Zhang Yi handed the information directly to Wei Zhiguo, because compared to him, Wei Zhiguo knew who wanted to bring down the Wu family.

There is no immortal force in this world. The Wu family has a big business, and its influence has been expanding. There is a faint trend of the largest family in the south of the Yangtze River.

So inevitable, as their power expands, someone will be harmed.

Secretly, there must be someone who wants to bring the Wu family down.

That's why Zhang Yicai said that leaving those materials in his hands is useless and may even become a trouble. But to the right person, it will have a chain reaction, bringing a fatal blow to the Wu family.

Wei Zhiguo is now one of the people most dissatisfied with the Wu family.

Wu Nanping attacked Bobo and touched Wei Zhiguo's bottom line. Wei Zhiguo didn't take it lightly before, first because the situation was contained by Zhang Yi, and second, because he couldn't find a suitable opportunity to take action.

Now Zhang Yi handed him the knife, and I believe Wei Zhiguo has a good way to deal with the matter.

"The next thing will trouble Uncle Wei."

Zhang Yi stood up as he spoke.

If nothing happens, Wei Zhiguo will definitely use the information in his hands to contact certain people.

As for Wei Zhiguo's specific operations, Zhang Yi didn't want to ask. But don't even think about it. For him, these things are not just a tool to bring down Wu's family.

Since someone wants to bring the Wu family down, Wei Zhiguo will surely be able to exchange these things for them with huge benefits.

So this time, Wei Zhiguo made a steady profit without losing money, which was tantamount to gaining a huge benefit in vain.

This is also the reason why Zhang Yi came to look for Wei Zhiguo, which is actually a gesture of goodwill.

"I heard that something happened to your group recently. I can't help you solve this for the time being. I may have to wait until the Wu family has been dealt with!"

Wei Zhiguo said to Zhang Yi.

Shengshi Group is regarded as the leading enterprise in Tianhai City that he is supporting. Su Mingyu has already told him about those things.

However, since the jurisdiction of the Huazhong Warehouse is in Jinling, he will not intervene for a while.

Zhang Yi smiled faintly when he heard the words, "Uncle Wei, it's true that I still have some contacts in Jinling and even Shengjing. I can handle this little problem!"

Now is the time to make use of the powerful people who used the blood of the blue dragon to make friends.

Wei Zhiguo took a deep breath, "Well, if that's the case, I'm relieved."

"Then I will leave first."

Zhang Yi smiled and left Wei Zhiguo's office.

After the door closed, Wei Zhiguo let out a long breath.

"Huh~ This kid is getting more and more scary now! Even I can't see him a little bit."

Wei Zhiguo was even a little grateful. Fortunately, he had a close relationship with his daughter. Otherwise, if one day he plans to deal with himself...

Wei Zhiguo swallowed, feeling a bit cold in his back.

After thinking for a long time, he picked up the phone and dialed a phone number in Jinling.

"Hey, is it Old Secretary Hu? I'm Zhiguo, I want to report something to you..."


After Zhang Yi left the city's official office building, he drove to the villa where Popo and the others lived.

After thinking about it on the road, he decided to add firewood to this matter.

So he said: "Moon God, put the second piece of information about Wu Nanping in your hand directly on the Internet."

Regarding Wu Nanping's important evidence, Zhang Yi held it in his hand for a long time, waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Once those things are released, the waves will be a hundred times greater than the first time!

I kept it before. First, I wanted to see the attitude of the Wu family. Second, I also understood that this stuff would be spread out casually, and it might be suppressed by the Wu family's use of means.

But the situation is completely different now.

The information has been in Wei Zhiguo's hands, and he has also received it. So, soon someone will start to rectify the Wu family.

However, Zhang Yi completely detonated Wu Nanping's incident, which would form a gunpowder keg, and then cause a series of follow-up questions.

Anyway, he had already thrown that Chen Li into the evolutionary feces, and he and the Wu family's Liangzi were also completely married, so there was no need to show mercy anymore.

The phantom of the Moon God appeared on his co-pilot. Of course, the phantom didn't exist in fact, it was just a section of the image of his optic nerve.

Hearing Zhang Yi's order, Moon God nodded.

"Yes, master!"

In the next moment, Luna used the public network to post all the black materials about Wu Nanping he had collected on the network.

This time, Luna used advanced network technology to forcefully send the data to each computer.

And she also added an information lock, that is, no network platform can block or delete this information.

The low-level computer technology of five hundred years ago is not even comparable to the toys used by children to play for Luna. As long as she wants to, the entire world's network will be played with by her.

At this time, Wu Nanping, who was far away in Jinling, still didn't notice that the crisis was approaching step by step, and was still immersed in the drunken life and death with Meng Lihua.

He admitted that Zhang Yi's actions really caught him off guard at the beginning and made him frantic.

But after receiving the asylum of the family, he was not afraid at all.

"Hehe, ridiculous Zhang Yi! He is just a little man who has made a fortune with shit. I really think it is stupid to be able to compete against a family like ours!"

Wu Nanping is now full of confidence, and he is not afraid of the revelation of Zhang Yi's threats.

On the Internet, this time the Wu family has already made preparations in advance. Once any suspicious information is discovered, it will be blocked immediately.

As for whether Zhang Yi will hand over his black material to the official?

Then Wu Nanping doesn't have to worry about it.

In the whole Jiangnan Province, is there any person without their Wu family?

Those black materials are useful or not, and it doesn't matter whether they are true or not. The important thing is that the Wu family has this ability to make it fake!

Even when the time comes, you can have the Internet police arrest Zhang Yi.

Spreading rumors on the Internet and passing on information that affects social stability will lead to jail time!

"After this incident, you will understand whether a rotten orange is a rotten orange. Even if you get lucky, you think you really become a master? Stupid! Bobo, that woman, will still be mine. ."

A cold look flashed in Wu Nanping's eyes.

Meng Lihua leaned over, her lazy face covered with charm, and her purple pajamas couldn't hide the spring light.

"My dear, what is so happy?"

Wu Nanping glanced at her, and he had played enough with this woman during this period of time. Wu Nanping would not bother to touch her if it hadn't been because she could find some of Bobo's shadow.

"Your daughter will be able to come and serve me with you soon, do you think I am happy?"

He held her firmly, and said evilly.

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