of Jinling City and Jiangnan Province have exploded!

Obviously, this incident cannot be resolved reasonably, and netizens will definitely not give up!

This is not the same as Popo's incident.

The gossip entertainment incident is not their business.

But if the birthday night club is not resolved, who can guarantee that the next victim will not be yourself?

People can ruin ordinary people. If this incident cannot be resolved, it means that they have acquiesced to the existence of the privileged power behind the birthday.

Maybe next time, you will be the one who was killed by a car on the road. In the end, they just lost some money and everything is fine.

Maybe next time, your daughter will be insulted by others, and they will walk out from the police station with a smile without any responsibility.

The impact of the birthday incident is no longer a simple information leak, but has caused anger and panic among most ordinary people in the society!

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